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Showing words for PACKED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Packed
[1] filled to capacity; full: They've had a packed theater for every performance.
[2] pressed together; dense; compressed: packed snow.
[3] abundantly supplied with a specified element (used in combination): an action-packed movie.
[4] a group of things wrapped or tied together for easy handling or carrying; a bundle, especially one to be carried on the back of an animal or a person: a mule pack; a hiker's pack.
[5] a definite quantity or standard measure of something wrapped up or otherwise assembled for merchandising (sometimes used in combination): a pack of cigarettes; a six-pack of beer.
[6] the quantity of something that is packaged, canned, or the like, at one time, in one season, etc.: last year's salmon pack.
[7] a group of people or things: a pack of fools; a pack of lies.
[8] a group of certain animals of the same kind, especially predatory ones: a pack of wolves.
[9] Hunting . a number of hounds, especially foxhounds and beagles, regularly used together in a hunt.
[10] a complete set of playing cards, usually 52 in number; deck.
[11] backpack.
[12] a considerable area of pieces of floating ice driven or packed together.
[13] Metalworking . a pile of metal sheets for hot-rolling together.
[14] Medicine/Medical . a wrapping of the body in wet or dry clothes for therapeutic purposes. the cloths so used. Obsolete . the state of being so wrapped.
[15] Mining . Also called pack wall. a rubble wall for supporting a roof. any of various other roof supports of timber, timber and rubble, or rubble and wire mesh.
[16] a cosmetic material, usually of a pastelike consistency, applied either to the face or to the hair and scalp: a mud pack; a beauty pack; a henna pack.
[17] pac2(def 1) .
[18] Obsolete . a plot; conspiracy.
[19] Obsolete . a low or worthless person.
[20] to make into a pack or bundle.
[21] to form into a group or compact mass.
[22] to fill with anything compactly arranged: to pack a trunk.
[23] to put into or arrange compactly in a trunk, valise, etc., as for traveling or storage: I packed a two-week supply of clothes for the trip.
[24] to press or crowd together within; cram: The crowd packed the gallery.
[25] to prepare for marketing by putting into containers or packages: to pack fruit for shipping.
[26] to make airtight, vaportight, or watertight by stuffing: to pack the piston of a steam engine.
[27] to cover or envelop with something pressed closely around.
[28] to load, as with packs: We packed the mules and then set off for the lake.
[29] to carry or wear, especially as part of one's usual equipment: to pack a gun.
[30] Informal . to deliver (a powerful blow, strong message, etc.): He packs a better punch than any heavyweight in years. His speech packed a powerful plea for peace.
[31] to treat with a therapeutic pack.
[32] to pack goods in compact form, as for transportation or storage (often followed by up ).
[33] to place clothes and personal items in a suitcase, trunk, etc., preparatory to traveling.
[34] to be capable of or suitable for compact storage or packing for transportation: articles that pack well.
[35] to crowd together, as persons: The audience packed into the auditorium.
[36] to become compacted: Wet snow packs readily.
[37] to collect into a group: The grouse began to pack.
[38] transporting, or used in transporting, a pack or load: pack animals.
[39] compressed into a pack; packed.
[40] used in or adapted for packing: pack equipment.
[41] Chiefly Scot. (of animals) tame.
[42] pack in /up , to relinquish or give up; quit: One failure was no reason to pack the whole experiment in. After thirty years of touring, the violinist packed his career up and retired.
[43] pack off /away , to dispatch: We packed the kids off to camp for the summer. to leave hastily.
[44] to choose, collect, arrange, or manipulate (cards, persons, facts, etc.) so as to serve one's own purposes: to pack the deck; to pack a jury.
[45] completely filled; full a packed theatre
[46] (of a picnic type of meal) prepared and put in a container or containers beforehand; prepacked a packed lunch
[47] a bundle or load, esp one carried on the back (as modifier ) a pack animal
[48] a collected amount of anything
[49] a complete set of similar things, esp a set of 52 playing cards
[50] a group of animals of the same kind, esp hunting animals a pack of hounds
[51] any group or band that associates together, esp for criminal purposes
[52] rugby the forwards of a team or both teams collectively, as in a scrum or in rucking
[53] the basic organizational unit of Cub Scouts and Brownie Guides
[54] a small package, carton, or container, used to retail commodities, esp foodstuffs, cigarettes, etc (in combination ) pack-sealed
[55] US and Canadian a small or medium-sized container of cardboard, paper, etc, often together with its contents Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): packet
[56] short for pack ice
[57] the quantity of something, such as food, packaged for preservation
[58] med a sheet or blanket, either damp or dry, for wrapping about the body, esp for its soothing effect a material such as cotton or gauze for temporarily filling a bodily cavity, esp to control bleeding
[59] short for backpack, rucksack
[60] mining a roof support, esp one made of rubble
[61] short for face pack
[62] a parachute folded and ready for use
[63] computing another name for deck (def. 5)
[64] go to the pack Australian and NZ informal to fall into a lower state or condition
[65] to place or arrange (articles) in (a container), such as clothes in a suitcase
[66] (tr) to roll up into a bundle
[67] (when passive, often foll by out ) to press tightly together; cram the audience packed into the foyer ; the hall was packed out
[68] (tr; foll by in or into) to fit (many things, experiences, etc) into a limited space or time she packed a lot of theatre visits into her holiday
[69] to form (snow, ice, etc) into a hard compact mass or (of snow, ice, etc) to become compacted
[70] (tr) to press in or cover tightly to pack a hole with cement
[71] (tr) to load (a horse, donkey, etc) with a burden
[72] (often foll by off or away ) to send away or go away, esp hastily
[73] (tr) to seal (a joint) by inserting a layer of compressible material between the faces
[74] (tr) to fill (a bearing or gland) with grease to lubricate it
[75] (tr) to separate (two adjoining components) so that they have a predetermined gap between them, by introducing shims, washers, plates, etc
[76] (tr) med to treat with a pack
[77] (tr) slang to be capable of inflicting (a blow) he packs a mean punch
[78] (tr) US informal to carry or wear habitually he packs a gun
[79] (intr often foll by down ) rugby to form a scrum
[80] (tr; often foll by into, to, etc ) US , Canadian and NZ to carry (goods), esp on the back will you pack your camping equipment into the mountains?
[81] pack one's bags informal to get ready to leave
[82] send packing informal to dismiss peremptorily
[83] (tr) to fill (a legislative body, committee, etc) with one's own supporters to pack a jury
Words related to Packed
crowded, jammed, overflowing, stuffed, wrapped, loaded, filled, congested, overloaded, jam-packed, compact, brimming, mobbed, crammed, chock, seething, compressed, bundled, chock-full, tumid
Words nearby Packed
package store, package tour, packager, packaging, packboard, packed, packed in like sardines, packed-cell volume, packer, packet, packet switched system
Origin of Packed
2First recorded in 1520–30; perhaps variant of pact
Words that may be confused with Packed
Other words from Packed
mis·packed , adjective
well-packed , adjective
Word origin for Packed
C16: perhaps changed from pact
Synonyms for Packed
arranged, congested, crowded, filled, jam-packed, jammed, loaded, overflowing, overloaded, stuffed, swarming, wrapped, brimming, bundled, chock, compact, compressed, consigned, crammed, mobbed, seething, awash, brimful, chock-full, full to the gills, packed like sardines, serried, to the roof, tumid, up to the hilt, up to the rafters, wall-to-wall