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Showing words for PAIN using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Pain
3 Letter Words for Pain
Definitions for Pain
[1] physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.
[2] a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body: a back pain.
[3] mental or emotional suffering or torment: I am sorry my news causes you such pain.
[4] pains, laborious or careful efforts; assiduous care: Great pains have been taken to repair the engine perfectly. the suffering of childbirth.
[5] Informal . an annoying or troublesome person or thing.
[6] to cause physical pain to; hurt.
[7] to cause (someone) mental or emotional pain; distress: Your sarcasm pained me.
[8] to have or give pain.
[9] feel no pain , Informal . to be intoxicated: After all that free beer, we were feeling no pain.
[10] on /upon /under pain of , liable to the penalty of: on pain of death.
[11] pain in the ass , Slang : Vulgar . pain(def 5) .
[12] pain in the neck , Informal . pain(def 5) .
[13] the sensation of acute physical hurt or discomfort caused by injury, illness, etc
[14] emotional suffering or mental distress
[15] on pain of subject to the penalty of
[16] Also called: pain in the neck , (taboo) pain in the arse informal a person or thing that is a nuisance
[17] to cause (a person) distress, hurt, grief, anxiety, etc
[18] informal to annoy; irritate
Words related to Pain
cramp, fever, burn, sickness, soreness, agony, irritation, wound, strain, discomfort, illness, torment, misery, twinge, ache, trouble, injury, tenderness, spasm, heartache
Words nearby Pain
paillard, paillasse, paillette, paillon, paimio chair, pain, pain in the neck, pain-pleasure principle, paine, paine, thomas, pained
Origin of Pain
1250–1300; Middle English peine punishment, torture, pain < Old French < Latin poena penalty, pain < Greek poinḗ penalty
Other words from Pain
un·der·pain , noun
un·pain·ing , adjective
Word origin for Pain
C13: from Old French peine, from Latin poena punishment, grief, from Greek poinē penalty
Synonyms for Pain
ache, agony, burn, cramp, discomfort, fever, illness, injury, irritation, misery, sickness, soreness, spasm, strain, tenderness, torment, trouble, twinge, wound, affliction, catch, convulsion, crick, distress, gripe, hurt, laceration, malady, pang, paroxysm, prick, smarting, sting, stitch, throb, throe, tingle, torture