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Showing words for PAINTED using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Painted

depaint, inadept, painted, patined

6 Letter Words for Painted

adient, detain, dipnet, nidate, pained, pandit, panted, pantie, patine, pedant, pentad, pianet, pineta, tienda

5 Letter Words for Painted

adept, anted, apted, daine, daint, dante, denat, depit, detin, diane, enapt, endia, enpia, entad, entia, idant, ident, ideta, inapt, inept, nepit, niepa, paine, paint, paned, pated, paten, patin, penda, penta, pidan, piend, pieta, pinda, pined, pinta, pinte, taped, tapen, teind, tenai, tenia, tepid, tinea, tined

4 Letter Words for Painted

aden, adet, adit, aide, aine, aint, anet, ante, anti, aped, ated, atip, dain, dane, dant, date, dean, deia, deni, dent, depa, dept, deti, detn, dian, diet, dine, dint, dipt, dita, dite, eadi, edit, epit, etna, idea, inde, inta, naid, nape, neap, neat, nepa, neti, nide, nied, nipa, padi, paid, pain, pand, pane, pant, patd, pate, peai, pean, peat, peda, pend, peni, pent, peta, pian, pied, pien, piet, pina, pind, pine, pint, pita, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, tape, tead, tean, teap, tend, tepa, tide, tied, tien, tind, tine, tipe

3 Letter Words for Painted

ade, adp, aid, ain, ait, and, ane, ant, ape, apt, ate, atp, dae, dan, dap, dat, dea, dei, den, dep, det, dia, die, din, dip, dit, dna, dpi, dpt, ead, ean, eat, edp, end, epa, epi, eta, ida, ide, idp, ind, int, ita, itd, nad, nae, nap, nat, nea, ned, nei, nep, net, nid, nie, nip, nit, pad, pan, pat, pdn, pea, ped, pen, pet, pia, pid, pie, pin, pit, pta, pte, tad, tai, tan, tap, tea, ted, ten, tid, tie, tin, tip, tpd, tpi

Definitions for Painted

[1] reproduced or represented in paint: a painted image.
[2] covered with a coating of paint: a painted chair.
[3] unreal; artificial; feigned: a painted life.
[4] exaggerated or misrepresented: a luridly painted version of what really happened.
[5] covered with makeup, especially to excess.
[6] brightly colored or multicolored (used in combinations).
[7] a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art.
[8] an application of this.
[9] the dried surface pigment: Don't scuff the paint.
[10] the solid coloring matter alone; pigment.
[11] facial cosmetics, especially lipstick, rouge, etc., designed to heighten natural color.
[12] Chiefly Western U.S. a pied, calico, or spotted horse or pony; pinto.
[13] to coat, cover, or decorate (something) with paint: to paint a fence.
[14] to produce (a picture, design, etc.) in paint: to paint a portrait.
[15] to represent in paint, as in oils, tempera, or watercolor: to paint an actress as the Muse of tragedy.
[16] to depict as if by painting; describe vividly in words: The ads painted the resort as a winter wonderland.
[17] to color by or as if by painting: Sunset painted the clouds pink.
[18] to apply a substance to, as a liquid medicine or a cosmetic: to paint a cut with iodine.
[19] to coat or cover anything with paint.
[20] to engage in painting as an art: She has begun to paint in her spare time.
[21] to put on or use facial cosmetics.
[22] a substance used for decorating or protecting a surface, esp a mixture consisting of a solid pigment suspended in a liquid, that when applied to a surface dries to form a hard coating
[23] a dry film of paint on a surface
[24] the solid pigment of a paint before it is suspended in liquid
[25] informal face make-up, such as rouge
[26] short for greasepaint
[27] to make (a picture) of (a figure, landscape, etc) with paint applied to a surface such as canvas
[28] to coat (a surface) with paint, as in decorating
[29] (tr) to apply (liquid) onto (a surface) her mother painted the cut with antiseptic
[30] (tr) to apply make-up onto (the face, lips, etc)
[31] (tr) to describe vividly in words
[32] paint the town red informal to celebrate uninhibitedly; go on a spree

Words related to Painted

illustrated, composed, designed, decorated, colored, outlined, drawn, depicted, delineated, enameled, coated, ornamented, rouged

Words nearby Painted

paint-by-numbers, paintball, paintball game, paintbox, paintbrush, painted, painted beauty, painted bunting, painted cup, painted desert, painted greenling

Origin of Painted

1200–50; Middle English peinten (v.) < Old French peint, past participle of peindre < Latin pingere to paint; see picture

Other words from Painted

un·paint·ed , adjective
well-paint·ed , adjective
paint·a·ble , adjective
paint·less , adjective
out·paint , verb (used with object)

Word origin for Painted

C13: from Old French peint painted, from peindre to paint, from Latin pingere to paint, adorn

Synonyms for Painted

composed, designed, illustrated, colored, delineated, depicted, drawn, outlined, pictured, sketched