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Showing words for PARAPHRASE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Paraphrase
7 Letter Words for Paraphrase
6 Letter Words for Paraphrase
5 Letter Words for Paraphrase
4 Letter Words for Paraphrase
3 Letter Words for Paraphrase
Definitions for Paraphrase
[1] a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form, as for clearness; rewording.
[2] the act or process of restating or rewording.
[3] to render the meaning of in a paraphrase: to paraphrase a technical paper for lay readers.
[4] to make a paraphrase or paraphrases.
[5] an expression of a statement or text in other words, esp in order to clarify
[6] the practice of making paraphrases
[7] to put (something) into other words; restate (something)
Words related to Paraphrase
transcribe, rephrase, rehash, explanation, summary, rendering, version, restatement, rendition, digest, rephrasing, render, recapitulate, reword, restate, summarize, disambiguate
Words nearby Paraphrase
paraphasia, paraphernalia, paraphia, paraphilia, paraphimosis, paraphrase, paraphrasis, paraphrast, paraphrastic, paraphyletic, paraphysis
Origin of Paraphrase
1540–50; < Middle French < Latin paraphrasis < Greek paráphrasis. See para-1, phrase
Other words from Paraphrase
par·a·phras·a·ble , adjective
par·a·phras·er , noun
mis·par·a·phrase , verb, mis·par·a·phrased, mis·par·a·phras·ing.
un·par·a·phrased , adjective
Word origin for Paraphrase
C16: via French from Latin paraphrasis, from Greek, from paraphrazein to recount
Synonyms for Paraphrase
digest, explanation, rehash, rendering, rendition, rephrasing, restatement, rewording, summary, version