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Showing words for PARENCHYMA using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Parenchyma


9 Letter Words for Parenchyma

marchpane, pachynema, parenchym, preachman

8 Letter Words for Parenchyma

camphane, cymaphen, nymphaea, panarchy, pharmacy, rampancy

7 Letter Words for Parenchyma

acharne, acreman, anarchy, arachne, archean, campane, champer, chapman, chapmen, cypraea, encarpa, encharm, enchyma, eparchy, hanaper, machera, mapache, marchen, nymphae, panache, paracme, paranym, preachy, raphany

6 Letter Words for Parenchyma

achape, acream, aenach, amhran, ampery, anarch, apache, apeman, aperch, arache, arayne, arcane, areach, camera, camery, camper, canape, canary, canham, caphar, capman, carane, carman, carmen, chamar, champe, champy, chanar, cheapy, chenar, cherna, chypre, crampy, craney, creamy, cyanea, cynara, earcap, ehrman, enarch, encamp, eparch, ephyra, hamper, harace, harman, haycap, herman, hymner, machan, machar, manace, manche, mapach, marche, mayhap, namare, napery, nympha, pacane, panace, panary, panyar, parcae, parchy, parecy, payena, peachy, pearch, pechan, pechay, percha, praham, prance, prancy, preach, preman, pyrena, ramean, ranche, reachy, yacare, yachan, yancha, yarpha

5 Letter Words for Parenchyma

achar, acher, aheap, amhar, amper, ancra, ancre, anear, apace, apery, apnea, arace, arach, arame, arcae, arche, archy, areca, arena, arepa, arpen, aryan, caman, camay, campy, canap, caneh, caner, caper, capra, carap, carey, carne, carny, carpe, carya, chama, champ, chape, chara, chare, charm, chary, chaya, cheap, chena, chyme, crame, cramp, crane, crany, crape, crapy, craye, cream, crena, crepy, cymar, cypre, echar, enarm, enray, haman, hanap, hance, haram, harem, harpy, hayer, hayne, heapy, heman, hempy, henry, hepar, herma, hyena, hymen, hyper, macan, macer, mache, mahar, maneh, maney, marae, marah, maray, march, mayan, meach, meany, merch, mercy, nache, nacre, nacry, namer, napea, nymph, pacay, pacer, pacey, pacha, paean, pamhy, pance, parae, parah, param, parch, paren, parma, payen, payer, peach, pecan, perca, perch, phane, phare, pharm, phren, phyma, praam, praha, prahm, prana, praya, premy, pyche, pyran, rache, ramen, rance, ranch, raphe, rayah, rayne, reach, reamy, recap, reman, remap, renay, repay, rhamn, rhema, rhyme, rhyne, yahan, yamen, yampa, yamph, yeara, yearn, yrneh

4 Letter Words for Parenchyma

aarp, acer, ache, achy, acme, acne, acre, ahem, ahey, amah, amar, amay, amen, amra, anam, anay, ance, anre, apar, apay, aper, arca, arch, area, aren, army, arna, ayah, ayen, ayme, ayne, ayre, caam, came, camp, cane, cany, capa, cape, caph, care, carn, carp, cepa, cera, cern, chaa, cham, chan, chap, char, chay, chem, chen, cher, chmn, chry, cram, cran, crap, cray, crpe, cyan, cyma, cyme, each, earn, enam, ency, epha, eyah, eyra, haar, haec, haen, hame, hare, harm, harn, harp, haya, haye, heap, hear, hemp, hera, herm, hern, herp, hery, hyen, hymn, hyne, hype, maar, mace, mach, maha, mana, mane, many, mara, marc, mare, mary, maya, mean, mear, mech, meny, merc, mrna, myna, naam, nace, nach, name, napa, nape, narc, nare, nary, neap, near, nema, nepa, nypa, paar, paca, pace, pacy, paha, pana, pane, para, parc, pare, paye, pean, pear, pech, perh, perm, pern, phar, pnce, pram, pray, prec, prem, prey, pyne, pyre, raca, race, rach, racy, rama, rame, ramp, rana, rane, rape, raya, ream, rean, reap, reny, rhea, ryen, ryme, rype, yama, yamp, yana, yapa, yare, yarm, yarn, yeah, yean, year, yech, yern, ymca, ympe

3 Letter Words for Parenchyma

aah, aam, ace, ach, acy, aer, aha, ama, ame, amp, amy, ana, anc, ane, any, apa, apc, ape, aph, apr, ara, arc, are, arm, arn, ary, aye, ayr, cam, can, cap, car, cay, cen, cep, cer, cha, che, chm, chn, cpa, cpm, cpr, cry, cyp, eam, ean, ear, ech, ecm, emp, enc, epa, era, ern, eyn, eyr, hae, ham, han, hap, hay, hem, hen, hep, her, hey, hny, hye, hyp, maa, mac, mae, man, map, mar, may, mea, meh, men, mer, mna, mph, mya, myc, naa, nae, nah, nam, nap, nar, nay, nea, nep, nye, pac, pah, pam, pan, par, pay, pcm, pea, pec, peh, pen, per, phr, prc, pre, prn, pry, pya, pye, pyr, rah, ram, ran, rap, ray, rea, rec, reh, rem, rep, rha, rhe, rhy, rna, rpm, rya, rye, yah, yam, yan, yap, yar, yea, yeh, yen, yep, yer

Definitions for Parenchyma

[1] Botany . the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
[2] Anatomy , Zoology . the specific tissue of an animal organ as distinguished from its connective or supporting tissue.
[3] Zoology . a type of soft, spongy connective tissue of certain invertebrates, as the flatworms.
[4] Pathology . the functional tissue of a morbid growth.
[5] unspecialized plant tissue consisting of simple thin-walled cells with intervening air spaces: constitutes the greater part of fruits, stems, roots, etc
[6] animal tissue that constitutes the essential or specialized part of an organ as distinct from the blood vessels, connective tissue, etc, associated with it
[7] loosely-packed tissue filling the spaces between the organs in lower animals such as flatworms

Words nearby Parenchyma

paregoric, pareidolia, pareira, pareira brava, paren., parenchyma, parenchymatitis, parenchymatous degeneration, parenchymatous goiter, parenchymatous hemorrhage, parenchymatous keratitis

Origin of Parenchyma

1645–55; < New Latin < Greek parénchyma literally, something poured in beside, equivalent to par- par- + énchyma infusion; see en-2, chyme

Other words from Parenchyma

pa·ren·chy·mal , par·en·chym·a·tous [par-uh  ng-kim -uh -tuh  s] /ˌpær əŋˈkɪm ə təs/ , adjective
in·ter·pa·ren·chy·mal , adjective
pa•ren′ chy•mal null adj.

Word origin for Parenchyma

C17: via New Latin from Greek parenkhuma something poured in beside, from para- 1 + enkhuma infusion