11 Letter Words for Parentheses
10 Letter Words for Parentheses
9 Letter Words for Parentheses
apertness, aphereses, enhearses, enspheres, hasteners, herpestes, pareneses, peartness, phreneses, pretenses, ratheness, retheness, serenates, serpentes, shepstare, spreathes, spreethes, stephanes, taperness, thereness
8 Letter Words for Parentheses
antheses, arsheens, assenter, earnests, enhearse, enseraph, ensphere, ensteeps, entrepas, entresse, ereptase, esterase, estrepes, etherean, haptenes, hastener, heartens, hepsters, heptanes, hereness, herpeses, panthers, pasterns, pensters, pertness, petersen, phenates, phereses, praesens, preheats, presents, preteens, pretense, raptness, reassent, reshapes, sarsenet, seethers, septenar, serenate, serenest, serpents, sharpens, sharpest, sheerest, sheeters, shepster, sparthes, sperthes, sphaeres, spheares, spreathe, spreethe, steepens, steepers, stephane, terpenes, tesserae, threapen, trapeses
7 Letter Words for Parentheses
aethers, anseres, anthers, apersee, apheses, aptness, arpents, arsheen, aseethe, asperse, asprete, athenee, earnest, earthen, eastern, easters, enheart, enrapts, ensears, ensteep, entases, entraps, entrees, ernesse, estrepe, ethanes, ethenes, ethrane, haptene, haptens, haptere, harness, hartens, hastens, hatress, heapers, hearses, hearten, heastes, heaters, hepster, heptane, heptene, hestern, naether, nearest, nepetas, neshest, nesters, panters, panther, parents, pareses, pastern, pasters, patener, patness, peahens, pearten, peeress, peesash, penates, pensaes, pensees, penster, persant, pesante, pesants, pesetas, pesters, pethers, petrean, phasers, phearse, pheeres, pheeses, phenate, phrases, praeses, preases, preasse, preheat, preseen, present, presets, preteen, rashest, reheats, renests, repaste, repasts, repeats, repents, rephase, reseats, resents, reshape, resteep, retapes, retenes, saeters, sarsnet, sateens, searest, seaters, seether, seethes, senates, sensate, separte, sephens, septane, serapes, seraphs, serenes, serpent, shapers, sharpen, shaster, sheeter, sherpas, snathes, sneathe, sneaths, spahees, sparest, sparthe, sparths, spathes, spenser, sperate, sperthe, sphaere, sphaers, spheare, sphears, sphenes, spheres, spreath, steanes, steares, steepen, steeper, stephen, strenes, strepen, teasers, teeners, teheran, tephras, terpane, terpene, tessera, thaness, thenars, thereas, therese, threaps, threeps, threnes, traheen, transes, trashes, trepans
6 Letter Words for Parentheses
aether, anther, antres, aretes, arpens, arpent, ashets, aspens, aspern, aspers, assent, assert, asseth, asteep, asteer, astern, asters, athene, athens, earths, easers, easter, eaters, enates, enrapt, ensate, ensear, enseat, ensete, enstar, entera, enters, entrap, entree, entrep, ephete, erases, ernest, erthen, essart, essene, essera, esters, esther, etapes, eterne, ethane, ethene, ethers, haeres, hanses, hapten, harten, hasten, haster, hastes, haters, heaper, heares, hearse, hearst, hearts, heaste, heasts, heaten, heater, henter, hepars, hereat, herpes, herpet, herses, hesper, nasser, nather, neater, neeses, nepers, nepeta, nesher, nester, nether, panter, parens, parent, parsee, parses, parten, partes, pashes, passee, passen, passer, paster, pastes, patens, peahen, peares, pearst, peasen, penest, pensee, pernea, persea, perses, perten, pesant, peseta, pester, petars, peters, pether, petres, phares, phaser, phases, pheere, pheers, pheese, phenes, pheses, phrase, prases, prates, prease, preens, prents, presee, preses, preset, prests, pretan, psenes, pterna, ranees, ranses, raphes, rashes, rateen, reasts, reates, reests, reheap, reheat, rehete, renate, rentee, rentes, repass, repast, repeat, repent, repses, reseat, reseen, resees, resene, resent, resets, reshes, resnap, respan, restep, restes, retape, retene, rhenea, saeter, sanest, santee, sarsen, sateen, seater, seathe, seethe, senate, sephen, septan, serape, seraph, serena, serene, serest, shapen, shaper, shapes, shares, sharns, sharps, shears, sheens, sheers, sheets, sherpa, shnaps, shrape, snaper, snares, snaste, snathe, snaths, sneaps, sneath, sneers, sneesh, sneest, spaers, spahee, spanes, spares, sparse, sparth, sparts, spates, spathe, speans, spears, speats, speers, spense, sperse, sperst, sphaer, sphear, sphene, sphere, sprats, sprees, sprent, stanes, stapes, staphs, staree, stares, starns, steane, steans, steare, stears, steens, steeps, steers, stenar, steres, sterns, sthene, straes, straps, streen, streep, strene, streps, taheen, tapers, tasers, tashes, tasser, teaser, teases, teener, teenes, tehees, tensas, tenser, tenses, tepees, tephra, teraph, terass, ternes, terpen, thanes, thapes, thenar, therap, theres, theses, thraep, threep, threes, threne, threpe, transe, transp, trapes, treens, trepan
5 Letter Words for Parentheses
ahent, anser, antes, antre, apers, apert, apres, apses, apter, arent, arest, arete, arets, arnee, arpen, ashen, asher, ashes, ashet, aspen, asper, asset, aster, astre, atees, atren, earns, earsh, earst, earth, easer, eases, easts, eaten, eater, eathe, eeten, enapt, enate, enets, enhat, entea, enter, entre, epees, ephas, erase, erept, ernes, erses, esere, esnes, essee, essen, ester, estre, etape, etens, ether, etnas, hanse, hants, hares, harns, harps, harst, harts, hasnt, hasps, haste, hater, hates, heaps, heare, hears, heart, heast, heats, hents, hepar, heres, herne, herns, herse, hesps, hests, hetes, napes, nares, nates, nathe, neaps, nears, neath, neats, neeps, neese, neper, nerts, nests, neter, netes, panes, panse, pants, paren, pares, parse, parte, parts, pases, passe, paste, pasts, patee, paten, pates, paths, peans, peare, pears, peart, peats, peens, peers, peert, pense, penta, pents, perea, peres, perns, perse, perst, perth, perts, pesah, peste, pests, petar, petas, peter, petre, phaet, phane, phare, phase, pheer, phene, phese, phren, prase, prate, prats, preen, prees, prent, presa, press, preta, ranee, rants, rapes, raphe, rasen, rasps, rasse, rates, rathe, raths, reans, reaps, reast, reate, reens, reese, reest, renet, rente, rents, repas, repen, resat, resee, reset, rests, retan, retes, rethe, rheas, rheen, saner, sanes, sants, sates, seans, seare, sears, sease, seats, seeps, seers, senas, sensa, sense, sente, sents, septa, septs, sereh, seres, serta, setae, shans, shant, shape, shaps, share, sharn, sharp, shear, sheas, sheat, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, shent, shere, shets, shrap, snape, snaps, snare, snars, snash, snast, snath, sneap, sneer, snees, snerp, spaer, spaes, spane, spans, spare, spars, spart, spate, spath, spats, spean, spear, speat, speen, speer, spent, spete, spets, sprat, spree, spret, stane, staph, staps, stare, starn, stars, stash, stean, stear, steen, steep, steer, stens, steps, stere, stern, strae, strap, strep, tahrs, tanhs, tapen, taper, tapes, tares, tarns, tarps, tarse, taser, tasse, tears, tease, teene, teens, teers, tehee, tehrs, tenes, tense, tepas, tepee, terap, teras, terna, terne, terns, terse, thane, thans, thars, theer, thees, thens, there, these, thrae, thrap, three, trans, trape, traps, trash, trass, treas, treen, trees, tress, tsere
4 Letter Words for Parentheses
anes, anet, anre, ante, ants, aper, apes, apse, apts, aren, ares, aret, arte, arts, asps, asse, assn, asst, astr, ates, eans, earn, ears, ease, east, eath, eats, enes, ense, entr, epee, epha, eras, erat, eres, erne, erns, erse, ersh, erst, erth, eses, esne, esse, ests, etas, eten, ethe, eths, etna, haen, haes, hans, hant, haps, hare, harn, harp, hart, hasn, hasp, hast, hate, hats, heap, hear, heat, heep, heer, hens, hent, heps, hept, hera, here, hern, herp, hers, hert, hesp, hest, hete, hets, nape, naps, nare, nash, nast, natr, nats, neap, near, neat, neep, neer, neet, nepa, neps, nese, nesh, ness, nest, nete, neth, nets, pahs, pane, pans, pant, pare, pars, part, pase, pash, pass, past, pate, path, pats, pean, pear, peas, peat, peen, peer, pees, pehs, pene, pens, pent, pere, perh, pern, pers, pert, pesa, pess, pest, peta, pete, pets, phar, phat, prat, pree, pres, pret, psha, psst, psts, ptah, rahs, rane, rant, rape, raps, rapt, rash, rasp, rast, rate, rath, rats, rean, reap, reen, rees, reet, rehs, rent, reps, rept, resp, rest, rete, rets, rhea, rhet, sane, sans, sant, saps, sare, sars, sart, sash, sate, seah, sean, sear, seas, seat, seen, seep, seer, sees, sena, sene, sens, sent, sepn, seps, sept, sere, sers, sert, sese, seta, seth, sets, shan, shap, shea, shee, sher, shes, shet, shpt, snap, snar, snee, spae, span, spar, spas, spat, spet, stap, star, sten, step, ster, stra, stre, taen, tahr, tane, tanh, tans, tape, taps, tare, tarn, tarp, tars, tash, tass, tean, teap, tear, teas, teen, teer, tees, tehr, tene, tens, tepa, tepe, tera, tern, terp, thae, than, thar, thea, thee, then, trah, trap, tree, tres, trna
3 Letter Words for Parentheses
aer, aes, ahs, ane, ans, ant, ape, aph, apr, apt, are, arn, ars, art, ase, ash, asp, ass, ast, ate, atp, ean, ear, eas, eat, een, eer, ehs, ene, ens, epa, era, ere, ern, ers, ert, ese, esp, esr, ess, est, eta, eth, hae, han, hap, has, hat, hee, hen, hep, her, hes, het, hrs, hts, nae, nah, nap, nar, nas, nat, nea, nee, nep, net, nth, pah, pan, par, pas, pat, pea, pee, peh, pen, per, pes, pet, phr, pht, pre, prn, prs, pst, pta, pte, pts, rah, ran, rap, ras, rat, rea, ree, reh, rep, res, rha, rhe, rna, rps, rpt, rte, sah, san, sap, sar, sat, sea, see, sen, sep, ser, set, sha, she, shp, shr, sht, spa, sps, spt, sse, ssh, ssp, sta, str, tan, tap, tar, tas, tea, tee, ten, ter, tes, tha, the, tph, tps, tra, trp, trs, tsh, tsp, tss
Definitions for Parentheses
[1] either or both of a pair of signs ( ) used in writing to mark off an interjected explanatory or qualifying remark, to indicate separate groupings of symbols in mathematics and symbolic logic, etc.
[2] Usually parentheses. the material contained within these marks.
[3] Grammar . a qualifying, explanatory, or appositive word, phrase, clause, or sentence that interrupts a syntactic construction without otherwise affecting it, having often a characteristic intonation and indicated in writing by commas, parentheses, or dashes, as in William Smith—you must know him—is coming tonight.
[4] an interval.
[5] a phrase, often explanatory or qualifying, inserted into a passage with which it is not grammatically connected, and marked off by brackets, dashes, etc
[6] Also called: bracket either of a pair of characters, (), used to enclose such a phrase or as a sign of aggregation in mathematical or logical expressions
[7] an intervening occurrence; interlude; interval
[8] in parenthesis inserted as a parenthesis
Words related to Parentheses
parenthesisfootnote, excursus, divagation, aside, note, deviation, incident, divergence, detour, variation, divergency, diversion, tangent, difference, episode, departure, irrelevancy, wandering, excursion, deflection
Words nearby Parentheses
parenthesisparental leave, parenteral, parenteric fever, parentese, parentheses, parenthesis, parenthesize, parenthetical, parenthood, parenticide, parenting
Origin of Parentheses
is1560–70; < Late Latin < Greek parénthesis a putting in beside. See par-, en-2, thesis
Word origin for Parentheses
isC16: via Late Latin from Greek: something placed in besides, from parentithenai, from para- 1 + en- ² + tithenai to put
Synonyms for Parentheses
apostrophe, aside, deflection, departure, detour, deviation, difference, divagation, divergence, divergency, diversion, drifting, episode, excursion, excursus, footnote, incident, irrelevancy, note, tangent, variation, wandering, discursion, obiter dictum, rambling