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Showing words for PARESTHESIA using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Paresthesia


10 Letter Words for Paresthesia

apesthesia, paratheses, parathesis, sphaerites

9 Letter Words for Paresthesia

apheresis, asperates, aspirates, athrepsia, earthpeas, hearsiest, heartpeas, parasites, paterissa, peataries, pharisees, phrasiest, satrapies, separates, shepstare, speariest, sphaerite, spheriest, spreathes, therapies, thespesia, treeships

8 Letter Words for Paresthesia

airsheet, apathies, asheries, asperate, asperite, aspirate, asteriae, asterias, atresias, earthpea, ephestia, epitases, esthesia, harpists, heapiest, hearties, heartpea, heisters, hepsters, hepteris, hesperis, hetaerai, hetaeras, hetaeria, hetairas, hipsters, parasite, parietes, parishes, passaree, pastries, perishes, petaries, pharisee, pheresis, piasters, piratess, pitarahs, preheats, prithees, raspiest, reshapes, respites, seership, separate, septaria, seriates, shapiest, shariats, sharpest, sharpies, sharpite, shepster, sheriats, sparthes, sperthes, sphaeres, spheares, spreathe, starship, steepish, stepsire, tapisser, teparies, therapia, thripses, traipses, trapeses, treeship, triphase, tsarship

7 Letter Words for Paresthesia

aerates, aeriest, aethers, aperies, apeshit, apheses, aphesis, aphrite, apteria, araises, arishes, aristas, artsies, asarite, aseitas, ashiest, asperse, aspiree, aspires, asprete, asserta, asteria, atresia, easiest, easters, epeiras, esprise, esprits, hairsts, haptera, haptere, harissa, harpies, harpist, hastier, hatress, heapers, heapier, hearses, heastes, heaters, heiress, heister, hepster, herisse, hessite, hetaera, hetaira, hipster, pareses, paresis, pariahs, parises, parthia, parties, pasears, pasters, pastier, pasties, paterae, pateria, patriae, patsies, peatier, peesash, persist, pertish, pesetas, pesters, pestier, petaras, pethers, petsais, phasers, phearse, phrases, piaster, pirates, pitarah, pitaras, praeses, praises, prastha, praties, preases, preasse, preheat, presets, pressie, priests, prithee, raphias, rapists, rashest, raspish, raspite, reheats, repaste, repasts, repeats, rephase, reseats, reshape, reships, resites, respite, retapes, saeters, sairest, saithes, satires, satraps, searats, searest, seastar, seaters, separte, sephira, septier, serapes, seraphs, serapis, seriate, seriphs, setaria, shapers, shapier, sharias, shariat, sharpie, shaster, shastra, shastri, sherias, sheriat, sherpas, sitreps, spahees, sparest, sparthe, sparths, spathae, spathes, sperate, sperthe, sphaere, sphaers, spheare, sphears, spheres, spirate, spireas, spraith, spreath, spriest, sprites, stashie, steares, stirpes, stripes, taishes, tapases, tapiser, tapises, tarsias, teasers, tephras, tessara, tessera, thapsia, thereas, threaps, threeps, tirasse, traipse, trapish, trashes, traship, tripses

6 Letter Words for Paresthesia

aerate, aeries, aether, airest, airths, apaise, aperea, apheta, araise, arepas, aretes, arhats, arises, arista, ariste, arties, ashets, ashier, ashpit, aspers, aspire, aspish, assart, assate, assert, asseth, assith, astare, asteep, asteer, asters, earths, easers, easier, easies, easter, eaters, either, epeira, epitra, eprise, erases, espier, espies, esprit, essart, essera, esters, esther, etapes, ethers, haeres, hairse, hairst, harass, harast, harpia, hassar, haster, hastes, haters, heaper, heares, hearie, hearse, hearst, hearts, heaste, heasts, heater, heists, hepars, hereat, heries, herpes, herpet, herses, hesper, hestia, hirees, hisser, hister, ishtar, paires, paisas, parate, pariah, paries, pariet, parish, parsee, parses, partes, partie, partis, pasear, pashas, pashes, passee, passer, passir, pastas, paster, pastes, pastie, pastis, patera, patesi, patise, patria, peares, pearst, peiser, perais, pereia, perish, perite, persea, perses, persia, persis, peseta, pester, pestis, petara, petars, peters, pether, petres, petrie, petsai, phares, phaser, phases, phasis, pheers, pheses, phrase, pierst, pietas, pirate, pishes, pisser, pistes, pitara, pithes, praise, praiss, prases, prates, pratie, prease, preses, preset, prests, priest, pteria, pteris, raises, raitas, raphes, raphia, raphis, rapist, rashes, raspis, reasts, reatas, reates, reests, reheap, reheat, reises, reists, repass, repast, repeat, repses, reseat, resets, reshes, reship, resist, resite, resits, restep, restes, restis, retape, reties, rhapis, rhesis, riatas, ripest, saeter, sahras, saithe, saiths, saphie, sastra, satire, satrap, searat, seater, seathe, sepiae, sepias, serais, serape, seraph, serest, series, seriph, sestia, setier, shaper, shapes, shares, sharia, sharps, shasta, shears, sheers, sheets, sheria, sherpa, shiers, shiest, shires, shirts, shrape, shrite, siesta, sieths, sipers, sirpea, sister, sistra, sitars, sithes, sitrep, spaers, spahee, spahis, spaits, spares, sparse, sparta, sparth, sparts, spates, spatha, spathe, spears, speats, speers, speirs, speise, sperse, sperst, sphaer, sphear, sphere, spiers, spirae, spirea, spires, spites, sprats, sprees, sprite, sprits, stairs, stapes, staphs, staree, stares, steare, stears, steeps, steers, steres, stipas, stipes, stires, stirps, straes, straps, streep, streps, striae, stripe, strips, tairas, tapers, tapirs, taraph, tarish, tarsia, tasars, tasers, tashes, tashie, tassah, tasser, tassie, teaish, teaser, teases, tephra, terais, teraph, terass, thapes, theirs, therap, theres, theses, thesis, thraep, threep, threes, threip, threpe, thrips, tiaras, tipree, trapes, tresis, tripes, trisha

5 Letter Words for Paresthesia

aerie, aesir, aheap, airth, airts, apair, apart, apass, apast, apers, apert, aphis, apish, apres, apses, apsis, apter, arase, arati, areae, areas, arepa, arest, arete, arets, arhat, arias, aries, arise, arish, arist, arite, arith, arsis, artha, asarh, asher, ashes, ashet, ashir, asper, aspis, assai, asset, aster, astir, astre, ataps, atars, atees, athar, atria, atrip, earsh, earst, earth, easer, eases, easts, eater, eathe, ephas, epist, epris, erase, erept, erses, ester, estre, etape, ether, haars, haire, hairs, haras, hares, harps, harst, harts, hasps, hasta, haste, hater, hates, heaps, heare, hears, heart, heast, heats, heirs, heist, hepar, heres, herse, hesps, hests, hetes, hiate, hiera, hiper, hiree, hires, hirse, hirst, hists, irate, isere, ishes, iters, ither, paire, pairs, pairt, paisa, paise, parae, parah, paras, pares, paris, parse, parsi, parte, parti, parts, pases, pasha, pasis, passa, passe, pasta, paste, pasts, patas, patee, pates, paths, patia, peare, pears, peart, peats, peers, peert, perai, perea, peres, peris, perit, perse, perst, perth, perts, pesah, peste, pests, petar, petas, peter, petre, petri, phaet, phare, phase, pheer, phese, phies, piers, piert, piest, pieta, piets, piste, pitas, piths, praha, praia, prase, prate, prats, prees, presa, press, preta, pries, priss, raash, raias, raise, raita, raits, rapes, raphe, rasps, rasse, rasta, ratas, rates, ratha, rathe, raths, reais, reaps, reast, reata, reate, reest, reist, repas, resat, reset, resit, rests, retes, rethe, retia, retie, retip, rheas, rhies, riata, ripes, rises, risps, rissa, rites, rithe, sairs, saist, saith, sapir, sapit, sarah, sarip, saris, sarsa, satai, sates, satis, seare, sears, sease, seats, seeps, seers, seirs, seise, sepia, septa, septs, serai, sereh, seres, serta, sesti, setae, shape, shaps, share, sharp, shear, sheas, sheat, sheep, sheer, sheet, shere, shets, shier, shies, ships, shipt, shire, shirs, shirt, shist, shita, shits, shrap, shrip, shris, siest, sieth, siper, sipes, sires, sitar, sites, sithe, spaer, spaes, spahi, spair, spait, spare, spars, spart, spate, spath, spats, spear, speat, speer, speir, spete, spets, spier, spies, spira, spire, spise, spite, spits, sprat, spree, spret, sprit, staia, stair, staph, staps, stare, stars, stash, stear, steep, steer, steps, stere, steri, sties, stipa, stipe, stire, stirp, stirs, strae, strap, strep, stria, strip, tahar, tahas, tahrs, taira, taise, taish, tapas, taper, tapes, tapia, tapir, tapis, taras, tarea, tares, tarie, tarps, tarse, tarsi, tasar, taser, tasse, tears, tease, teers, tehrs, teise, tepas, terai, terap, teras, terse, thars, theer, thees, theia, their, there, these, thrae, thrap, three, thrip, tiara, tiars, tiers, tires, tisar, trapa, trape, traps, trash, trass, treas, trees, tress, trias, tries, tripe, trips, tsere

4 Letter Words for Paresthesia

aahs, aarp, ahas, aias, aire, airs, airt, aith, aits, apar, aper, apes, apia, apis, apse, apts, area, ares, aret, aria, aris, arte, arts, asap, asar, asea, asia, asps, asse, assi, asst, asta, astr, atap, atar, ates, atip, atis, ears, ease, east, eath, eats, eira, eire, epha, epit, eras, erat, eres, eria, erie, eris, erse, ersh, erst, erth, eses, esse, ests, etas, ethe, eths, haar, haes, hair, hait, haps, hare, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, heap, hear, heat, heep, heer, heir, heps, hept, hera, here, herp, hers, hert, hesp, hest, hete, hets, hies, hipe, hips, hipt, hire, hiss, hist, hits, iaea, iare, ipse, ires, irpe, isth, itas, iter, paar, paas, paha, pahi, pahs, pair, pais, para, pare, pari, pars, part, pase, pash, pasi, pass, past, pata, pate, path, pats, peai, pear, peas, peat, peer, pees, pehs, pere, perh, peri, pers, pert, pesa, pess, pest, peta, pete, pets, phar, phat, phis, phit, pias, pier, pies, piet, pirs, pisa, pise, pish, piss, pist, pita, pith, pits, prat, pree, pres, pret, prie, psha, psia, psis, psst, psts, ptah, rahs, raia, rais, rait, rape, raps, rapt, rasa, rash, rasp, rast, rata, rate, rath, rats, reap, rees, reet, rehs, reit, reps, rept, resp, rest, rete, rets, rhea, rhet, rias, ries, ripa, ripe, rips, ript, rise, risp, rist, rita, rite, rits, saip, sair, sais, sapa, saps, sare, sari, sars, sart, sasa, sash, sata, sate, sati, seah, sear, seas, seat, seep, seer, sees, seir, seis, seit, seps, sept, sere, sers, sert, sese, seta, seth, sets, shap, shea, shee, sher, shes, shet, shia, ship, shir, shit, shpt, shri, sier, sipe, sips, sire, sirs, sise, sish, sist, sita, site, sith, sits, spae, spar, spas, spat, spet, spie, spit, sris, stap, star, step, ster, stie, stir, stra, stre, taar, taha, tahr, tais, tapa, tape, taps, tara, tare, tari, tarp, tars, tash, tass, teap, tear, teas, teer, tees, tehr, tepa, tepe, tera, terp, thae, thai, thar, thea, thee, thir, this, tiar, tier, ties, tipe, tips, tire, trah, trap, tree, tres, trie, trip, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Paresthesia

aah, aas, aer, aes, aha, ahi, ahs, aia, air, ais, ait, apa, ape, aph, apr, apt, ara, are, ars, art, ase, ash, asp, ass, ast, ate, atp, ear, eas, eat, eer, ehs, eir, epa, epi, era, ere, ers, ert, ese, esp, esr, ess, est, eta, eth, hae, hap, has, hat, hee, hei, hep, her, hes, het, hia, hie, hip, hir, his, hit, hrs, hts, iaa, ihp, ihs, iph, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, ist, ita, its, pah, par, pas, pat, pea, pee, peh, per, pes, pet, phi, phr, pht, pia, pie, pir, pis, pit, pre, prs, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, rah, rai, rap, ras, rat, rea, ree, reh, rei, rep, res, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rip, rit, rps, rpt, rte, rti, saa, sah, sai, sap, sar, sat, sea, see, sei, sep, ser, set, sha, she, shi, shp, shr, sht, sie, sip, sir, sis, sit, spa, sps, spt, sri, sse, ssh, ssp, sta, str, taa, tai, tap, tar, tas, tea, tee, ter, tes, tha, the, tie, tip, tis, tph, tpi, tps, tra, tri, trp, trs, tsh, tsi, tsp, tss

Definitions for Paresthesia

[1] an abnormal sensation, as prickling, itching, etc.
[2] pathol the usual US spelling of paraesthesia

Words related to Paresthesia

numbness, sensation, tingle, formication, paraesthesia, prickling, tingling

Words nearby Paresthesia

pareo, parepididymis, parera, parergon, paresis, paresthesia, pareto, pareu, pareunia, parev, pareve

Origin of Paresthesia

From New Latin, dating back to 1855–60; see origin at par-, esthesia

Other words from Paresthesia

par·es·thet·ic [par-is-thet -ik] /ˌpær ɪsˈθɛt ɪk/ , adjective
par′es•thet′ ic (-thĕt′ ĭk ) adj.

Synonyms for Paresthesia

deadness, formication, numbness, paraesthesia, prickling, sensation, tingle, tingling