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Showing words for PASSABLE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Passable
7 Letter Words for Passable
6 Letter Words for Passable
5 Letter Words for Passable
4 Letter Words for Passable
3 Letter Words for Passable
Definitions for Passable
[1] capable of being passed through, beyond, or over; fit to be traversed, penetrated, crossed, etc., as a road, forest, or stream.
[2] adequate; acceptable: a passable knowledge of French.
[3] capable of being circulated legally or having a valid currency, as a coin.
[4] capable of being or liable to be ratified or enacted: passable legislation.
[5] adequate, fair, or acceptable a passable speech
[6] (of an obstacle) capable of being passed or crossed
[7] (of currency) valid for general circulation
[8] (of a proposed law) able to be ratified or enacted
Words related to Passable
presentable, tolerable, so-so, respectable, adequate, mediocre, navigable, reachable, allowable, average, common, fair, middling, moderate, ordinary, unexceptional, accessible, attainable, beaten, broad
Words nearby Passable
pass up, pass with flying colors, pass-fail, pass-through, pass., passable, passably, passacaglia, passade, passado, passage
Origin of Passable
1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French; see pass, -able
Words that may be confused with Passable
Other words from Passable
pass·a·ble·ness , noun
un·pass·a·ble , adjective
Synonyms for Passable
adequate, mediocre, presentable, respectable, so-so, tolerable, all right, allowable, average, common, fair, fair enough, middling, moderate, not too bad, ordinary, unexceptional