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Showing words for PEACEABLE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Peaceable
7 Letter Words for Peaceable
6 Letter Words for Peaceable
5 Letter Words for Peaceable
4 Letter Words for Peaceable
3 Letter Words for Peaceable
Definitions for Peaceable
[1] inclined or disposed to avoid strife or dissension; not argumentative or hostile: a peaceable person; a peaceable disposition.
[2] peaceful; tranquil: in peaceable periods; a peaceable adjustment of a dispute.
[3] inclined towards peace
[4] tranquil; calm
Words related to Peaceable
peaceful, amiable, amicable, calm, complacent, conciliatory, gentle, mild, neighborly, nonviolent, pacific, pacifist, placid, quiet, restful, still, tranquil, irenic
Words nearby Peaceable
peace offering, peace officer, peace pipe, peace river, peace sign, peaceable, peaceful, peaceful coexistence, peacekeeper, peacekeeping, peacemaker
Origin of Peaceable
1300–50; Middle English pesible < Middle French paisible. See peace, -able
Words that may be confused with Peaceable
peaceable, peaceful, (see, synonym, study, at, peaceful)
Other words from Peaceable
peace·a·ble·ness , noun
peace·a·bly , adverb
un·peace·a·ble , adjective
un·peace·a·bly , adverb
Synonyms for Peaceable
peaceful, amiable, amicable, calm, complacent, conciliatory, gentle, irenic, mild, neighborly, nonviolent, pacific, pacificatory, pacifist, peace-loving, placid, quiet, restful, still, tranquil