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Showing words for PERAMBULATORY using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Perambulatory


12 Letter Words for Perambulatory


11 Letter Words for Perambulatory

portrayable, preambulary

10 Letter Words for Perambulatory

ambulatory, bromaurate, pabulatory, permutably, preambular, proamateur, proratable

9 Letter Words for Perambulatory

abortuary, ambrotype, ambulator, ametaboly, apertural, arboretum, atemporal, barometry, barrulety, emulatory, marplotry, maturable, metabular, palmature, parlatory, portrayal, praemolar, prelabrum, prelumbar, premortal, premorula, proletary, pyrolater, reparably, reputably, tambourer, temporary

8 Letter Words for Perambulatory

abrupter, abruptly, aleatory, amblyope, ambulate, ampulate, apteryla, arboreal, armature, armplate, barrulet, bataleur, belamour, bemartyr, betrayal, bromuret, emulator, eupatory, laportea, layabout, lumbayao, malapert, marabout, marabuto, maturely, metabola, metaboly, metopryl, mortuary, mulberry, operably, outmarry, pabulary, palberry, palometa, parabole, paramour, paratory, parlayer, partable, playmare, playmate, plumbate, plumbery, portable, portably, porterly, portuary, pourable, pourtray, prayable, prealarm, prealtar, prelabor, prelatry, premolar, premoral, preroyal, probatum, prometal, pubertal, pyometra, rateably, repatrol, rubeolar, tabulare, tabulary, tearably, templary, temporal, trampler, tremblor, troubler, trumpery, turmerol, typorama

7 Letter Words for Perambulatory

abature, ablator, aborter, aerator, aerobat, alamort, alberta, alterum, amateur, amatory, amebula, amylate, apertly, apertum, apetaly, apteral, aratory, arboral, arborea, arboret, areolar, arerola, arratel, arylate, atemoya, atropal, atumble, auroral, barmote, barruly, bartram, bemoult, bertram, bertrum, bloater, bluetop, blurter, bomarea, boulter, bourrae, brayera, bromate, brotula, brutely, bumaloe, bumtrap, butlery, butyral, elytrum, embryol, emptory, epulary, erratum, eutropy, labarum, laborer, lambeau, lambert, lampate, lampret, lamprey, latebra, latrobe, laurate, leproma, lormery, luteoma, marabou, marbler, marplot, marrube, martela, maturer, mayoral, maypole, mebaral, molebut, molerat, moraler, morbleu, mortary, morular, moulter, moutler, mubarat, mutable, mutably, myotube, oatmeal, operary, optable, optably, outbeam, outbear, outbray, outerly, outleap, outpeal, outplay, outpray, outyear, outyelp, pabalum, pabular, palermo, palmary, palmate, palmery, palmyra, parable, parbleu, parlary, paroler, parroty, partley, parture, partyer, patrole, payable, peartly, peatary, pelmata, peroral, perturb, petrary, peytral, plateau, platery, pleroma, plouter, plumate, plumber, plumbet, plumery, polearm, polymer, portray, porture, potable, poulter, poultry, praetor, prelaty, premolt, proarmy, probata, probate, problem, prolate, prorata, prorate, protura, protyle, prouler, pteroma, pteryla, ptolemy, puberal, puberty, pyrrole, rambler, rambure, rampart, rampler, ramplor, rampole, ramular, rapable, rapture, raptury, ratable, ratably, realarm, relatum, repayal, replumb, retablo, retramp, ropable, rotular, royalet, royalme, rubeola, rumbler, tableau, taborer, tabular, tamable, tamably, tambour, tambura, taperly, temblor, templar, tempora, tempura, topmaul, torreya, torulae, tramper, trample, trembly, tromple, tropary, trouble, troubly, trouper, trumper, tumbler, tumbrel, tumoral, turbary, typable, typebar, typobar, umbelap, umberty, umbrate, uptable, uratoma, yamaltu

6 Letter Words for Perambulatory

abater, abator, ablare, ablate, ablaut, ablute, aboral, abraum, abrupt, albert, alepot, alerta, aletap, almaty, almery, almury, aloyau, alture, alypum, amable, amatol, ambary, ambery, ambler, ambury, amober, amobyr, amoeba, amoral, amoret, amparo, ampery, ampler, ampule, amulae, amulet, amyrol, amytal, aortal, aplomb, aplome, apolar, arable, arbalo, arbory, arbota, arbute, areola, arloup, armary, armlet, armory, armure, aromal, arrame, arroba, arrope, arroya, artabe, artery, atropa, aumbry, aumery, aurate, aureal, aurora, aurore, automa, baetyl, balate, balter, bampot, barato, barely, barley, barrat, barrel, barret, barter, baryta, baryte, bateau, batler, batule, bauera, baulea, bayamo, bayeta, baylet, beauty, belamy, beloam, belout, bemata, bemaul, bemoat, bemolt, bepart, bepray, berapt, betrap, betray, betula, blamer, blater, bleary, bleaty, blurry, boatel, boater, boatly, bolter, borate, boreal, borley, borrel, bourre, boutel, boutre, braula, brayer, bromal, brotel, brulot, brumal, brutal, bruter, bulter, bultey, bumalo, bumper, burela, burely, burlap, burler, burlet, burley, burrel, butler, earlap, eartab, elabor, elator, elutor, elytra, emboly, embryo, emparl, empart, employ, empory, emptor, epural, errata, etymol, europa, labret, labrum, lamber, lamboy, lamper, larrea, larrup, latera, latomy, lauter, layout, lobata, lobate, lomata, lorate, louter, lumbar, lumber, lumper, lumpet, lupoma, lyrate, mabela, mabyer, malabo, malate, malope, malter, maputo, marble, marbly, marler, marlet, marrot, martel, martyr, marupa, mately, matral, mature, mauler, mauley, meatal, merlot, meryta, mobula, molary, molter, mopery, morale, morate, morral, mortal, mortar, morula, morule, motley, mouter, muleta, murral, murray, murrey, mutely, myrtal, myrtle, myrtol, oatear, oblata, oblate, oleary, omerta, operla, oraler, orbate, orblet, outbar, outbye, outlay, outler, outpay, outpry, outrap, outray, pablum, palame, palate, palmae, palmar, palmer, paloma, palour, palter, paltry, parale, paramo, parate, parlay, parley, parlor, parole, parral, parrel, parrot, parter, partly, parula, parura, parure, patera, patola, patrol, paular, payola, payout, pearly, pelory, pelota, peltry, peroba, pertly, perula, petaly, petara, petary, petrol, platea, plater, player, playte, pleura, plumer, plumet, poetly, poetry, polary, pomary, pomate, pomely, porret, portal, porter, portly, porule, poulet, pouter, pratal, prater, pratey, prayer, prearm, prebuy, pretor, pretry, prlate, proart, probal, prober, proler, protea, protyl, pryler, pueblo, puerto, pumelo, purely, purler, purrel, puteal, pyrola, pyrrol, rabato, raetam, ramate, rambla, ramble, rameal, ramper, ramule, rapely, raport, rapter, raptly, raptor, rarely, rarety, ratero, raylet, realty, rearly, rebato, reblot, rebolt, rebuoy, rebury, relamp, relata, remora, repart, replay, replot, replum, report, repour, repray, retama, retomb, retour, retral, roamer, robert, romble, romper, ropery, rotary, rotula, roture, rouper, roupet, router, royale, rubato, rumble, rumbly, rumple, rumply, rumpot, rupert, tabler, tabora, tabula, tabule, talpae, tamale, tamber, tambor, tambur, tamely, tamper, tampoe, tampoy, tampur, tamure, tapalo, tapery, tarble, tarboy, tarpum, tauryl, taylor, teaboy, teapoy, telary, tempra, tepary, termal, termly, termor, terral, tombal, tormae, torula, tourbe, tourer, trabal, trabea, tramal, tramel, trampy, trauma, trebly, tremor, troely, tromba, trombe, trompe, tropal, troper, tropyl, troule, troupe, tuebor, tulare, tumble, tumbly, tupara, tupelo, turble, turrel, tyloma, tymbal, tyroma, uberty, ulmate, umbery, umbral, umbrel, umbret, upbear, upbeat, upbelt, upbolt, upbore, upbray, uprate, uprear, uproar, uptear, uptore, uretal, yaourt, yareta, yauper, yerbal, yetapa, yoruba

5 Letter Words for Perambulatory

abamp, abate, abaue, abeam, abear, aberr, abler, ablet, aboma, abore, abort, abote, about, abram, abray, abret, abura, alamo, alarm, alary, alate, album, alert, aleut, aloma, alout, altar, alter, alure, aluta, amate, amaut, ambar, ambay, amber, amble, ambry, amelu, amlet, amole, amora, amort, amour, amper, ample, amply, amula, amylo, aorta, apart, apert, aperu, apery, aport, apout, apter, aptly, araby, arame, araru, arber, arbor, areal, arear, arepa, armer, armet, armor, aroar, aroba, aroma, arrau, array, arret, artal, artar, artel, arter, artly, artou, aruba, arulo, arupa, atame, atelo, ately, atole, atomy, atopy, atour, atule, aulae, aural, aurar, auryl, autem, autor, autre, ayelp, aylet, balao, balat, balau, baler, balmy, balut, barat, barer, baret, barly, barmy, barra, barre, barry, barye, batea, batel, bater, baume, bauta, bayal, bayer, bayle, bayou, beala, beamy, bearm, beata, beaut, belam, belap, belar, belat, belay, bemar, bemat, bemol, bepat, berat, beray, berry, beryl, blaer, blame, blare, blart, blate, blear, bleat, bloat, blore, blote, blout, bluer, bluet, bluey, blume, blurt, blype, boart, bolar, bolty, boral, borel, borer, borty, boryl, botel, botry, bouet, boule, boult, bourr, boyar, boyau, boyer, boyla, brama, brame, braye, bream, broma, brome, bruet, brula, brule, brume, brute, bryum, buaya, bumpy, burao, burel, buret, burly, burma, burro, burry, butea, buteo, butle, butyl, butyr, buyer, eably, early, elamp, embar, embay, emory, empty, eplot, eprom, epulo, erato, erump, erupt, etyma, eyrar, labor, labra, lamba, lamby, lamer, larbo, larry, larum, later, latro, laura, laure, laury, layer, layup, leapt, leary, lemur, lepra, lepry, lepta, lerot, letup, leuma, loamy, lobar, lomta, loper, lorry, lorum, louey, loupe, loure, louty, lubra, lumpy, lurer, lurry, lutea, luteo, luter, lutra, lyart, malar, malay, maleo, malta, malto, malty, mapau, maple, marae, maral, maray, marle, marly, maror, marry, marut, mater, matey, matlo, matra, mauby, maybe, mayor, mealy, meaty, meaul, melba, melty, merop, merry, metal, metol, metra, metro, moble, molar, moler, molet, molpe, moper, mopey, mopla, morae, moral, morat, moray, morel, morra, morta, motel, moter, motey, moule, mouly, moyle, mpret, mulet, muley, multo, mural, murly, murra, murre, murry, muter, mylar, myope, oater, oblat, obley, olepy, oleum, omber, opelu, opera, opter, orale, orary, orate, orlet, ormer, otary, ouabe, oulap, outby, outer, outly, outra, outre, oylet, pablo, palar, palay, palea, paleo, paler, palet, palma, palmo, palmy, palta, parae, param, parao, parel, pareo, parer, pareu, parle, parly, parma, parol, parry, parte, parto, party, patao, patel, patly, payer, payor, pearl, peart, peaty, pelma, pelta, perau, perry, perty, petal, petar, petro, petum, plate, plato, platy, playa, pleat, ploat, plomb, plote, plout, pluma, plumb, plume, plumy, pluto, plyer, polar, poler, poley, pombe, pomel, pomey, poral, porer, poret, porry, porta, porte, porty, poter, poule, poult, pouty, praam, prate, praty, praya, prela, premy, preta, proal, probe, proem, prole, prore, prote, proul, pruta, pubal, puler, pulmo, purae, purer, purey, purre, purry, purty, pylar, pyral, rabal, rabat, rabot, ramal, ramet, ramta, raper, ratal, ratel, rater, raupo, rayat, rayle, reaal, realm, realo, reamy, rearm, reata, rebar, rebop, rebut, rebuy, relap, relay, relot, remap, remop, repay, repla, reply, repot, repro, repry, rerob, rerub, retal, retar, retro, retry, roary, roate, rober, roble, robur, romal, rompu, rompy, roper, roral, rorty, rotal, roter, roule, roupy, route, royal, royet, rubel, ruble, rubor, ruely, ruler, rumal, rumba, rumbo, rumly, rumor, rumpy, rural, rutyl, rybat, ryper, tabel, taber, tabla, table, tabor, talao, talar, talea, taler, talma, talpa, tamal, tambo, tamer, tampa, taper, tapoa, tapul, tarau, tarea, tarre, tarry, taube, taula, taupe, taupo, tayer, tayra, teary, telar, tempo, tepal, tepor, tepoy, terap, terma, terra, terry, tolar, tombe, topau, toper, toral, torma, toupe, toyer, trabu, trama, trame, tramp, trapa, trape, tromp, trope, troue, truer, truly, trump, tryer, tryma, trypa, tubae, tubal, tubar, tuber, tumor, tumpy, tuple, turbo, turma, turme, tuyer, tyler, typal, typer, tyrol, uayeb, ulama, ulema, ultra, umbel, umber, umble, umbra, umbre, umpty, uparm, upaya, upbar, upbay, upbye, upeat, uplay, urare, urate, ureal, urlar, utero, yalta, yampa, yarer, yarta, yarto, yatra, ybore, yealm, yeara, yerba, ymolt, yomer, youre, yourt, yrapt, yurta

4 Letter Words for Perambulatory

aarp, abay, abel, abet, abey, able, ably, abor, abut, abye, aero, alae, alap, alar, alay, alba, albe, alem, alep, alma, alme, aloe, alop, alto, alum, amal, amar, amay, amba, ambe, ambo, amel, amla, amor, amoy, amra, amur, amyl, apar, apay, aper, arab, arar, arba, area, aret, arle, army, arte, arty, arum, aryl, atap, atar, atle, atma, atmo, atom, atop, atry, atua, aube, aula, aura, aute, auto, ayme, ayre, baal, baar, bale, balm, balr, balu, bapt, bapu, bara, bare, barm, barp, barr, bart, baru, bata, bate, baul, baur, baya, baye, bayt, beal, beam, bear, beat, beau, bela, belt, bely, bema, berm, beta, blae, blam, blat, blay, blea, bleo, blet, bleu, bley, blot, blue, blup, blur, boar, boat, boer, bola, bole, bolt, boma, bora, bore, bort, bota, bote, boul, bout, brae, brat, bray, brer, bret, brey, brot, brum, brut, brya, btry, bual, buat, bult, bump, buoy, bura, bure, burl, buro, burp, burr, burt, bury, bute, buto, byre, byrl, byte, earl, ebro, elmy, empt, eorl, eral, erat, erub, etua, etym, euro, eyot, eyra, laer, laet, lama, lamb, lame, lamp, lapb, lare, lata, late, laur, leam, leap, lear, leat, lepa, lerp, leto, loam, lobe, loma, lome, lope, lora, lore, lory, lota, lote, loup, lour, lout, luba, lube, lump, lupe, lura, lure, lute, lyam, lyme, lyra, lyre, lyte, maar, maat, mabe, mala, male, malo, malt, mapo, mara, mare, marl, maro, mart, maru, mary, mata, mate, maty, maul, maut, maya, mayo, meal, mear, meat, mela, melt, merl, mero, meta, moat, moet, mola, mole, molt, moly, mope, mora, more, mort, mota, mote, motu, moue, moul, moup, mout, moya, moyl, mule, mult, mura, mure, murl, murr, muta, mute, myal, myel, myrt, oary, oaty, obey, olam, olea, olpe, ombu, omer, opal, orae, oral, orby, orle, orly, orra, outa, outr, oyer, paal, paar, paba, pala, pale, palm, palt, paly, para, pare, parl, parr, part, pata, pate, pato, patu, paty, paua, paul, paut, paye, payt, peal, pear, peat, peba, pela, pelt, pelu, perm, pert, peru, peta, peto, plat, play, plea, pleb, plot, ploy, plum, plur, poem, poet, pole, polt, poly, pome, pore, porr, port, pory, pote, pour, pout, pram, prao, prat, prau, pray, prem, pret, prey, proa, prob, prom, prut, publ, puer, pula, pule, puly, puma, pumy, pure, purl, purr, puya, pyal, pyat, pyet, pyla, pyot, pyre, pyro, rale, rama, rame, ramp, raob, rape, rapt, rara, rare, rata, rate, rato, ratu, raya, real, ream, reap, rear, rely, repl, repo, repr, rept, roam, roar, robe, roer, roey, role, roma, rome, romp, rope, ropy, rort, rory, rota, rote, rotl, roua, roub, roue, roul, roum, roup, rout, royt, rube, ruby, ruer, rule, ruly, rumb, rume, rump, rupa, rurp, ruta, ryal, ryme, ryot, rype, taal, taar, tael, tala, tale, tame, tamp, tapa, tape, tapu, tara, tare, taro, tarp, tarr, taum, taur, teal, team, teap, tear, tela, temp, tepa, tera, term, terp, terr, tobe, toby, toea, toey, tola, tole, tolu, tomb, tome, tope, tore, torr, toru, toup, tour, tram, trap, tray, trey, trop, troy, trub, true, trye, tryp, tuba, tube, tula, tule, tume, tump, turb, turm, turp, turr, tyer, tymp, type, typo, tyro, tyrr, tyum, ulmo, ulta, ulto, umbo, umpy, upby, upla, ural, urao, urea, urol, yaba, yabu, yalb, yale, yalu, yama, yamp, yapa, yarb, yare, yarl, yarm, yarr, yate, yaup, ybet, year, yeat, yelm, yelp, yelt, yeom, yerb, yeta, ylem, ympe, ympt, yomp, yore, yote, youp, your, yule, yuma, yump, yurt

3 Letter Words for Perambulatory

aal, aam, aba, abl, abm, abo, abp, abr, abt, abu, aby, aer, ala, alb, ale, alo, alp, alt, aly, ama, amb, ame, amp, amt, amu, amy, aob, aor, apa, ape, apl, apr, apt, ara, arb, are, arm, arr, art, aru, ary, ate, atm, atp, aul, aum, aye, ayr, ayu, baa, bae, bal, bam, bap, bar, bat, bay, bel, ber, bet, bey, blo, blt, bmr, boa, boe, bol, bom, bop, bor, bot, boy, bpm, bpt, bra, brl, bro, brr, btl, btu, bul, bum, bur, but, buy, bye, byp, eam, ear, eat, eau, ela, elb, elm, elt, emo, emp, emu, eom, epa, era, err, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyr, laa, lab, lam, lao, lap, lar, lat, lay, lea, lem, leo, lep, ler, let, leu, ley, loa, lob, loe, lop, lor, lot, loy, lpm, ltm, ltr, lub, lue, lum, luo, lur, lut, lye, lym, maa, mab, mae, mal, mao, map, mar, mat, mau, may, mba, mea, mel, mer, met, meu, moa, mob, moe, mol, mop, mor, mot, mou, moy, mpb, mut, mya, oam, oar, oat, oba, obe, obl, oer, ola, ole, olm, olp, omb, opa, ope, opt, ora, orb, ore, orl, ort, ory, oup, our, out, oye, pal, pam, par, pat, pau, pay, pea, pel, per, pet, plu, ply, pmt, poa, pob, pol, pom, por, pot, poy, pre, pro, pry, pta, pte, pty, pua, pub, pul, pur, put, puy, pya, pye, pyr, rab, ram, rap, rat, ray, rea, reb, rel, rem, rep, rle, rly, rob, roe, rom, rot, rpm, rpt, rte, rub, rue, rum, rut, rya, rye, taa, tab, tal, tam, tao, tap, tar, tau, tay, tea, tel, tem, ter, tlo, tlr, toa, tob, toe, tol, tom, top, tor, tou, toy, tpm, tra, trm, trp, try, tua, tub, tue, tum, tup, tur, tuy, tye, typ, tyr, uey, ula, ule, ult, uma, ume, ump, upo, ura, urb, ure, urp, uta, ute, yam, yap, yar, yat, yea, yeo, yep, yer, yet, yob, yoe, yom, yor, yot, you, yue, yum, yup

Definitions for Perambulatory

[1] to walk through, about, or over; travel through; traverse.
[2] to traverse in order to examine or inspect.
[3] to walk or travel about; stroll.
[4] to walk about (a place)
[5] (tr) to walk round in order to inspect

Words related to Perambulatory

perambulatemosey, ramble, walk, promenade, tour, roam, stroll

Words nearby Perambulatory

perambulateperacute, peradventure, peraea, perahia, perak, perambulate, perambulator, perborate, perborax, perboric acid, perbunan

Origin of Perambulatory

e1560–70; < Latin perambulātus past participle of perambulāre to walk through. See per-, ambulate

Other words from Perambulatory

per·am·bu·la·tion , noun
per·am·bu·la·to·ry [per-am -byuh -luh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /pərˈæm byə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective

Word origin for Perambulatory

eC16: from Latin perambulāre to traverse, from per through + ambulāre to walk

Synonyms for Perambulatory

pastoral, peripatetic, wandering, drifting, gypsy, itinerate, migrant, migratory, perambulant, roaming, roving, traveling, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring