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Showing words for PERCIPIENCE using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Percipience
10 Letter Words for Percipience
9 Letter Words for Percipience
8 Letter Words for Percipience
7 Letter Words for Percipience
6 Letter Words for Percipience
5 Letter Words for Percipience
4 Letter Words for Percipience
3 Letter Words for Percipience
Definitions for Percipience
[1] perceiving or capable of perceiving.
[2] having perception; discerning; discriminating: a percipient choice of wines.
[3] a person or thing that perceives.
[4] able to perceive
[5] perceptive
[6] a person or thing that perceives
Words related to Percipience
percipientacumen, astuteness, discrimination, eye, insight, judgment, keenness, nose, penetration, perceptiveness, perspicacity, sagacity, shrewdness, understanding, wit
Words nearby Percipience
percipientperchloroethane, perchloroethylene, perchloromethane, perchta, perciatelli, percipient, percival, perclose, percocet, percodan, percoid
Origin of Percipience
t1655–65; < Latin percipient- (stem of percipiēns ) present participle of percipere to take in, equivalent to per- per- + -cipi- combining form of present stem of capere to take + -ent- -ent
Other words from Percipience
per·cip·i·ence , per·cip·i·en·cy , noun
non·per·cip·i·ence , noun
non·per·cip·i·en·cy , noun
non·per·cip·i·ent , adjective
un·per·cip·i·ent , adjective
Word origin for Percipience
tC17: from Latin percipiens observing, from percipere to grasp; see perceive
Synonyms for Percipience
acumen, astuteness, clear-sightedness, discrimination, eye, insight, judgment, keenness, nose, penetration, perceptiveness, percipiency, perspicacity, sagacity, sageness, shrewdness, understanding, wit