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Showing words for PERTINENT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Pertinent
8 Letter Words for Pertinent
7 Letter Words for Pertinent
6 Letter Words for Pertinent
5 Letter Words for Pertinent
4 Letter Words for Pertinent
3 Letter Words for Pertinent
Definitions for Pertinent
[1] pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant: pertinent details.
[2] relating to the matter at hand; relevant
Words related to Pertinent
germane, applicable, related, admissible, appropriate, opportune, apposite, apropos, apt, connected, fit, fitting, kosher, material, pat, pertaining, proper, legit
Words nearby Pertinent
perthes disease, perthite, perthshire, pertinacious, pertinacity, pertinent, perturb, perturbation, perturbation theory, perturbative, pertussis
Origin of Pertinent
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin pertinent- (stem of pertinēns ), present participle of pertinēre to pertain; see -ent
Other words from Pertinent
per·ti·nence , per·ti·nen·cy , noun
per·ti·nent·ly , adverb
non·per·ti·nence , noun
non·per·ti·nen·cy , noun
non·per·ti·nent , adjective
non·per·ti·nent·ly , adverb
un·per·ti·nent , adjective
un·per·ti·nent·ly , adverb
Word origin for Pertinent
C14: from Latin pertinēns, from pertinēre to pertain
Synonyms for Pertinent
admissible, applicable, appropriate, germane, opportune, related, ad rem, apposite, apropos, apt, connected, fit, fitting, kosher, legit, material, on target, on the button, on the nose, pat, pertaining, proper, right on, to the point, to the purpose