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Showing words for PESTERED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Pestered
7 Letter Words for Pestered
6 Letter Words for Pestered
5 Letter Words for Pestered
4 Letter Words for Pestered
3 Letter Words for Pestered
Definitions for Pestered
[1] to bother persistently with petty annoyances; trouble: Don't pester me with your trivial problems.
[2] Obsolete . to overcrowd.
[3] (tr) to annoy or nag continually
Words related to Pestered
pesterbedevil, annoy, nag, tease, hector, irk, torment, hassle, hound, badger, disturb, nudge, beleaguer, ride, tantalize, dog, insist, remind, plague, importune
Words nearby Pestered
pesterpessimistic, pessoa, pest, pest house, pestalozzi, pester, pester power, pesthole, pesthouse, pesticide, pestiferous
Origin of Pestered
1530–40; perhaps aphetic variant of empester, impester to tangle, encumber (though pester is found earlier than these 2 words) < Middle French empestrer to hobble, entangle < Vulgar Latin *impāstōriāre to hobble, equivalent to im- im-1 + pāstōri(a ) a hobble, noun use of Latin pāstōrius of a herdsman or shepherd + -āre infinitive suffix (see pastor); aphetic form apparently reinforced by pest (cf. -er6)
Other words from Pestered
pes·ter·er , noun
pes·ter·ing·ly , adverb
pes·ter·some , adjective
un·pes·tered , adjective
Word origin for Pestered
C16: from Old French empestrer to hobble (a horse), from Vulgar Latin impāstōriāre (unattested) to use a hobble, from pāstōria (unattested) a hobble, from Latin pāstōrius relating to a herdsman, from pastor herdsman
Synonyms for Pestered
annoy, badger, bedevil, hassle, hector, hound, irk, nag, tease, torment, beleaguer, bug, disturb, dog, fret, harry, importune, insist, nudge, plague, provoke, remind, ride, tantalize, worry, be at, drive crazy, drive up the wall, get at, get in one's hair, get on one's nerves, get to, mess with, pick at, work on