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Showing words for PETITION using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Petition
7 Letter Words for Petition
6 Letter Words for Petition
5 Letter Words for Petition
4 Letter Words for Petition
3 Letter Words for Petition
Definitions for Petition
[1] a formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit: a petition for clemency; a petition for the repeal of an unfair law.
[2] a request made for something desired, especially a respectful or humble request, as to a superior or to one of those in authority; a supplication or prayer: a petition for aid; a petition to God for courage and strength.
[3] something that is sought by request or entreaty: to receive one's full petition.
[4] Law . an application for a court order or for some judicial action.
[5] to beg for or request (something).
[6] to address a formal petition to (a sovereign, a legislative body, etc.): He received everything for which he had petitioned the king.
[7] to ask by petition for (something).
[8] to present a petition.
[9] to address or present a formal petition.
[10] to request or solicit, as by a petition: to petition for redress of grievances.
[11] a written document signed by a large number of people demanding some form of action from a government or other authority
[12] any formal request to a higher authority or deity; entreaty
[13] law a formal application in writing made to a court asking for some specific judicial action a petition for divorce
[14] the action of petitioning
[15] (tr) to address or present a petition to (a person in authority, government, etc) to petition Parliament
[16] (intr foll by for ) to seek by petition to petition for a change in the law
Words related to Petition
application, prayer, request, suit, urge, sue, implore, pray, beseech, beg, ask, seek, memorial, imprecation, supplication, entreaty, address, invocation, solicitation, entreat
Words nearby Petition
petite, petite bourgeoise, petite bourgeoisie, petite marmite, petitio principii, petition, petitionary, petitioner, petitor, petits pois, petn
Origin of Petition
1300–50; Middle English peticioun (< Middle French peticion ) < Latin petītiōn- (stem of petītiō ) a seeking out, equivalent to petīt(us ) (past participle of petere to seek) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Petition
pe·ti·tion·a·ble , adjective
pe·ti·tion·er , pe·ti·tion·ist , noun
coun·ter·pe·ti·tion , noun, verb
pre·pe·ti·tion , noun, verb (used with object)
re-pe·ti·tion , verb (used with object)
un·pe·ti·tioned , adjective
Word origin for Petition
C14: from Latin petītiō, from petere to seek
Synonyms for Petition
application, prayer, request, suit, address, entreaty, imprecation, invocation, memorial, solicitation, supplication, imploration, round robin