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Showing words for PHARYNGECTOMY using the English dictionary
13 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
11 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
cynotherapy, etymography, gynecopathy, tephromancy
10 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
agrotechny, chromatype, cryptogame, cryptogamy, cryptonema, cyanometry, cyanophyte, cynography, macrophyte, necropathy, necrophagy, parchmenty, phagocyter, potcherman, pyrotechny, rhegmatypy, tenography
9 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
amphogeny, anteporch, archegony, cenotaphy, champerty, copayment, creophagy, cryopathy, cryophyte, cryptogam, cryptonym, cyanotype, cymaphyte, cymograph, cymophane, cytophagy, egromancy, epharmony, gomphrena, gonytheca, gopherman, gyrectomy, gyromancy, hectogram, hercogamy, hypergamy, metaphony, myatrophy, mycophagy, mycophyte, myography, mythogeny, nephogram, parchment, parenchym, pathogeny, pathogerm, patronymy, pegomancy, pentarchy, phagocyte, phantomry, phytogamy, phytogeny, phytomera, pothanger, pothecary, prognathy, pyromachy, pyromancy, theomancy, tyromancy
8 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
agrotype, anchoret, anophyte, apectomy, apothegm, archpoet, argemony, camphory, canephor, category, cenatory, cenogamy, cenotaph, champert, chaperno, chaperon, choreman, chromate, coagment, cometary, compathy, coparent, cryogeny, cymaphen, cytogamy, cytogeny, cytopyge, echogram, empatron, enactory, engraphy, ethogram, geocarpy, geomancy, gramoche, greycoat, gynarchy, hapteron, heptagon, hogmenay, hypernym, hypogamy, hypogean, megatron, megatypy, mercapto, merchant, metaphor, metargon, monarchy, monetary, morphean, morphgan, myectopy, mynpacht, myograph, myopathy, myronate, naometry, negatory, nomarchy, octenary, operancy, orchanet, orgament, orphancy, orphange, panegyry, paronymy, patchery, pathogen, patronym, pentarch, pergamyn, petchary, phantomy, phenogam, phytomer, ponycart, portance, potagery, potecary, potycary, prancome, preagony, prematch, protheca, pyometra, tachygen, theogamy, theomagy, toparchy, torchman, trophema, typhoean, yachtmen, yeomanry
7 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
acheron, acrogen, acronym, agentry, amorphy, amphore, anchory, another, anthemy, anthrop, anymore, apocyte, apogeny, apothec, apothem, apothgm, archont, artemon, atechny, athenor, athogen, athrong, atomerg, atrophy, camphor, campong, capoten, caprone, carpent, cathern, champer, changer, chanter, chantey, chantor, chantry, chapmen, chapote, chapter, charpoy, chayote, cheatry, chomage, chomper, choragy, choregy, chorten, coagent, cognate, compage, company, compare, compart, compear, compert, compreg, compter, congery, contemp, conyger, coparty, copehan, copeman, coperta, copyman, cornage, cortage, corypha, coryphe, crampet, crampon, creaght, cremant, cremona, cropman, cryogen, crypton, cythera, ecphory, ecthyma, ectropy, empathy, emptory, enactor, encharm, enchyma, encraty, encrypt, entropy, eparchy, eponymy, garment, gayment, genarch, geomant, germany, gertcha, grayhen, haemony, hagrope, harmony, hemocry, hogmace, hogmane, homager, hornety, hygroma, hymnary, hypaton, hyperon, hypogea, hypogyn, hyponea, hyponym, magneto, manchet, mangery, manrope, marchen, marchet, marengo, margent, matcher, mechant, megaron, megaton, menorah, mentary, metochy, mohegan, monarch, mongery, montage, montera, morphea, mothery, myatony, myocyte, myophan, nathemo, nectary, negator, neogamy, nomarch, notcher, nymphae, nymphet, omphacy, onmarch, operant, orangey, orcanet, orphean, ortygan, othmany, panoche, panther, parenty, paronym, patcher, patency, patonce, payment, pectora, pectron, penocha, phaeton, phantom, phonate, phorate, phytane, phytoma, phytome, poacher, pontage, porcate, portage, portman, portmen, potager, potance, potcher, potency, pothery, preachy, precant, precony, progeny, pronate, protean, prytany, pteroma, pygmean, pyocyte, pyrogen, ragment, rechant, rematch, repatch, repoman, rheotan, romance, romancy, romneya, ropeman, rotamen, tachyon, tarchon, tempora, teraohm, thameng, therapy, togeman, tonearm, toparch, tranche, tregohm, trepang, tronage, tympano, tympany, typonym, yachter, yarthen
6 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
achter, actory, aethon, agency, agrope, agrote, amenty, amorce, amoret, amorph, ampery, anchor, ancome, anergy, anomer, anorth, anthem, anther, aperch, aphony, archon, argent, aroynt, arpent, athymy, atoner, atopen, atroce, cageot, camery, camote, camper, campho, canopy, canroy, canter, cantor, capone, capote, capron, captor, carhop, carmen, carmot, carnet, carone, carpet, carton, cartop, catery, cathop, cathro, catnep, centra, centro, centry, ceptor, cerago, ceroma, champe, champy, change, chapon, charet, charge, charon, chaton, cheapo, cheapy, chenar, cherna, cherty, choate, choaty, chomer, chonta, chorea, chroma, chrome, chromy, chypre, chytra, coater, coempt, cogent, cogman, cogmen, cohert, comart, comate, cometh, compar, comper, compte, conger, conrey, contam, conter, contra, copart, coprah, copter, corage, cornea, cornet, coryph, cotery, cotham, cotman, cotype, coynye, crampy, cranet, craney, crapon, craton, crayon, creagh, creamy, creant, crepon, cretan, croape, cronet, crypta, crypto, cygnet, cytoma, cytome, cytone, earcon, earthy, ectopy, ehrman, empart, empory, emptor, enamor, enarch, encamp, encomy, engram, enhort, enrapt, entach, entrap, eparch, ephyra, epocha, eponym, eryngo, ethnog, ethrog, etymon, eyrant, gamone, gamont, gantry, garcon, gareth, garnet, garten, gather, gemony, gentry, geraty, german, germon, geront, geryon, gherao, gnatho, gnomae, gocart, gomart, gopher, goramy, gorhen, gorman, gotcha, gotchy, gotham, granch, granet, grapey, graphy, grenat, gromet, groten, gyrant, gyrate, gyroma, hamper, hanger, hapten, haptor, harten, hatpeg, hearty, hectar, hector, hepcat, herman, hetman, heyrat, hogpen, homage, horace, hornet, hoyman, hymner, hypate, hyrate, macron, magnet, mahone, manche, manger, mangey, manter, marche, marcot, marten, matchy, mather, matron, mayeng, mayten, maythe, meacon, mehtar, mentha, mentor, mercat, merton, meryta, metaph, metran, metron, moaner, monach, monact, monera, moneth, monger, montre, mopane, mopery, morate, morcha, morena, morgan, morgay, morgen, mornay, mother, myogen, napery, nather, nectar, netcha, norate, notary, notchy, nother, nympha, nympho, ochery, ochrea, ochymy, octane, octary, octyne, ohmage, omenta, omerta, onager, onycha, orache, orange, orangy, orante, orchat, orchen, oreman, orgamy, organy, orgeat, ornate, orphan, ortman, othman, paeony, pament, panter, pantry, parchy, parecy, parent, parget, paroch, parten, parton, patchy, patron, payeny, payong, peachy, pearch, pechan, pechay, pegman, peract, percha, petary, petrog, peyton, phenom, phocae, phoner, phonet, phyton, poachy, pochay, poetry, pomace, pomane, pomary, pomate, potage, potche, pother, potman, potmen, prance, prancy, pratey, preach, preman, pretan, proach, procne, progne, prongy, protea, proyne, pterna, pteron, pyoner, pyrena, pyrgom, pyrone, python, rachet, ragmen, ragtop, rament, ranche, rancho, rangey, reachy, recant, recoat, recopy, rehang, rhagon, rhyton, rochet, romage, romany, romney, roncet, rotang, rotche, tamper, tampoe, tampon, tampoy, tanger, tangor, tanrec, tapery, tarpon, teachy, teapoy, techno, tempra, tenacy, teopan, tepary, tephra, teraph, terman, termon, thenar, theory, therap, thermo, thoman, thongy, thorny, thorpe, thrace, thraep, thrang, throne, throng, thrope, thymey, tocher, toecap, toerag, tonger, topeng, topman, topmen, torchy, tormae, tormen, torney, toyman, toymen, trampy, trance, trayne, trench, trepan, trocha, troche, trompe, trophy, trygon, trypan, tympan, typhon, tyroma, tyrone, yachty, yearth, yeoman
5 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
acher, achor, acone, acorn, acron, acton, actor, aeron, agent, agone, agony, agrom, agron, ahent, ahong, ament, among, amort, amper, ancho, ancor, ancre, anger, angor, angry, antre, apert, apery, aport, apron, apter, arche, archt, archy, areng, arent, argon, argot, armet, aroph, arpen, atomy, atone, atony, atopy, atren, atypy, aygre, ayont, cager, cagey, cagot, cahot, cameo, campo, campy, caneh, caner, cangy, canoe, canto, canty, caper, capon, capot, caret, carey, cargo, carne, carny, carom, carot, carpe, carte, carty, cater, cathy, cento, cerat, certy, champ, chang, chant, chape, chare, charm, chart, chary, cheap, cheat, chego, chemo, chena, cheng, chert, choga, chomp, chopa, chore, chort, chota, choya, chron, chyme, coapt, coart, coate, cohen, comae, comer, comet, compt, comte, coner, conga, conge, conta, conte, contg, contr, copay, copen, coper, copra, corah, coram, coran, corey, corge, corny, corpn, corta, cotan, cothe, cothy, coyan, coyer, crame, cramp, crane, crang, crany, crape, crapy, crate, craye, cream, crena, crept, crepy, creta, croat, crome, crone, crony, crypt, cyano, cyath, cymar, cymry, cypre, cyton, earth, ecart, echar, egypt, emong, emony, emory, empty, enact, enapt, enarm, enhat, enoch, enorm, enray, entom, entry, epact, ephor, epoch, epona, eprom, erato, ergon, ergot, etang, etrog, etyma, eyght, eyoty, gamer, ganch, gaper, garce, gareh, garon, garth, gatch, gater, gator, gayer, gemot, genoa, genom, genro, genty, geoty, gerah, germy, getah, geyan, gnome, goary, goaty, goety, gomer, gompa, goner, goney, goran, gorce, gormy, gotch, goter, gotha, gotra, grace, gracy, grame, gramp, gramy, grane, grano, grant, grape, graph, grapy, grate, great, greco, greta, groan, groat, groma, grone, gront, grope, grote, gryce, grype, gryph, grypt, gyron, hance, hange, harem, harpy, hater, hayer, hayey, hayne, heapy, heart, heman, hempy, henry, hepar, herma, heron, hoary, hogan, hogen, homer, homey, honer, honey, hoper, horme, horny, hoten, hyena, hymen, hyper, macer, mache, macho, macon, macro, magot, mahoe, maneh, manet, maney, mange, mango, mangy, manoc, manor, manto, manty, march, marco, marge, maroc, maron, match, mater, matey, mathe, maynt, mayor, meach, meant, meany, meath, meaty, mecon, menat, menta, mento, merch, mercy, mergh, merop, metho, metra, metro, meynt, mnage, mocha, moche, mochy, mohar, moner, money, monte, month, monty, moper, mopey, morae, morat, moray, morga, morne, morph, morta, morth, moten, moter, motey, mothy, moyen, mpret, myope, myopy, myron, mythy, nache, nacho, nacre, nacry, naght, nagor, namer, narco, natch, nathe, neath, necro, negro, nempt, netop, ngoma, nocht, nomap, noreg, norge, norma, north, notch, noter, nymph, oaten, oater, ocean, ocher, ochna, ochry, ocrea, octan, ocyte, ogham, ohare, omega, omrah, oncer, oncet, onery, onymy, opera, opter, orach, oracy, orage, orang, orant, orate, organ, otary, other, pacer, pacey, paeon, pager, pagne, pamhy, pance, panto, parch, paren, pareo, parge, pargo, parte, parto, party, patch, paten, pathy, payen, payer, payor, peach, peart, peaty, pecan, pecht, pegma, pengo, penta, peony, perca, perch, perth, perty, petar, petro, phaet, phage, phane, phang, phano, phare, pharm, pharo, pheon, phoca, phone, phony, phren, phyma, poach, pocan, poche, pogey, pohna, pomey, ponca, ponce, poncy, poney, ponga, pongy, ponty, porch, poret, porge, porgy, porny, porta, porte, porty, potch, poter, poynt, prahm, prang, prate, praty, premy, prent, preta, proem, prone, prong, prote, proyn, pyche, pygmy, pynot, pyran, rache, racon, ramen, ramet, ramon, rance, ranch, range, rangy, ranty, raphe, ratch, rathe, rayne, rayon, reach, react, reamy, recap, recon, recpt, recto, regma, regna, reman, remap, remop, renay, renga, repay, repot, retag, retan, retch, rhamn, rhema, rhone, rhyme, rhymy, rhyne, rhyta, roach, roate, roche, rocta, rogan, rohan, roman, rompy, ronte, rotan, rotch, rotge, royet, royne, tache, tacho, tamer, tango, tangy, tapen, taper, targe, taroc, tayer, teach, teary, techy, tecon, teman, tempo, tench, tenga, tenor, tepor, tepoy, terap, terga, terma, terna, thane, tharm, theca, thegn, thema, theor, therm, thone, thong, thore, thorn, thorp, thrae, thram, thrap, throe, thyme, thymy, toher, toman, toner, toney, tonga, toper, tophe, toran, torch, torma, toyer, trace, trame, tramp, trape, troca, troch, tromp, trona, tronc, trone, trope, tryma, trypa, tyche, typer, typey, typha, tyran, yacht, yager, yamen, yamph, yapon, yarth, yarto, yearn, yechy, yenta, yerga, yerth, ygapo, yomer, yrapt, yrent, yrneh
4 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
acer, ache, achy, acme, acne, acop, acor, acpt, acre, actg, acth, aero, agcy, agen, ager, aget, agon, ahem, ahey, ahoy, amen, amon, amor, amoy, ance, anet, ango, anre, ante, aper, arch, arco, areg, aren, aret, argh, argo, army, arno, arte, arty, atmo, atoc, atom, atop, atry, ayen, ayme, ayne, ayre, cage, came, camo, camp, cane, cang, cant, cany, caon, cape, caph, capo, capt, care, carn, carp, cart, cate, cath, cent, cepa, cera, cern, cero, cert, cham, chan, chao, chap, char, chat, chay, chem, chen, cher, chge, chmn, chon, chop, choy, chry, coat, coma, come, comp, comr, cone, cong, cont, cony, copa, cope, copr, copt, copy, cora, core, corm, corn, corp, cort, cory, cote, coth, coyn, crag, cram, cran, crap, cray, croh, crop, croy, crpe, ctge, cyan, cyma, cyme, cyon, cyte, each, earn, eath, echo, echt, econ, ecto, egma, empt, enam, ency, engr, ento, entr, eoan, epha, erat, ergo, erth, etch, etna, eton, etym, eyah, eyot, eyra, gaen, gaet, game, gamp, gamy, gane, gant, gape, gapo, gapy, gare, garn, gart, gary, gate, gath, gean, gear, geat, gena, gent, geom, germ, gery, geta, ghat, gnar, gnat, goar, goat, goen, goer, gome, gone, gony, gora, gore, gorm, gorp, gory, gote, goth, gram, gran, grat, gray, gren, gret, grot, gymp, gyne, gyny, gype, gyre, gyro, gyte, haec, haen, hame, hang, hant, hare, harm, harn, haro, harp, hart, hate, haye, heap, hear, heat, hemp, heng, hent, hept, hera, herm, hern, hero, herp, hert, hery, hoar, hoer, hoey, hoga, home, hone, hong, hont, hope, hora, hore, horn, hort, hory, hote, hoya, hyen, hymn, hyne, hype, hypo, hypt, hyte, mace, mach, maco, mage, magh, mane, mang, mano, mant, many, mapo, marc, mare, marg, maro, mart, mary, mate, math, maty, mayo, mean, mear, meat, mech, mega, meng, meno, ment, meny, merc, mero, meta, meth, moan, moat, moca, moch, moet, moha, mohr, mona, mone, mong, mont, mony, mope, moph, mora, more, morg, morn, mort, mota, mote, moth, moya, mrna, mtge, myna, myrt, myth, nace, nach, name, nape, narc, nare, nary, nato, natr, neap, near, neat, nema, nemo, nepa, neth, noah, noma, nome, nope, nore, norm, nota, note, nyet, nypa, oary, oath, oaty, oche, ocht, octa, ogam, ogre, oman, omen, omer, onca, once, oner, onym, opah, opec, open, orae, oran, orca, orch, orgy, orna, orth, oyer, pace, paco, pact, pacy, page, paho, pane, pang, pant, paon, parc, pare, part, pate, path, pato, paty, paye, payt, peag, pean, pear, peat, pech, pega, pegh, peho, peng, pent, peon, perh, perm, pern, pert, peta, peto, phar, phat, phon, phot, pnce, poem, poet, pogy, poha, pome, pone, pong, pont, pony, porc, pore, porn, port, pory, pote, prag, pram, prao, prat, pray, prec, prem, pret, prey, proa, proc, prog, prom, pron, ptah, pyat, pyet, pyne, pyot, pyre, pyro, race, rach, racy, rage, rame, ramp, rane, rang, rant, rape, rapt, rate, rath, rato, rcpt, ream, rean, reap, rect, rego, regt, reno, rent, reny, repo, rept, rgen, rhea, rheo, rhet, roam, roan, roch, roey, roma, rome, romp, rone, rong, ront, rope, ropy, rota, rotc, rote, royt, ryen, ryme, rynt, ryot, rype, tace, tach, taco, taen, tahr, tame, tamp, tane, tang, tanh, tape, tare, tarn, taro, tarp, tche, tchr, team, tean, teap, tear, teca, tech, tega, tehr, temp, teng, tepa, tera, term, tern, terp, thae, than, thar, thea, them, then, they, thon, thor, thro, toch, toea, toey, toga, toge, tome, tone, tong, tony, tope, toph, torc, tore, torn, trac, trag, trah, tram, trap, tray, trey, trna, trog, tron, trop, troy, trye, tryp, tyer, tymp, tyne, type, typo, typy, tyro, tyyn, yamp, yang, yare, yarm, yarn, yate, yeah, yean, year, yeat, yech, yeom, yern, yeta, yeth, ygoe, ymca, ympe, ympt, yoga, yogh, yomp, yont, yore, yote
3 Letter Words for Pharyngectomy
ace, ach, act, acy, aer, age, ago, agr, agt, agy, aho, ame, amp, amt, amy, anc, ane, ant, any, aor, apc, ape, aph, apr, apt, arc, are, arg, arm, arn, art, ary, ate, atm, atp, aye, ayr, cag, cam, can, cap, car, cat, cay, cen, ceo, cep, cer, cgm, cha, che, chg, chm, chn, cho, cog, com, con, cop, cor, cot, coy, cpa, cpm, cpo, cpr, cpt, cro, crt, cry, cte, ctg, ctn, cto, ctr, cyp, eam, ean, ear, eat, ecg, ech, ecm, eco, ect, ego, emo, emp, enc, eng, eom, eon, epa, era, erg, ern, ert, eta, etc, eth, ety, eyn, eyr, gam, gan, gap, gar, gat, gay, gem, gen, geo, ger, get, gey, gmt, gnp, goa, gon, gop, gor, got, goy, gph, gpm, gra, gro, gry, gtc, gte, gye, gym, gyn, gyp, hae, hag, ham, han, hao, hap, hat, hay, hem, hen, heo, hep, her, het, hey, hgt, hmo, hny, hoa, hoc, hoe, hog, hom, hon, hop, hor, hot, hoy, hye, hyp, mac, mae, mag, man, mao, map, mar, mat, may, mcg, mea, meg, meh, men, mer, met, mgr, mgt, mhg, mho, mna, moa, moc, moe, mog, mon, mop, mor, mot, moy, mpg, mph, mtg, mtn, mya, myc, myg, nae, nag, nah, nam, nap, nar, nat, nay, nco, nea, neg, neo, nep, net, noa, nog, noh, nom, nor, not, noy, nth, nye, oam, oar, oat, oca, och, oct, oer, ohm, ona, one, ont, ony, opa, ope, opt, ora, orc, ore, org, ort, ory, otc, oye, pac, pah, pam, pan, par, pat, pay, pcm, pct, pea, pec, peg, peh, pen, per, pet, pho, phr, pht, pmt, poa, poh, pom, pon, por, pot, poy, prc, pre, prn, pro, pry, pta, pte, ptg, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rag, rah, ram, ran, rap, rat, ray, rct, rea, rec, reg, reh, rem, rep, rha, rhe, rho, rhy, rna, roc, roe, rog, rom, ron, rot, rpm, rpt, rte, rya, rye, tag, tam, tan, tao, tap, tar, tay, tch, tcp, tea, tec, teg, tem, ten, ter, tgn, tha, the, thm, tho, thy, tmh, tng, toa, toc, toe, tog, tom, ton, top, tor, toy, tph, tpm, tra, trm, trp, try, tye, tyg, typ, tyr, yag, yah, yam, yan, yap, yar, yat, yay, yea, yeh, yen, yeo, yep, yer, yet, ygo, yoe, yom, yon, yor, yot, yoy
Definitions for Pharyngectomy
[1] excision of part or all of the pharynx.
Words nearby Pharyngectomy
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube, pharyngeal reflex, pharyngeal tonsil, pharyngeal vein, pharyngealize, pharyngectomy, pharyngemphraxis, pharyngismus, pharyngitis, pharyngo-, pharyngocele
Origin of Pharyngectomy
First recorded in 1885–90; pharyng- + -ectomy