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Showing words for PHENANTHRENEQUINONE using the English dictionary

19 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone


12 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone


11 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

ephthianure, neutropenia, noninherent, perennation

10 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

antiphoner, eupatorine, euphoriant, hierophant, interphone, nepenthean, nonheathen, nonpainter, nonuterine, pantherine, pentaquine, pinnothere, quarentene, quaternion, uninherent

9 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

antherine, anthorine, auriphone, enhearten, epuration, eupatorin, eutherian, heptanone, hereanent, hunterian, inquorate, interpone, naphthene, neptunian, neuration, neuropath, nonhunter, nonparent, nonrepeat, nontannin, nontenure, nunnation, ortanique, panetiere, parthenon, pentanone, pentaquin, perennate, peritenon, petaurine, phanerite, pinnotere, portunian, preintone, quartinho, quaterion, quietener, quinteron, rephonate, rhapontin, terpinene, theorique, thereupon, thiophene, threonine, unhearten, unheathen

8 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

aequorin, anethene, aneurine, annotine, anointer, antepone, anthrone, antihero, antiphon, antiporn, antiquer, aperient, apertion, atherine, atropine, earphone, enaunter, enthrone, ephorate, epitenon, equation, equinate, ereption, eruption, ethephon, etherean, etherene, etherion, euphonia, euphoria, european, eutannin, eutheria, hapteron, haqueton, hauerite, haurient, heathier, henequen, henequin, heniquen, hereinto, hereunto, hereupon, hereupto, herniate, heronite, herquein, hetaerio, huronian, inaunter, inherent, inornate, internee, inthrone, nenuphar, neoprene, neotenia, nepenthe, nephrite, nepouite, nepquite, neronian, neutrino, nineteen, noninert, nonirate, nonprint, nopinene, nunation, oenanthe, operatee, ophiuran, outpreen, painture, pantheon, paroquet, patronne, pennorth, penutian, perentie, perianth, perioque, peronate, peronnei, petanque, phaethon, phoneier, photuria, piquante, pointure, ponerine, pouteria, pratique, prehaunt, prehnite, prequote, preunion, preunite, pruinate, prunetin, puritano, quainter, quartine, quateron, quatrino, queenier, queenite, reanoint, reequipt, retinene, tenonian, terephah, thienone, thiophen, thiourea, threapen, threonin, trephine, trephone, triphane, triphone, tropeine, trunnion, turonian, unentire, uninnate, unitrope, unnation, unornate, unrepent, unthrone, urethane, urophein

7 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

aneurin, aniente, anither, annuent, another, anterin, anthine, anthrop, antique, antirun, apeiron, aphrite, aquerne, arenite, athenee, athenor, atrenne, atropin, autopen, earthen, enation, enhaunt, enheart, enherit, enprint, enquere, enripen, enteria, enteron, enthean, entoire, entrain, epurate, equator, etaerio, etherin, ethrane, etonian, etrenne, euphone, euphroe, eupione, europan, euterpe, eutopia, hairnet, hapiton, haptene, haptere, harenut, haunter, hautein, heapier, hearten, heathen, heather, hennier, heparin, heptane, heptene, heptine, hereout, hernani, hernant, heroine, hoheria, hoihere, hopeite, hoptree, horntip, houhere, inearth, inepter, innuate, inquere, intoner, naether, naither, naphtho, nauther, neepour, neither, neonate, neopine, nephria, nephron, neptune, nereite, neurine, neurite, neutria, neutron, ninurta, noetian, nonnant, nortena, northen, nounier, nouther, nunnari, onerate, opaquer, operant, operate, ophiura, opinant, opuntia, orphean, orthian, otarine, ouenite, outearn, outhear, outhire, outpeer, paeonin, painter, pannier, panther, pantine, parquet, patener, pearten, peatier, pennant, pennate, pennine, pentane, pentene, penthia, pentine, pereion, perinea, perique, pernine, peronei, pertain, petrean, petrine, petunia, phaeton, phenate, phenene, phenine, phonate, phonier, phorate, piannet, pientao, pinnate, pintano, pintura, pioneer, piquant, piquero, piroque, pointer, pontine, potheen, pouther, poutier, poutine, preheat, prenote, preteen, pretone, prithee, pronate, protean, protein, pterion, punnier, puritan, purohit, quannet, quarion, quartin, quatern, quatrin, queenie, quenite, querent, quieten, quieter, quinate, quinnat, quinnet, quinone, quintan, quintar, quinton, quoiter, quorate, rainout, reequip, repaint, repique, repoint, repunit, requeen, requite, requote, retenue, retinue, reunion, reunite, rheotan, routhie, routine, ruinate, runneth, runnion, ruption, ruthene, taennin, tanquen, taurine, teenier, teheran, tenoner, ternion, terpane, terpene, terpine, theoria, therein, thereon, thereup, therian, thinner, thoreau, thorina, thornen, tinhorn, tonneau, tournai, tournee, traheen, trainee, traneen, trannie, trianon, tropein, tropine, tueiron, turnpin, unearth, uneaten, unheart, uninert, unipart, unneath, unnethe, unpaint, unprint, unthorn, untrain, untripe, uptrain, uranine, uranion, uranite, urethan, urinant, urinate, uterine

6 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

aequor, aether, aethon, annite, anoine, anoint, anorth, anoure, anteri, anther, antrin, aperiu, areito, aroint, arpent, athene, atoner, atopen, aunter, auntie, aurene, aurine, aurite, autere, author, either, enhort, enoint, enrapt, enruin, entera, entier, entire, entone, entour, entrap, entree, entrep, entria, entune, eonian, eothen, epeira, ephete, ephori, epirot, epitra, equant, equate, equine, equipe, equipt, erthen, eterne, ethane, ethene, ethine, ethion, ethiop, euphon, eupion, eupnea, eurite, europa, europe, haique, hairen, hairup, hapten, haptor, harpin, harten, hartin, hatpin, heaper, hearie, hearth, heaten, heater, henner, hennin, henpen, henter, hereat, herein, hereon, hereto, heriot, hernia, heroin, herpet, hertha, hetero, hethen, hether, hieron, hinner, hinter, hither, hoenir, hornet, huerta, huitre, hunner, hunter, inaner, ineunt, inhere, innate, inport, inpour, intern, intone, intrap, intron, intune, inturn, ionate, ithunn, iurant, naique, nannie, nanpie, napier, napron, narine, nather, nation, natron, nature, neaten, neater, neetup, neiper, nepeta, nepote, nerine, nerita, nerite, nether, neurin, neuron, neuter, nipter, nither, nonair, nonane, nonart, nonene, nonent, nonnat, nonpar, nonrun, nontan, norate, norite, nother, nuphar, nuprin, nutria, onethe, opaque, opener, operae, ophite, opiane, opiate, opiner, orante, orient, ornate, ornith, orphan, orpine, oturia, outher, outran, outrap, paiute, panino, panion, panner, panter, pantie, panton, pantun, panure, paquet, parent, pariet, parine, parten, partie, parton, patine, patrin, patron, peahen, peanut, peerie, penner, pennet, pennia, pennon, penoun, pequot, pereia, pereon, perine, perite, pernea, pernio, perone, perten, pether, petrie, petune, pheere, phenin, phoner, phonet, phoria, phthor, pianet, pieton, pinene, pineta, pinnae, pinner, pinnet, pioner, piquet, piqure, pirate, pointe, ponent, ponier, pontee, pontie, pontin, porina, porite, portia, poteen, pother, pourie, pouter, pratie, pretan, proine, protea, protei, pruina, pruine, prutah, pteria, pterin, pterna, pteron, puerto, punier, punner, punnet, puntee, punter, purine, putain, puther, qintar, quaere, quaint, quanti, quarte, quarto, quatre, queint, quethe, quiapo, quieta, quinet, quinoa, quinon, quinta, quinte, quinto, quotee, quoter, quotha, ranine, rapine, raquet, rateen, ratine, ration, reaute, reheap, reheat, rehete, rehone, renate, rennet, rennin, renone, rentee, reopen, repeat, repent, repine, repone, repute, requin, requit, retain, retape, retene, retina, retine, retune, rhaphe, rhenea, rohuna, ropani, roquet, roupet, roupie, roupit, runite, runnet, runtee, rupiah, taheen, tanier, tanner, tannin, tapoun, tarpon, taupie, taurin, teener, teenie, teniae, tenner, tenore, tenpin, tenure, teopan, tephra, teraph, terpen, terpin, teruah, theine, theirn, thenar, thenne, therap, thoria, thorpe, thraep, thrain, threep, threip, threne, threpe, throne, thrope, tinean, tinnen, tinner, tipree, tipuna, toeier, tonier, tonner, torque, toupee, tourie, tourne, trepan, triene, triune, trophi, tropia, tropin, troupe, tunier, tunner, tunnor, tupian, tureen, turion, turnip, turnon, uneath, unhair, unhate, unhent, unhero, unhope, uniate, uniter, unnapt, unnear, unneat, unneth, unopen, unpent, unrein, unrent, unripe, unrope, untine, untire, untone, untorn, uphroe, uprate, uprein, uptear, uptore, uptorn, uptree, uranin, urheen, urophi, utopia

5 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

aerie, aeron, ahent, ahint, ahunt, ainee, airth, anent, anion, annet, annie, annot, anorn, anour, antiq, antre, apert, aperu, aport, apout, apron, apter, arent, arete, ariot, arite, arith, arnee, arnut, aroph, arpen, artou, atone, atour, atren, atrip, atune, aurei, aurin, autor, autre, earth, eaten, eater, eathe, eerie, eeten, enapt, enate, enent, enhat, ennia, ennui, enorn, enpia, enrut, entea, enter, entia, entre, eoith, ephah, ephoi, ephor, epona, equip, erato, erept, erupt, etape, ether, haine, haint, haire, haith, hanoi, haori, hater, hathi, haunt, haute, heare, heart, heath, heiau, henen, henna, hepar, herne, heroe, heron, hiant, hiate, hiera, hinau, hiper, hiree, hiren, hithe, honan, honer, hoper, horah, hotei, hoten, hothr, houri, hupot, huron, hutia, hutre, inane, inapt, inept, inert, inner, innet, inone, input, inrun, inter, intra, intro, intue, inure, inurn, iortn, irate, irena, irene, irone, ither, nairu, nathe, naunt, neath, nehru, nenta, neper, nepit, neter, netop, niepa, nihau, nihon, niner, ninon, ninth, nintu, ninut, niota, niter, niton, nitro, noint, noire, nonet, noria, norie, norit, norna, north, notan, noter, nunni, oaten, oater, oenin, ohare, opera, ophir, opine, opter, orant, orate, orpin, orpit, other, ouphe, ourie, outen, outer, outra, outre, paeon, paine, paint, paire, pairt, panne, panto, paren, pareo, pareu, parte, parti, parto, patee, paten, patin, patio, peare, peart, peert, peine, penie, penna, penne, penni, penta, perai, perau, perea, perit, perth, petar, peter, petre, petri, petro, phaet, phane, phano, phare, pharo, pheer, phene, pheon, phone, phren, piano, piert, pieta, piner, pinna, pinon, pinot, pinta, pinte, pinto, piqua, pique, pirot, pitau, piton, piute, pohna, point, poire, poret, poria, porta, porte, poter, potin, prahu, prate, preen, prent, preta, prine, print, prion, proin, prone, prote, prune, prunt, pruta, punta, punti, punto, purae, puree, purin, puton, quair, quant, quare, quart, quate, quean, queen, queer, queet, quena, quent, quern, quiet, quina, quine, quint, quipo, quira, quire, quirt, quite, quito, quoin, quoit, quota, quote, quoth, quran, raine, ranee, raphe, rathe, ratio, raupo, reate, rehoe, reina, renet, renin, renne, rente, repen, repin, repot, retan, rethe, retia, retie, retin, retip, reune, rheen, rhein, rhine, rhino, rhone, riant, ripen, rithe, roate, rohan, rohun, ronin, ronne, ronte, roque, rotan, rouen, route, routh, rupee, rupia, rupie, rutin, tahin, taino, taipo, tairn, tapen, taper, tapir, tarie, tarin, tauon, taupe, taupo, teene, tehee, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenne, tenno, tennu, tenon, tenor, tenue, tepee, tepor, terai, terap, tereu, terna, terne, thane, theah, theer, theia, thein, their, theor, there, thine, thone, thore, thorn, thorp, thrae, thrap, three, thrip, throe, throu, tinea, toher, toner, tonne, topau, topee, toper, tophe, tophi, topia, toque, toran, toupe, tourn, train, tranq, trape, treen, trina, trine, tripe, trona, trone, trope, troue, tuarn, tuina, tuner, tunna, turin, turio, unapt, unare, uneth, unhap, unhat, unhip, unhit, unhot, uniat, uninn, union, unite, unnet, unorn, unpen, unpin, unpot, unrip, untap, untar, untie, untin, untop, upeat, upher, upran, uptie, uraei, urate, urena, urent, urine, urite, urnae, uteri, utero, uther

4 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

aero, aine, aint, ainu, aion, aire, airn, airt, aith, aitu, anet, anne, anni, anno, anon, anre, ante, anti, antu, aper, apio, aquo, aren, aret, arni, arno, arte, arui, atip, atop, aune, aunt, aute, auth, auto, earn, eath, eheu, eine, eira, eire, ento, entr, eoan, epee, epha, epit, eqpt, erat, eria, erie, erin, erne, erth, eten, ethe, etna, eton, etua, etui, euoi, eure, euro, haen, hain, hair, hait, hani, hant, hapu, hare, harn, haro, harp, hart, hate, hath, haut, heap, hear, heat, heep, heer, heir, hent, hept, hera, here, hern, hero, herp, hert, hete, heth, hine, hint, hipe, hipt, hire, hiro, hoar, hoer, hoin, hoit, hone, hont, hope, hopi, hora, hore, horn, hort, hote, hoth, hoti, hour, hout, huer, huia, hunh, hunt, hupa, hura, hurt, iare, ieee, inne, inro, inta, into, intr, iota, iran, iraq, iron, irpe, iter, iure, nain, naio, nane, nant, naoi, nape, napu, nare, nato, natr, natu, naur, naut, neap, near, neat, neep, neer, neet, nein, nene, neon, nepa, nete, neth, neti, neut, nina, nine, nipa, nito, noah, noir, nona, none, nope, nore, nori, norn, nota, note, noun, noup, nout, oahu, oath, ohia, oint, oner, opah, opai, open, orae, oran, orna, orth, ouph, ourn, outa, outr, pahi, paho, pain, pair, pane, pant, paon, pare, pari, part, pate, path, pato, patu, paut, peai, pean, pear, peat, peen, peer, peho, pene, peni, pent, peon, pere, perh, peri, pern, pert, peru, peta, pete, peto, phar, phat, phit, phoh, phon, phot, phut, pian, pien, pier, piet, pina, pine, pino, pint, pion, piqu, pirn, pita, pith, piua, poet, poha, pone, pont, pore, porn, port, pote, poti, pour, pout, prao, prat, prau, pree, pret, prie, prin, prio, proa, pron, pruh, prut, ptah, ptui, puan, puer, puir, puna, punt, pure, puri, qere, qeri, qoph, quai, quan, quar, quat, quei, quep, quet, quia, quin, quip, quit, quop, quor, quot, rahu, rain, rait, rane, rann, rant, rape, rapt, rate, rath, rato, ratu, raun, rean, reap, reen, reet, rein, reit, renn, reno, rent, repo, rept, rete, rhea, rheo, rhet, rine, riot, ripa, ripe, ript, rita, rite, roan, roin, roit, rone, ront, rope, rota, rote, roti, roua, roue, roun, roup, rout, ruen, ruin, rune, runt, rupa, ruta, ruth, taen, tahr, tain, tane, tanh, tape, tapu, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tarp, taun, taur, tean, teap, tear, teen, teer, tehr, tene, tepa, tepe, tera, tern, terp, thae, thai, than, thar, thea, thee, then, thin, thio, thir, thon, thor, thou, thro, thru, tiao, tiar, tien, tier, tine, tipe, tipu, tire, toea, tone, tonn, tope, toph, topi, tore, tori, torn, toru, toun, toup, tour, trah, trap, tree, trie, trin, trio, trip, trna, tron, trop, true, trun, tuan, tuna, tune, tuno, tupi, turn, turp, unai, unie, unio, unit, unta, unto, upon, uran, urao, urea, uria, urna, urth, utah, utai

3 Letter Words for Phenanthrenequinone

aer, ahh, ahi, aho, ahu, ain, air, ait, ane, ann, ant, anu, aor, ape, aph, apr, apt, are, arn, art, aru, ate, atp, auh, ean, ear, eat, eau, een, eer, eir, ene, eon, epa, epi, era, ere, ern, ert, eta, eth, hae, han, hao, hap, hat, hau, hee, heh, hei, hen, heo, hep, her, het, hia, hie, hin, hip, hir, hit, hoa, hoe, hoh, hoi, hon, hop, hor, hot, hue, huh, hui, hun, hup, hut, iao, ihp, inn, int, ion, iou, iph, ipo, ipr, ira, ire, ita, nae, nah, nap, nar, nat, nea, nee, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nip, nit, nne, noa, noh, non, nor, not, nth, nun, nur, nut, oar, oat, oer, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, opa, ope, opt, ora, ore, ort, oui, oup, our, out, pah, pan, par, pat, pau, pea, pee, peh, pen, per, pet, phi, pho, phr, pht, phu, pia, pie, pin, pir, pit, piu, poa, poh, poi, pon, por, pot, pre, prn, pro, pta, pte, pua, puh, pun, pur, put, qat, qto, qtr, qua, que, qui, quo, rah, rai, ran, rap, rat, rea, ree, reh, rei, rep, req, rha, rhe, rho, ria, rie, rin, rio, rip, rit, rna, roe, roi, ron, rot, rpt, rte, rti, rue, run, rut, tai, tan, tao, tap, tar, tau, tea, tee, ten, ter, tha, the, tho, tie, tin, tip, tiu, toa, toe, toi, ton, top, tor, tou, tph, tpi, tra, tri, trp, tua, tue, tui, tun, tup, tur, uit, una, unh, uni, unn, unp, unq, upo, ura, ure, urn, urp, uta, ute, uti

Definitions for Phenanthrenequinone

[1] a yellowish-orange, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C1 4 H8 O2 , used chiefly in organic synthesis and the manufacture of dyes.

Words nearby Phenanthrenequinone

phenacaine, phenacetin, phenaceturic acid, phenacite, phenanthrene, phenanthrenequinone, phenarsazine chloride, phenate, phenazine, phenazopyridine, phencyclidine

Origin of Phenanthrenequinone

First recorded in 1880–85; phenanthrene + quin(ine) + -one