11 Letter Words for Philistines
10 Letter Words for Philistines
9 Letter Words for Philistines
nihilists, pithiness, silentish, splenitis
8 Letter Words for Philistines
ensilist, hiplines, lienitis, linishes, nihilist, pithless, pitiless, plenists, shilpits, shiniest, shinties, snipiest, spilites, spiniest, spinitis, spleniti, thlipses, thlipsis
7 Letter Words for Philistines
elshins, enlists, hipless, hipline, hipness, hitless, ileitis, inisles, inships, insteps, leptins, liniest, linitis, linties, listens, peltish, penitis, pensils, philine, piniest, pinites, pinless, pintles, pistils, pitless, plenish, plenist, plinths, senilis, shilpit, shinies, shiplet, silents, sistine, sithens, snipish, spilite, spilths, spinels, spinets, spitish, splenii, splents, splines, splints, stipels, stishie, thissen, tiepins, tinsels, tipless
6 Letter Words for Philistines
elints, elshin, elsins, enlist, epithi, heists, hissel, histie, inisle, initis, inless, inlets, insets, inship, insist, insite, instep, islets, issite, istles, leptin, linish, lintie, lipins, listen, lithes, nepits, nihils, pensil, pestis, piitis, pilies, piline, pinies, pinite, pintle, pishes, pistes, pistil, pistle, pithes, pities, plinth, plisse, seniti, sepsin, shiels, shiest, shiite, shines, sients, sieths, sileni, silens, silent, sisith, sisten, sistle, sithen, sithes, sliest, slinte, slipes, snipes, snithe, speils, spiels, spiles, spilth, spinel, spines, spinet, spites, splent, spline, splint, splite, splits, steils, steins, stelis, stiles, stipel, stipes, tehsil, tessin, theins, thesis, tiepin, tinies, tinsel
5 Letter Words for Philistines
elint, elsin, enlit, ensis, entsi, epist, eshin, heils, heist, helis, helps, hents, hesps, hests, hilts, hints, hisis, hists, hsien, inept, inlet, insep, inset, intel, intil, intis, ishes, isles, islet, issei, istle, leish, leiss, lenis, lenth, lenti, lessn, lests, liens, liesh, liest, lines, linie, lints, lipin, lipse, lisps, lists, lites, lithe, lithi, liths, neist, nelis, nepit, nests, nihil, nisei, nisse, pelts, penis, pents, pests, phies, piest, piets, pilei, piles, pilin, pilis, pines, pinte, pints, piste, piths, pleis, plesh, plies, pliss, seils, senit, senti, sents, septs, sesti, shent, shets, shiel, shies, shine, shins, ships, shipt, shisn, shist, shits, siens, sient, siest, sieth, silen, siles, silts, sines, sinhs, sipes, sites, sithe, slent, slept, sline, slipe, slips, slipt, slish, slite, slits, snies, snipe, snips, snite, snits, speil, spent, spets, spiel, spies, spile, spine, spins, spise, spite, spits, splet, split, steil, stein, stens, steps, sties, stile, stine, stipe, teils, thein, thens, thine, thins, thisn, tiens, tiles, tines, tiple, tsine
4 Letter Words for Philistines
elhi, elts, epil, epit, ests, eths, heii, heil, heli, help, hens, hent, heps, hept, hesp, hest, hets, hies, hile, hili, hilt, hine, hins, hint, hipe, hips, hipt, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, htel, ilth, init, insp, inst, inti, intl, ipil, ipse, isis, isle, isls, isnt, isth, itel, leis, lens, lent, leps, less, lest, lets, lien, lies, liin, line, lins, lint, lipe, lips, lish, lisp, liss, list, lite, lith, liti, lits, neps, nesh, ness, nest, neth, neti, nets, nies, nile, nils, nips, nisi, nist, nits, pehs, pelt, peni, pens, pent, pess, pest, pets, phil, phis, phit, pien, pies, piet, pile, pili, pine, pins, pint, pise, pish, piss, pist, pith, pits, plie, psis, psst, psts, seil, seis, seit, sels, selt, sens, sent, sepn, seps, sept, seth, sets, shes, shet, shin, ship, shit, shpt, sien, sile, silt, sine, sinh, sins, sipe, sips, sise, sish, sisi, sist, site, sith, siti, sits, slip, slit, snip, snit, spet, spie, spin, spit, sten, step, stie, teil, teli, tels, tens, then, thin, this, tien, ties, tile, tils, tine, tins, tipe, tips, tshi
3 Letter Words for Philistines
ehs, eli, els, elt, enl, ens, epi, esp, ess, est, eth, hei, hel, hen, hep, hes, het, hie, hin, hip, his, hit, hts, ihi, ihp, ihs, iii, ile, ins, int, iph, ipl, ips, ise, ish, isl, isn, ist, its, lei, lep, les, let, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, lpn, lst, nei, nep, net, nie, nil, nip, nis, nit, nth, peh, pel, pen, pes, pet, phi, pht, pie, pil, pin, pis, pit, pli, psi, pst, pte, pts, sei, sel, sen, sep, set, she, shi, shp, sht, sie, sil, sin, sip, sis, sit, sle, slt, spl, sps, spt, sse, ssh, ssp, tel, ten, tes, the, tie, til, tin, tip, tis, tln, tph, tpi, tps, tsh, tsi, tsp, tss
Definitions for Philistines
[1] (sometimes initial capital letter ) a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.
[2] (initial capital letter ) a native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia.
[3] (sometimes initial capital letter ) lacking in or hostile to culture.
[4] smugly commonplace or conventional.
[5] (initial capital letter ) of or belonging to the ancient Philistines.
[6] a person who is unreceptive to or hostile towards culture, the arts, etc; a smug boorish person
[7] a member of the non-Semitic people who inhabited ancient Philistia
[8] (sometimes not capital) boorishly uncultured
[9] of or relating to the ancient Philistines
Words related to Philistines
philistineblue, gross, roughneck, ribald, offensive, foul, barbarian, raw, base, low, crude, rough, mean, bawdy, common, vulgarian, rube, oaf, goon, lout
Words nearby Philistines
philistinephilippopolis, philippus, philips, philistia, philistian, philistine, philistines, phillip, phillips, phillips catheter, phillips curve
Origin of Philistines
1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin Philistīnī (plural) < Late Greek Philistînoi < Hebrew pəlishtīm
Other words from Philistines
phil·is·tin·ism [fil -uh -stee-niz-uh m, -stahy-, fi-lis -tuh -niz-uh m, -tee-] /ˈfɪl ə stiˌnɪz əm, -staɪ-, fɪˈlɪs təˌnɪz əm, -ti-/ , noun
Synonyms for Philistines
barbarian, base, bawdy, blue, common, crude, foul, gross, low, mean, offensive, raw, ribald, rough, roughneck, vulgarian, barbaric, boorish, brutish, cheap, churlish, crass, dirty, earthy, filthy, foul-mouthed, gruff, ill-bred, immodest, impolite, improper, impure, incult, indelicate, inelegant, loutish, lowbred, lowdown and dirty, nasty, obscene, off-color, raffish, raunchy, rude, scatological, smutty, tacky, tasteless, uncivil, uncivilized, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar