8 Letter Words for Pilotage
7 Letter Words for Pilotage
epiglot, galipot, lepiota
6 Letter Words for Pilotage
aiglet, alepot, apiole, aplite, egipto, galiot, gelati, gelato, goalie, goetia, latigo, legati, legato, leipoa, liepot, ligate, logeia, opiate, paigle, paleog, pelota, piaget, piglet, pilage, pilate, piolet, platie, polite, potage, potail, potleg, taigle, tailge
5 Letter Words for Pilotage
agile, aglet, aliet, alite, apiol, atelo, atole, eplot, galet, galop, gilet, gleit, gloat, gloea, golet, golpe, igapo, laeti, leapt, legit, legoa, lepta, logia, logie, loipe, pagle, paleo, palet, paoli, patel, patio, pelta, petal, pieta, pilea, pilot, plage, plait, plate, plato, pleat, ploat, plote, polit, tagel, taipo, talio, telia, teloi, tepal, tiple, toile, topia
4 Letter Words for Pilotage
aget, agio, agit, aiel, aile, alep, aloe, alop, alto, aoli, apio, atip, atle, atli, atop, egal, egol, eila, epil, epit, gael, gaet, gail, gait, gale, gali, galp, galt, gape, gapo, gate, geal, geat, geit, geol, geta, gila, gile, gilo, gilt, gite, glei, glia, glit, glop, goal, goat, goel, gola, gole, goli, golp, gote, iago, ilea, ilot, iota, ital, itel, laet, lait, late, lati, leap, leat, lepa, leto, lige, lipa, lipe, lite, loge, lope, lota, lote, loti, ogle, olea, olpe, opai, opal, page, pail, pale, pali, palt, pate, pato, peag, peai, peal, peat, pega, pela, pelt, peta, peto, pial, piet, pila, pile, pita, plat, plea, plia, plie, plot, poet, poil, pole, polt, pote, poti, tael, taig, tail, tale, tali, tape, teal, teap, tega, teil, tela, teli, tepa, tiao, tige, tile, tipe, toea, toga, toge, toil, tola, tole, tope, topi
3 Letter Words for Pilotage
age, ago, agt, ail, ait, ale, alg, alo, alp, alt, ape, apl, apt, ate, atp, eat, ego, ela, eli, elt, epa, epi, eta, gal, gap, gat, gel, geo, get, gie, gio, git, glt, goa, goi, gol, gop, got, gte, iao, ile, ilo, ipl, ipo, ita, lag, lai, lao, lap, lat, lea, leg, lei, leo, lep, let, lie, lig, lip, lit, loa, loe, log, lop, lot, oat, oie, oil, ola, ole, olp, opa, ope, opt, pal, pat, pea, peg, pel, pet, pia, pie, pig, pil, pit, pli, poa, poi, pol, pot, pta, pte, ptg, tag, tai, tal, tao, tap, tea, teg, tel, tie, tig, til, tip, tlo, toa, toe, tog, toi, tol, top, tpi
Definitions for Pilotage
[1] act, occupation, or skill of piloting.
[2] the fee paid to a pilot for his or her services.
[3] pilot station(def 1) .
[4] the process of directing the movement of a ship or aircraft by visual or electronic observations of recognizable landmarks.
[5] the act of piloting an aircraft or ship
[6] a pilot's fee
[7] the navigation of an aircraft by the observation of ground features and use of charts
Words related to Pilotage
control, direction, management, power, influence, administration, authority, initiative, command, skill, exploration, shipping, boating, foresight, capacity, preeminence, conveyance, supremacy, domination, superiority
Words nearby Pilotage
pilot station, pilot study, pilot tape, pilot waters, pilot whale, pilotage, pilotfish, pilothouse, piloti, piloting, pilotless
Origin of Pilotage
From French, dating back to 1610–20; see origin at pilot, -age
Synonyms for Pilotage
administration, authority, command, control, direction, influence, initiative, management, power, skill, capacity, conduction, conveyance, directorship, domination, foresight, hegemony, preeminence, primacy, superiority, supremacy, sway, superintendency