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Showing words for PION using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Pion
pino, pion
3 Letter Words for Pion
ion, ipo, nip, oni, pin, poi, pon
Definitions for Pion
[1] the first meson to be discovered: it has spin 0 and may be positively or negatively charged or neutral; charged pions decay into a muon and a neutrino or antineutrino. Symbol : π
[2] physics a meson having a positive or negative charge and a rest mass 273.13 times that of the electron, or no charge and a rest mass 264.14 times that of the electron
Words nearby Pion
pinyon jay, pinza, pinzón, pio, piolet, pion, pioneer, pioneer day, pioneers, the, piopio, piosity
Origin of Pion
First recorded in 1950–55; pi (meson) + -on1
Word origin for Pion
C20: from Greek letter pi 1 + on