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Showing words for PLACEMENT using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Placement


8 Letter Words for Placement

cemental, pentacle, placemen, platemen

7 Letter Words for Placement

alcmene, amplect, capelet, cementa, clapnet, clement, emplace, emplane, entelam, lacemen, latence, leatmen, leetman, manteel, pacemen, peatmen, peelman, pelecan, pentace, peteman, placent, tapemen, teleman, tenacle

6 Letter Words for Placement

alpeen, amelet, apelet, apemen, camlet, cample, cantel, cantle, caplet, catnep, cement, cental, cetane, elance, elanet, empale, enamel, encalm, encamp, enlace, entame, epacme, epenla, lament, lancet, lanete, lateen, manlet, mantel, mantle, mecate, melena, menace, mental, metepa, nepeta, pament, pantle, pecten, pelean, pelmet, peltae, pencel, pentel, peteca, placet, planet, platen, tancel, temple, tenace

5 Letter Words for Placement

alpen, ameen, amene, ament, amlet, ample, ancle, anele, anlet, atlee, calpe, camel, canel, capel, caple, catel, clame, clamp, clape, clapt, cleam, clean, cleat, cleep, clepe, clept, ctene, eaten, eclat, ectal, elamp, elate, elect, elmen, emane, emlen, enact, enapt, enate, enema, ental, entea, epact, etape, lacet, lance, laten, leapt, leman, lemna, lepta, macle, malee, manet, maple, meane, meant, menat, menta, metae, metal, metel, neela, nempt, nepal, npeel, palet, pance, panel, patee, patel, paten, peace, pecan, pelma, pelta, penal, pence, penta, petal, place, plane, plant, plate, pleat, plena, tapen, teman, tempe, tenla, tepal

4 Letter Words for Placement

acle, acme, acne, acpt, alce, alec, alee, alem, alen, alep, alme, amel, amen, ance, anet, ante, atle, calm, calp, came, camp, cane, cant, cape, capt, cate, cele, celt, cene, cent, cepa, cepe, cete, clam, clan, clap, clat, clee, clem, clep, eale, elan, elec, elem, elne, empt, enam, encl, eten, etna, lace, laen, laet, lame, lamp, lane, lant, late, leam, lean, leap, leat, lect, leep, leet, leme, lena, lene, lent, lepa, lete, mace, male, malt, mane, mant, mate, meal, mean, meat, meet, mela, mele, melt, mene, ment, meta, mete, nace, nael, nale, name, nape, natl, neal, neap, neat, neem, neep, neet, nema, nepa, nete, pace, pact, pale, palm, palt, pane, pant, pate, peal, pean, peat, peel, peen, pela, pele, pelt, pene, pent, peta, pete, plan, plat, plea, pnce, tace, tael, taen, talc, tale, tame, tamp, tane, tape, teal, team, tean, teap, teca, teel, teem, teen, tela, tele, teme, temp, tene, tepa, tepe

3 Letter Words for Placement

ace, act, alc, ale, aln, alp, alt, ame, amp, amt, anc, ane, ant, apc, ape, apl, apt, ate, atm, atp, cal, cam, can, cap, cat, cee, cel, cen, cep, cml, cpa, cpl, cpm, cpt, cte, ctn, eam, ean, eat, ecm, ect, eec, eel, een, ela, elm, elt, eme, emp, enc, ene, enl, epa, eta, etc, lac, lam, lan, lap, lat, lca, lcm, lea, lee, lem, lep, let, lpm, lpn, ltm, mac, mae, mal, man, map, mat, mea, mee, mel, men, met, mna, mtn, nae, nam, nap, nat, nea, nee, nep, net, pac, pal, pam, pan, pat, pcm, pct, pea, pec, pee, pel, pen, pet, pmt, pta, pte, tal, tam, tan, tap, tcp, tea, tec, tee, tel, tem, ten, tlc, tln, tpm

Definitions for Placement

[1] the act of placing.
[2] the state of being placed.
[3] the act of an employment office or employer in filling a position.
[4] location; arrangement: the placement of furniture.
[5] Football . the placing of the ball on the ground in attempting a place kick. the position of the ball. a place kick. a score made by a place kick: Jones made 43 consecutive placements last season.
[6] (in tennis, badminton, handball, etc.) a winning shot in which the ball or shuttlecock is so hit that one's opponent is unable to return it.
[7] the act of placing or the state of being placed
[8] arrangement or position
[9] the process or business of finding employment

Words related to Placement

employment, placing, deployment, arrangement, induction, position, organization, sequence, order, situation

Words nearby Placement

placebo, placebo effect, placeholder, placeless, placeman, placement, placement test, placename, placenta, placenta accreta, placenta circumvallata

Origin of Placement

First recorded in 1835–45; place + -ment

Other words from Placement

pre·place·ment , noun

Synonyms for Placement

employment, placing, induction