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Showing words for PLAGUING using the English dictionary
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5 Letter Words for Plaguing
4 Letter Words for Plaguing
3 Letter Words for Plaguing
Definitions for Plaguing
[1] an epidemic disease that causes high mortality; pestilence.
[2] an infectious, epidemic disease caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, characterized by fever, chills, and prostration, transmitted to humans from rats by means of the bites of fleas. Compare bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, septicemic plague.
[3] any widespread affliction, calamity, or evil, especially one regarded as a direct punishment by God: a plague of war and desolation.
[4] any cause of trouble, annoyance, or vexation: Uninvited guests are a plague.
[5] to trouble, annoy, or torment in any manner: The question of his future plagues him with doubt.
[6] to annoy, bother, or pester: Ants plagued the picnickers.
[7] to smite with a plague, pestilence, death, etc.; scourge: those whom the gods had plagued.
[8] to infect with a plague; cause an epidemic in or among: diseases that still plague the natives of Ethiopia.
[9] to afflict with any evil: He was plagued by allergies all his life.
[10] any widespread and usually highly contagious disease with a high fatality rate
[11] an infectious disease of rodents, esp rats, transmitted to man by the bite of the rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis )
[12] See bubonic plague
[13] something that afflicts or harasses
[14] informal an annoyance or nuisance
[15] a pestilence, affliction, or calamity on a large scale, esp when regarded as sent by God
[16] archaic used to express annoyance, disgust, etc a plague on you
[17] to afflict or harass
[18] to bring down a plague upon
[19] informal to annoy
Words related to Plaguing
plaguebedevil, afflict, beleaguer, bother, haunt, torment, infest, trouble, hound, worry, chafe, gnaw, pain, torture, tease, pursue, ride, pester, vex, hector
Words nearby Plaguing
plagueplagioclase, plagioclimax, plagiohedral, plagiotropic, plagiotropism, plague, plague vaccine, plague, the, plagues of egypt, plaguesome, plaguy
Origin of Plaguing
e1350–1400; Middle English plage < Latin plāga stripe, wound, Late Latin: pestilence
Words that may be confused with Plaguing
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, plagueplague, plaque
Other words from Plaguing
pla·guer , noun
an·ti·plague , noun, adjective
un·plagued , adjective
Word origin for Plaguing
eC14: from Late Latin plāga pestilence, from Latin: a blow; related to Greek plēgē a stroke, Latin plangere to strike
Synonyms for Plaguing
afflict, bedevil, beleaguer, bother, haunt, hound, infest, torment, trouble, worry, badger, chafe, fret, gall, gnaw, harass, harry, hassle, hector, irk, molest, pain, persecute, pester, pursue, ride, tease, torture, vex