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Showing words for PLAID using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Plaid
4 Letter Words for Plaid
dail, dali, dial, dipl, laid, lipa, padi, paid, pail, pali, pial, pila, plia
3 Letter Words for Plaid
adp, aid, ail, ald, alp, apl, dal, dap, dia, dil, dip, dpi, ida, idp, ipl, lad, lai, lap, lid, lip, pad, pal, pdl, pia, pid, pil, pli
Definitions for Plaid
[1] any fabric woven of differently colored yarns in a crossbarred pattern.
[2] a pattern of this kind.
[3] a long, rectangular piece of cloth, usually with such a pattern and worn across the left shoulder by Scottish Highlanders.
[4] having the pattern of a plaid.
[5] a long piece of cloth of a tartan pattern, worn over the shoulder as part of Highland costume
[6] a crisscross weave or cloth (as modifier ) a plaid scarf
Words related to Plaid
Words nearby Plaid
plague, the, plagues of egypt, plaguesome, plaguy, plaice, plaid, plaid cymru, plaided, plain, plain as day, plain bearing
Origin of Plaid
1505–15; < Scots Gaelic plaide blanket, plaid (def 3)
Word origin for Plaid
C16: from Scottish Gaelic plaide, of obscure origin