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Showing words for PLAIT using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Plait
4 Letter Words for Plait
3 Letter Words for Plait
Definitions for Plait
[1] a braid, especially of hair or straw.
[2] a pleat or fold, as of cloth.
[3] to braid, as hair or straw.
[4] to make, as a mat, by braiding.
[5] to pleat.
[6] a length of hair, ribbon, etc, that has been plaited
[7] (in Britain) a loaf of bread of several twisting or intertwining parts
[8] a rare spelling of pleat
[9] (tr) to intertwine (strands or strips) in a pattern
Words related to Plait
twine, interweave, tuck, pleat, tress, crease, fold, knit, weave, flute, pigtail, pleach, plat
Words nearby Plait
plaintiff, plaintive, plainview, plainville, plaister, plait, plaiting, plan, plan b, plan on, plan position indicator
Origin of Plait
1350–1400; Middle English pleyt < Middle French pleit < Latin plicitum, neuter of plicitus, past participle of plicāre to fold; see ply2
Other words from Plait
in·ter·plait , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Plait
C15 pleyt, from Old French pleit, from Latin plicāre to fold; see ply ²
Synonyms for Plait
crease, flute, fold, interweave, knit, pigtail, plat, pleach, pleat, tress, tuck, twine, weave