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Showing words for PLANCHETTE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Planchette


8 Letter Words for Planchette

chapelet, chatelet, ectental, electant, elephant, peachlet, pentacle, planchet, telepath, tentacle

7 Letter Words for Planchette

athlete, canette, cantlet, capelet, capette, chaplet, chattel, cheapen, cheetal, chelate, clapnet, encheat, entheal, etchant, haptene, heelcap, heeltap, heptace, heptane, latchet, latence, lethean, palette, patente, pathlet, peachen, pectate, pelecan, peltate, pentace, pentact, phenate, placent, planche, platten, telpath, tenacle, tepache, thecate, theclan

6 Letter Words for Planchette

achene, achete, achtel, alette, alpeen, anhele, apelet, athene, cantel, cantle, caplet, catnep, cattle, cental, cephen, cetane, chalet, chapel, chelae, chenet, eatche, elance, elanet, elaphe, elench, enlace, entach, epenla, ethane, ethnal, hantle, hapten, heaten, hecate, helena, hepcat, heptal, lancet, lanete, lateen, latent, lathee, lathen, latten, letten, nattle, nepeta, netcha, nettle, pantle, patent, pattee, patten, pattle, peahen, pechan, pecten, pelean, peltae, pencel, penche, pentel, petate, peteca, pettah, pettle, pheeal, placet, planch, planet, platch, platen, platte, pleach, plench, taheen, talent, tancel, tantle, tapete, taplet, tapnet, teache, teathe, techne, tectal, teetan, teleph, telnet, tenace, thecae, thecal, thecla, thenal, thence

5 Letter Words for Planchette

ahent, aleph, alhet, alpen, ancle, anele, anlet, athel, atlee, attle, calpe, caneh, canel, capel, caple, catel, chant, chape, cheap, cheat, cheep, cheet, chela, chelp, chena, clape, clapt, clean, cleat, cleep, clepe, clept, ctene, eaten, eathe, echea, eclat, ectal, elate, elect, enact, enapt, enate, enhat, ental, entea, entte, epact, etape, ethal, ethel, ettle, halte, hance, hatel, hatte, hecte, helen, hence, lacet, lache, lance, lanch, latch, laten, lathe, latte, leach, leapt, leath, leche, leech, lench, lenth, lepta, lethe, nache, natch, nathe, neath, neela, nepal, npeel, palch, palet, pance, panel, patch, patee, patel, paten, patte, peace, peach, pecan, pecht, pelta, penal, pence, penta, petal, phaet, phane, pheal, phene, place, plane, plant, plate, pleat, plena, tacet, tache, tapen, tapet, teach, tecta, teeth, tench, tenet, tenla, tenth, tepal, tetch, tetel, thane, thatn, theat, theca, theet, theta, thete

4 Letter Words for Planchette

ache, acle, acne, acpt, acth, alce, alec, alee, alen, alep, ance, anet, ante, atle, atte, attn, calp, cane, cant, cape, caph, capt, cate, cath, cele, celt, cene, cent, cepa, cepe, cete, chal, chan, chap, chat, chee, chen, clan, clap, clat, clee, clep, each, eale, eath, eche, echt, eech, elan, elec, elne, encl, epha, etat, etch, eten, ethe, etna, haec, haen, hale, halp, halt, hant, hate, hatt, heal, heap, heat, heel, heep, hela, hele, help, hent, hept, hete, htel, http, lace, laen, laet, lane, lant, late, lath, lean, leap, leat, lech, lect, leep, leet, lena, lene, lent, lepa, lete, lett, nace, nach, nael, nale, nape, natl, neal, neap, neat, neep, neet, nepa, nete, neth, pace, pact, pale, palt, pane, pant, pate, path, patt, peal, pean, peat, pech, peel, peen, pela, pele, pelt, pene, pent, peta, pete, phat, plan, plat, plea, pnce, ptah, tace, tach, tact, tael, taen, talc, tale, tane, tanh, tape, tate, tath, tche, teal, tean, teap, teat, teca, tech, teel, teen, teet, tela, tele, telt, tene, tent, tepa, tepe, tete, teth, thae, than, that, thea, thee, then

3 Letter Words for Planchette

ace, ach, act, alc, ale, aln, alp, alt, anc, ane, ant, apc, ape, aph, apl, apt, ate, atp, att, cal, can, cap, cat, cee, cel, cen, cep, cha, che, chn, cpa, cpl, cpt, cte, ctn, ean, eat, ech, ect, eec, eel, een, ela, elt, enc, ene, enl, epa, eta, etc, eth, hae, han, hap, hat, hcl, hee, hel, hen, hep, het, lac, lah, lan, lap, lat, lca, lea, lee, lep, let, lpn, nae, nah, nap, nat, nea, nee, nep, net, nth, pac, pah, pal, pan, pat, pct, pea, pec, pee, peh, pel, pen, pet, pht, pta, pte, ptt, tal, tan, tap, tat, tch, tcp, tea, tec, tee, tel, ten, tet, tha, the, tlc, tln, tnt, tph

Definitions for Planchette

[1] a small, heart-shaped board supported by two casters and a pencil or stylus that, when moved across a surface by the light, unguided pressure of the fingertips, is supposed to trace meaningful patterns or written messages revealing subconscious thoughts, psychic phenomena, clairvoyant messages, etc.
[2] a heart-shaped board on wheels, on which messages are written under supposed spirit guidance

Words nearby Planchette

planate, planation, plancer, planch, planchet, planchette, planck, planck constant, planck's constant, planck's law, planck's radiation law

Origin of Planchette

From French, dating back to 1855–60; see origin at planch, -ette

Word origin for Planchette

C19: from French: little board, from planche plank 1