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Showing words for PLANET using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Planet

pantle, planet, platen

5 Letter Words for Planet

alpen, anlet, enapt, ental, laten, leapt, lepta, nepal, palet, panel, patel, paten, pelta, penal, penta, petal, plane, plant, plate, pleat, plena, tapen, tenla, tepal

4 Letter Words for Planet

alen, alep, anet, ante, atle, elan, etna, laen, laet, lane, lant, late, lean, leap, leat, lena, lent, lepa, nael, nale, nape, natl, neal, neap, neat, nepa, pale, palt, pane, pant, pate, peal, pean, peat, pela, pelt, pent, peta, plan, plat, plea, tael, taen, tale, tane, tape, teal, tean, teap, tela, tepa

3 Letter Words for Planet

ale, aln, alp, alt, ane, ant, ape, apl, apt, ate, atp, ean, eat, ela, elt, enl, epa, eta, lan, lap, lat, lea, lep, let, lpn, nae, nap, nat, nea, nep, net, pal, pan, pat, pea, pel, pen, pet, pta, pte, tal, tan, tap, tea, tel, ten, tln

Definitions for Planet

[1] Astronomy . Also called major planet. any of the eight large heavenly bodies revolving about the sun and shining by reflected light: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, in the order of their proximity to the sun. Until 2006, Pluto was classified as a planet ninth in order from the sun; it has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. a similar body revolving about a star other than the sun. (formerly) a celestial body moving in the sky, as distinguished from a fixed star, applied also to the sun and moon.
[2] Astrology . the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto: considered sources of energy or consciousness in the interpretation of horoscopes.
[3] Also called: major planet any of the eight celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, that revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits and are illuminated by light from the sun
[4] Also called: extrasolar planet any other celestial body revolving around a star, illuminated by light from that star
[5] astrology any of the planets of the solar system, excluding the earth but including the sun and moon, each thought to rule one or sometimes two signs of the zodiac See also house (def. 9)

Words related to Planet

sphere, earth, globe, world, asteroid, marble, orb, apple, planetoid, terrene

Words nearby Planet

planeload, planer, planer saw, planer tree, planeside, planet, planet gear, planet wheel, planet x, planet zog, planet-struck

Origin of Planet

1250–1300; Middle English planete (< Old French planète ) < Late Latin planēta, planētēs (found only in plural planētae ) < Greek (astéres ) planḗtai literally, wandering (stars)

Other words from Planet

planetary adjective

Word origin for Planet

C12: via Old French from Late Latin planēta, from Greek planētēs wanderer, from planaein to wander

Synonyms for Planet

asteroid, earth, globe, sphere, world, apple, marble, orb, planetoid, heavenly body, luminous body, terrene, wandering star