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Showing words for PLASTIC using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Plastic
6 Letter Words for Plastic
5 Letter Words for Plastic
4 Letter Words for Plastic
3 Letter Words for Plastic
Definitions for Plastic
[1] Often plastics. any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened, including many types of resins, resinoids, polymers, cellulose derivatives, casein materials, and proteins: used in place of other materials, as glass, wood, and metals, in construction and decoration, for making many articles, as coatings, and, drawn into filaments, for weaving. They are often known by trademark names, as Bakelite, Vinylite, or Lucite.
[2] a credit card, or credit cards collectively, usually made of plastic: He had a whole pocketful of plastic.
[3] money, payment, or credit represented by the use of a credit card or cards.
[4] something, or a group of things, made of or resembling plastic: The entire meal was served on plastic.
[5] made of plastic.
[6] capable of being molded or of receiving form: clay and other plastic substances.
[7] produced by molding: plastic figures.
[8] having the power of molding or shaping formless or yielding material: the plastic forces of nature.
[9] being able to create, especially within an art form; having the power to give form or formal expression: the plastic imagination of great poets and composers.
[10] Fine Arts . concerned with or pertaining to molding or modeling; sculptural. relating to three-dimensional form or space, especially on a two-dimensional surface. pertaining to the tools or techniques of drawing, painting, or sculpture: the plastic means. characterized by an emphasis on formal structure: plastic requirements of a picture.
[11] pliable; impressionable: the plastic mind of youth.
[12] giving the impression of being made of or furnished with plastic: We stayed at one of those plastic motels.
[13] artificial or insincere; synthetic; phony: jeans made of cotton, not some plastic substitute; a plastic smile.
[14] lacking in depth, individuality, or permanence; superficial, dehumanized, or mass-produced: a plastic society interested only in material acquisition.
[15] of or relating to the use of credit cards: plastic credit; plastic money.
[16] Biology , Pathology . formative.
[17] Surgery . concerned with or pertaining to the remedying or restoring of malformed, injured, or lost parts: a plastic operation.
[18] a combining form occurring in chloroplastic; protoplastic.
[19] any one of a large number of synthetic usually organic materials that have a polymeric structure and can be moulded when soft and then set, esp such a material in a finished state containing plasticizer, stabilizer, filler, pigments, etc. Plastics are classified as thermosetting (such as Bakelite) or thermoplastic (such as PVC) and are used in the manufacture of many articles and in coatings, artificial fibres, etc Compare resin (def. 2)
[20] short for plastic money
[21] made of plastic
[22] easily influenced; impressionable the plastic minds of children
[23] capable of being moulded or formed
[24] fine arts of or relating to moulding or modelling the plastic arts produced or apparently produced by moulding the plastic draperies of Giotto's figures
[25] having the power to form or influence the plastic forces of the imagination
[26] biology of or relating to any formative process; able to change, develop, or grow plastic tissues
[27] of or relating to plastic surgery
[28] slang superficially attractive yet unoriginal or artificial plastic food
[29] growing or forming neoplastic
Words related to Plastic
elastic, molded, synthetic, bending, giving, yielding, ersatz, pseudo, phony, chemical, cast, substitute, ductile, pliable, pliant, resilient, supple, workable, moldable, fictile
Words nearby Plastic
plaster of paris, plasterboard, plastered, plastering, plasterwork, plastic, plastic art, plastic bomb, plastic bullet, plastic explosive, plastic flow
Origin of Plastic
-plasticsee origin at plastic
Other words from Plastic
plas·ti·cal·ly , plas·tic·ly , adverb
non·plas·tic , adjective, noun
un·plas·tic , adjective
plas•tic′ i•ty (plăs-tĭs′ ĭ-tē ) n.
Word origin for Plastic
-plasticfrom Greek plastikos; see plastic
Synonyms for Plastic
elastic, molded, bending, ductile, fictile, formable, moldable, pliable, pliant, resilient, shapeable, supple, workable