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Showing words for PLIANT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Pliant
5 Letter Words for Pliant
4 Letter Words for Pliant
3 Letter Words for Pliant
Definitions for Pliant
[1] bending readily; flexible; supple; adaptable: She manipulated the pliant clay.
[2] easily influenced; yielding to others; compliant: He has a pliant nature.
[3] easily bent; supple a pliant young tree
[4] easily modified; adaptable; flexible a pliant system
[5] yielding readily to influence; compliant
Words related to Pliant
docile, compliant, pliable, supple, malleable, obedient, tractable, yielding, adaptable, elastic, flexible, limber, plastic, amenable, ductile, governable, lissome, manageable, soft, susceptible
Words nearby Pliant
pleyel, plf, plf., pli, pliable, pliant, plica, plicate, plication, plicotomy, plier
Origin of Pliant
1300–50; Middle English < Old French, present participle of plier to ply2; see -ant
Other words from Pliant
pli·an·cy , pli·ant·ness , noun
pli·ant·ly , adverb
non·pli·an·cy , noun
non·pli·ant , adjective
non·pli·ant·ly , adverb
non·pli·ant·ness , noun
un·pli·an·cy , noun
un·pli·ant , adjective
un·pli·ant·ly , adverb
un·pli·ant·ness , noun
Word origin for Pliant
C14: from Old French, from plier to fold, bend; see ply ²