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Showing words for PLUMP using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Plump
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3 Letter Words for Plump
Definitions for Plump
[1] well filled out or rounded in form; somewhat fleshy or fat.
[2] to become plump (often followed by up or out ).
[3] to make plump (often followed by up or out ): to plump up the sofa pillows.
[4] to drop or fall heavily or suddenly; come down abruptly or with direct impact.
[5] Chiefly British . to vote exclusively for one candidate in an election, instead of distributing or splitting one's votes among a number.
[6] to drop or throw heavily or suddenly (often followed by down ): He plumped himself down and fell asleep.
[7] to utter or say bluntly (often followed by out ): She plumps out the truth at the oddest times.
[8] to praise or extol: road signs plumping the delights of a new candy bar.
[9] a heavy or sudden fall.
[10] the sound resulting from such a fall.
[11] with a heavy or sudden fall or drop.
[12] directly or bluntly, as in speaking.
[13] in a vertical direction; straight down.
[14] with sudden encounter.
[15] with direct impact.
[16] direct; downright; blunt.
[17] plump for , to support enthusiastically; be wholeheartedly in favor of: to plump for a team.
[18] a group or cluster.
[19] a flock: a plump of ducks.
[20] well filled out or rounded; fleshy or chubby a plump turkey
[21] bulging, as with contents; full a plump wallet
[22] (of amounts of money) generous; ample a plump cheque
[23] (often foll by up or out ) to make or become plump to plump up a pillow
[24] (often foll by down, into, etc ) to drop or fall suddenly and heavily to plump down on the sofa
[25] (intr foll by for ) to give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number
[26] a heavy abrupt fall or the sound of this
[27] suddenly or heavily he ran plump into the old lady
[28] straight down; directly the helicopter landed plump in the middle of the field
[29] in a blunt, direct, or decisive manner
[30] archaic , or dialect a group of people, animals, or things; troop; cluster
Words related to Plump
fleshy, chunky, pudgy, full, stout, round, filled, beefy, burly, buxom, corpulent, obese, portly, rotund, tubby
Words nearby Plump
plummer block, plummer-vinson syndrome, plummet, plummy, plumose, plump, plumpen, plumper, plumpish, plumulaceous, plumule
Origin of Plump
31375–1425; late Middle English plumpe < ?
Other words from Plump
plump·ly , adverb
plump·ness , noun
Word origin for Plump
C15: of uncertain origin
Synonyms for Plump
chunky, fleshy, pudgy, filled, full, round, stout, beefy, burly, buxom, corpulent, obese, portly, rotund, tubby