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Showing words for PLUNGED using the English dictionary
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3 Letter Words for Plunged
Definitions for Plunged
[1] to cast or thrust forcibly or suddenly into something, as a liquid, a penetrable substance, a place, etc.; immerse; submerge: to plunge a dagger into one's heart.
[2] to bring suddenly or forcibly into some condition, situation, etc.: to plunge a country into war; to pull a switch and plunge a house into darkness.
[3] Horticulture . to place (a potted plant) up to its rim in soil or in certain other materials, as sand or moss.
[4] Surveying . to transit (the telescope of a transit or theodolite).
[5] to cast oneself, or fall as if cast, into water, a hole, etc.
[6] to rush or dash with headlong haste: to plunge through a crowd.
[7] to bet or speculate recklessly: to plunge on the stock market.
[8] to throw oneself impetuously or abruptly into some condition, situation, matter, etc.: to plunge into debt.
[9] to descend abruptly or precipitously, as a cliff, road, etc.
[10] to pitch violently forward, as a horse, ship, etc.
[11] act of plunging.
[12] a leap or dive, as into water.
[13] a headlong or impetuous rush or dash: a plunge into danger.
[14] a sudden, violent pitching movement.
[15] a place for plunging or diving, as a swimming pool.
[16] Geology . pitch1(def 45) .
[17] take the plunge , to enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course of action, as after hesitation or deliberation: She took the plunge and invested her entire savings in the plan.
[18] (usually foll by into) to thrust or throw (something, oneself, etc) they plunged into the sea
[19] to throw or be thrown into a certain state or condition the room was plunged into darkness
[20] (usually foll by into) to involve or become involved deeply (in) he plunged himself into a course of Sanskrit
[21] (intr) to move or dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity
[22] (intr) to descend very suddenly or steeply the ship plunged in heavy seas ; a plunging neckline
[23] (intr) informal to speculate or gamble recklessly, for high stakes, etc
[24] a leap or dive as into water
[25] informal a swim; dip
[26] mainly US a place where one can swim or dive, such as a swimming pool
[27] a headlong rush a plunge for the exit
[28] a pitching or tossing motion
[29] take the plunge informal to resolve to do something dangerous or irrevocable to get married
Words related to Plunged
plungeplummet, hurtle, tumble, drop, drive, jump, sink, dip, throw, descend, nose-dive, propel, duck, dash, pitch, submerse, career, lurch, charge, swoop
Words nearby Plunged
plungeplumule, plumulose, plumy, plunder, plunderage, plunge, plunge basin, plunge bath, plunge pool, plunger, plunging fire
Origin of Plunged
1325–75; Middle English < Middle French plung(i)er ≪ Vulgar Latin *plumbicāre to heave the lead. See plumb
Other words from Plunged
re·plunge , verb, re·plunged, re·plung·ing; noun
un·plunged , adjective
Word origin for Plunged
C14: from Old French plongier, from Vulgar Latin plumbicāre (unattested) to sound with a plummet, from Latin plumbum lead
Synonyms for Plunged
descend, dip, drive, drop, go down, hurtle, jump, nose-dive, plummet, sink, throw, tumble, belly-flop, career, cast, charge, dash, duck, fling, immerse, keel, lunge, lurch, pitch, plunk, propel, rush, sound, submerge, submerse, swoop, tear, thrust, topple, go the limit, go whole hog, immerge, shoot the works, take a flyer, take a header, throw oneself