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Showing words for PLUS using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Plus
3 Letter Words for Plus
Definitions for Plus
[1] more by the addition of; increased by: ten plus two is twelve.
[2] with the addition of; with: He had wealth plus fame.
[3] involving or noting addition.
[4] positive: a plus quantity.
[5] more (by a certain amount).
[6] Electricity . pertaining to or characterized by positive electricity: the plus terminal.
[7] Mycology . (in heterothallic fungi) designating, in the absence of morphological differentiation, one of the two strains of mycelia that unite in the sexual process.
[8] having a certain quality to an unusual degree: He has personality plus.
[9] a plus quantity.
[10] Arithmetic . plus sign.
[11] something additional.
[12] a surplus or gain.
[13] Informal . also; and; furthermore: A bicycle is cheaper than a car, plus it doesn't pollute the air.
[14] in addition; besides.
[15] pluses and minuses , the good and bad points of something; the advantages and disadvantages; the pros and cons: She spent hours listing the pluses and minuses of each of the apartments she had looked at, trying to narrow down her choices.
[16] plew.
[17] the highest point; acme.
[18] the most intense degree of a quality or state.
[19] a beaver skin, especially one of prime quality.
[20] increased by the addition of four plus two (written 4 + 2)
[21] with or with the addition of a good job, plus a new car
[22] Also: positive (prenominal) indicating or involving addition a plus sign
[23] another word for positive (def. 8), positive (def. 9)
[24] on the positive part of a scale or coordinate axis a value of +x
[25] indicating the positive side of an electrical circuit
[26] involving positive advantage or good a plus factor
[27] (postpositive) informal having a value above that which is stated or expected she had charm plus
[28] (postpositive) slightly above a specified standard on a particular grade or percentage he received a B+ rating on his essay
[29] botany designating the strain of fungus that can only undergo sexual reproduction with a minus strain
[30] short for plus sign
[31] a positive quantity
[32] informal something positive or to the good
[33] a gain, surplus, or advantage
[34] the extreme or perfect point or state
[35] variant spellings of plew
[36] people like us
[37] (formerly in Canada) a beaver skin used as a standard unit of value in the fur trade
Words related to Plus
positive, surplus, oversupply, advantage, extra, bonus, overage, perk, benefit, gain, additional, increased, supplementary, augmented, expanded, overstock
Words nearby Plus
pluriglandular, pluriliteral, pluripotent, pluripresence, plurry, plus, plus cyclophoria, plus fours, plus juncture, plus sight, plus sign
Origin of Plus
ew1790–1800; < Canadian French pelu; French: noun use of pelu haired, hairy (now obsolete or dial.); see poilu
Word origin for Plus
ewfrom Canadian French pelu (adj) hairy, from French poilu, from poil hair, from Latin pilus
Synonyms for Plus
positive, surplus, additional, augmented, boosted, enlarged, expanded, increased, supplementary