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Showing words for POACHED using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Poached

poached, pochade

6 Letter Words for Poached

chaped, cheapo, cohead, epocha, peacod, phocae

5 Letter Words for Poached

ached, apode, caped, chape, cheap, chode, chopa, coped, decap, depoh, ephod, epoch, hoaed, hoped, paced, peach, phoca, poach, poche

4 Letter Words for Poached

aced, ache, acop, ahed, aped, apod, cade, cape, caph, capo, cepa, chad, chao, chap, chop, coda, code, coed, copa, cope, dace, deco, depa, doha, dopa, dope, each, ecad, echo, ecod, epha, hade, haec, head, heap, hoed, hope, oche, odah, odea, ohed, opah, opec, oped, pace, paco, paho, pech, peda, peho, poha

3 Letter Words for Poached

ace, ach, adc, ade, adh, ado, adp, aho, apc, ape, aph, cad, cap, ceo, cep, cha, che, cho, cod, cop, cpa, cpd, cpo, dae, dah, dao, dap, dca, dea, dec, dep, dha, doa, doc, doe, dop, dph, ead, ech, eco, edh, edo, edp, epa, had, hae, hao, hap, hed, heo, hep, hoa, hoc, hod, hoe, hop, oad, oca, och, oda, ode, opa, ope, pac, pad, pah, pea, pec, ped, peh, phd, pho, poa, pod, poh

Definitions for Poached

[1] to trespass, especially on another's game preserve, in order to steal animals or to hunt.
[2] to take game or fish illegally.
[3] (of land) to become broken up or slushy by being trampled.
[4] (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) to play a ball hit into the territory of one's partner that is properly the partner's ball to play.
[5] Informal . to cheat in a game or contest.
[6] to trespass on (private property), especially in order to hunt or fish.
[7] to steal (game or fish) from another's property.
[8] to take without permission and use as one's own: to poach ideas; a staff poached from other companies.
[9] to break or tear up by trampling.
[10] to mix with water and reduce to a uniform consistency, as clay.
[11] to cook (eggs, fish, fruits, etc.) in a hot liquid that is kept just below the boiling point.
[12] to catch (game, fish, etc) illegally by trespassing on private property
[13] to encroach on or usurp (another person's rights, duties, etc) or steal (an idea, employee, etc)
[14] tennis badminton to take or play (shots that should belong to one's partner)
[15] to break up (land) into wet muddy patches, as by riding over it, or (of land) to become broken up in this way
[16] (intr) (of the feet, shoes, etc) to sink into heavy wet ground
[17] to simmer (eggs, fish, etc) very gently in water, milk, stock, etc

Words related to Poached

poachsmuggle, pilfer, intrude, filch, rob, plunder, appropriate, encroach, steal

Words nearby Poached

poachpo'ed, po-faced, po., poa, poaceous, poach, poacher, poaching, poachy, pob, pobeda peak

Origin of Poached

21350–1400; Middle English poche < Middle French pocher literally, to bag (the yolk inside the white), derivative of poche bag (French poche pocket) < Middle Dutch poke poke2

Other words from Poached

poach·a·ble , adjective
poach·a·ble , adjective

Word origin for Poached

C15: from Old French pochier to enclose in a bag (as the yolks are enclosed by the whites); compare poke ²

Synonyms for Poached

smuggle, appropriate, encroach, filch, intrude, pilfer, plunder, rob, steal, fish illegally, hunt illegally