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Showing words for POIKILOTHERMIC using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Poikilothermic


12 Letter Words for Poikilothermic


11 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

heliotropic, pliothermic

10 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

hemitropic, hemotropic, kilometric, leiotropic, limitrophe, lipochrome, metropolic, ophiolitic, politicker

9 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

choirlike, chromiole, coimplore, compotier, coprolite, coprolith, ectomorph, epilithic, homiletic, horotelic, impoliter, impolitic, microlite, microlith, microphot, miolithic, morphetic, morphotic, ochrolite, ophiolite, orthoepic, perioikoi, phloretic, phocomeli, photeolic, picrolite, pitchlike, plethoric, porchlike, potlicker, prelithic, topchrome, torchlike

8 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

chiolite, chipotle, chlorite, chromite, cimolite, clothier, coemptio, coemptor, compiler, complier, comptoir, comptrol, coproite, cormlike, ectoloph, elicitor, eolithic, epitomic, ethiopic, heirloom, helicopt, heliport, hemiolic, hemiopic, hermitic, holoptic, homeotic, homeport, homilite, homopter, hooplike, hoplitic, hormetic, implicit, impocket, impolite, klephtic, leprotic, limerick, lithemic, mephitic, miceplot, molocker, mothlike, oometric, periotic, perlitic, petrolic, philomot, phimotic, phoretic, picomole, pilitico, pitchier, pithlike, plerotic, plookier, poikilie, politick, politico, porkholt, porthole, potholer, prelimit, pritchel, rootlike, ticklier, trichome, trioleic, triplice, trochili

7 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

cheroot, chiplet, choiler, chomper, chookie, chortle, chromel, citoler, clootie, cohitre, colport, compert, compile, complot, compole, comport, compote, compter, comptie, coomier, copilot, corkite, cortile, cortili, crimple, crookle, elritch, empiric, ephoric, epichil, epiotic, heitiki, hemipic, hemlock, heptoic, hiplike, homeric, hookier, hooklet, hooktip, hoolier, hootier, hoplite, iceroot, imperii, imperil, implike, implore, itchier, kerchoo, ketipic, kiotome, kitchie, kleptic, klootch, lichter, limepit, limiter, limitor, lipemic, liriope, loopier, meiotic, meropic, metopic, mickler, milcher, milkier, miltier, mochier, moither, moitier, moloker, moocher, moriche, morphic, morphol, mothier, motlier, motoric, oolitic, ophitic, oporice, pechili, pelitic, peloric, perotic, pertook, petioli, philome, philter, pickier, pickler, picrite, pilcher, piltock, pimelic, pimlico, pitcher, pithier, pithole, pitlike, pitmirk, pitomie, plookie, pochoir, pochote, pockier, poietic, poikile, poitrel, polemic, policer, politei, politer, politic, poother, porkolt, porotic, portico, potcher, pothole, potiche, potlike, precoil, precook, precool, premolt, preomit, pricket, prickle, proclei, proheim, promote, prootic, proteic, protome, relicti, relimit, repitch, rocklet, rooklet, roomlet, roploch, rotchie, telomic, theoric, thermic, thicker, thickie, thiokol, thiolic, thripel, tichier, tickler, toeclip, toplike, tremolo, trickie, trickle, tripoli, trochil, trompil, tromple, troolie, tropeic, trophic

6 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

ceptor, ceriph, chikor, chiloe, chilte, chimer, chlore, chloro, choile, choker, chokri, choler, chomer, chorei, chorio, chrome, chromo, cimier, cipher, cither, citole, citril, clipei, clithe, clothe, clotho, coelho, coempt, coheir, cohert, cohort, coiler, cokier, colpeo, colter, cometh, comite, compel, comper, compot, compte, cooker, cookie, cooler, coolie, coolth, cooper, coorie, cooter, cootie, copier, coplot, copter, cormel, croiik, ekhimi, elicit, elohim, eltchi, emptio, emptor, eolith, ephori, epirot, epithi, erotic, ethiop, hector, heirlo, heriot, hermit, heroic, hicket, hickie, himple, hirple, hitler, hocker, hocket, hockle, hokier, holier, holmic, homier, hooker, hoolie, hooper, hoople, hooter, hormic, ickier, impoor, import, iolite, iritic, keltic, kephir, khilim, kichel, kilohm, kilter, kiltie, kimchi, kirtle, klepht, klepto, klooch, kohemp, koreci, lecthi, lector, lepric, licker, lictor, liepot, limier, limper, limpet, liroth, litchi, lither, lithic, locker, locket, lohock, loimic, loiter, lokiec, looker, loomer, looper, looter, lootie, loriot, melior, merlot, methol, metric, micher, mickle, milice, milker, milter, miotic, miriki, miriti, mither, mitier, mochel, mochie, mocker, mohock, moiler, mokihi, molech, moloch, molter, moolet, mootch, mooter, mopier, mopoke, morice, morlop, morpho, mother, motier, motile, ocelot, octile, octroi, oilier, omotic, oolite, oolith, ophite, optime, orchel, orchil, oretic, oriole, orphic, orthic, pelick, peliom, periti, permic, permit, petrol, phemic, philic, phloem, photic, photom, pickel, picker, picket, pickle, picote, picrol, pietic, pilori, piloti, piolet, pirlie, piroot, pitchi, pithoi, pitier, plitch, plotch, pocket, poetic, pokier, police, polite, pomelo, pookit, pooler, pooter, porite, porket, portio, potche, pother, prelim, premio, premit, pretil, pritch, promic, promit, protei, pteric, rechip, recoil, recook, recool, rehook, rehoop, rekhti, relick, relict, relock, relook, remock, reomit, repick, replot, retick, retook, retool, rhotic, ricket, rickle, rimple, ripeck, rochet, rocket, rookie, roomie, roomth, roopit, rootle, rotche, tercio, thermo, thicke, thicko, tholoi, thoric, thorpe, threip, thrice, thrimp, throck, thrope, tichel, ticker, tickie, tickle, tikoor, tocher, tocome, toiler, tooler, toomer, toorie, torcel, tricep, trichi, triole, tripel, triple, troche, trochi, trompe, trophi, tropic

5 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

ceili, celom, ceorl, cheir, cheki, chelp, chemo, chert, chiel, chili, chime, chimo, chimp, chirk, chirl, chirm, chiro, chirp, chirt, chloe, chlor, choel, choil, choir, choke, choko, choli, cholo, chomp, chook, choom, choop, chore, chort, cipro, cirio, citer, clept, clerk, clime, clipe, clite, cloit, cloke, clomp, cloop, cloot, clote, cloth, cohoe, cohol, coker, cokie, colet, color, comer, comet, compo, compt, comte, cooer, coopt, cooth, copei, coper, corke, corol, corpl, cothe, crept, crile, crime, crimp, cripe, crith, crome, crook, crool, ctimo, elchi, eoith, eolic, ephoi, ephor, eplot, epoch, eprom, erick, ermit, ethic, helco, helio, helot, hemic, hemol, hermi, hiker, hiper, hipmi, hoick, hoker, holer, holme, homer, hoper, horme, horol, hotei, hotel, ichor, icier, icker, ickle, impel, imper, impot, iroko, ither, kelim, kempt, kerch, ketch, ketol, khmer, kileh, kilim, kilom, kiter, kithe, kmole, koori, kopec, korec, kreil, krome, lerot, licet, licht, licit, liker, limer, limit, lipic, lirot, litch, liter, lithe, lithi, litho, loche, lochi, locke, loipe, loire, loket, looch, looie, loope, loper, loric, lotic, lotor, meith, melch, melic, melik, merch, merci, meril, merit, merop, metho, metic, metol, metoo, metro, miche, micht, micro, mikie, milch, miler, milit, milko, milor, mirth, mitch, miter, moche, mohel, moier, moile, moire, moler, molet, molpe, molto, mooch, mooli, moore, mooth, moper, morel, moric, moroc, morph, morth, motel, moter, motor, mpret, mtier, ocher, ochro, ocker, ocote, ohelo, ohmic, oiler, oleic, oomph, oorie, ophic, ophir, opter, optic, oriel, orlet, orlop, orpit, ortho, other, pecht, perch, peril, perit, perth, petri, petro, photo, pichi, picot, piert, pikel, piker, pikle, pilch, pilei, piler, pilot, pirol, pirot, pitch, pleck, plier, ploce, plock, plook, plote, poche, poire, poker, pokie, poler, polio, polit, polki, poloi, pomel, pooch, pooli, poori, poort, porch, poret, porte, porto, potch, poter, price, prich, prick, prime, primi, primo, proem, proke, prole, promo, prote, proto, recip, recit, recpt, recti, recto, reich, reiki, relic, relot, remit, remop, reoil, repic, repot, retch, retip, rheic, rhime, riche, richt, rimpi, rithe, roche, roleo, romeo, romic, rooti, rotch, telco, telic, teloi, tempo, tepor, theic, their, theol, theor, therm, thick, thilk, thiol, thirl, thoke, thole, tholi, thoom, thore, thoro, thorp, thrip, throe, ticer, tikor, tiler, timer, timor, tiple, tirol, toher, toile, toker, tokio, topek, toper, tophe, tophi, topic, topoi, torch, toric, torii, treck, trice, trick, trike, triol, tripe, tripl, troch, trock, troco, troic, troke, tromp, troop, trope

4 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

ceil, celt, cero, cert, ceti, chem, cher, chik, chil, chip, chit, chok, chol, chop, ciel, cipo, cire, cirl, cite, cito, clem, clep, clio, clip, clit, clop, clot, coho, coil, coir, coit, coke, cole, coli, colk, colp, colt, come, coml, comp, comr, cook, cool, coom, coop, coot, cope, copr, copt, core, cork, corm, corp, cort, cote, coth, coto, crim, crip, crit, croh, crop, crpe, ctrl, echo, echt, ecol, ecto, elhi, emic, emir, emit, empt, eorl, epic, epil, epit, eric, erth, etch, etic, heck, heii, heil, heir, heli, helm, helo, help, heml, hemp, hept, herl, herm, hero, herp, hert, hick, hike, hile, hili, hilt, himp, hipe, hipt, hire, hiro, hock, hoer, hoik, hoit, hoke, hoki, hole, holi, holk, holm, holp, holt, home, homo, hook, hool, hoom, hoop, hoot, hope, hopi, hore, hort, hote, hoti, htel, html, icer, icho, ilot, ilth, imit, impi, ipil, irok, irpe, itch, itel, item, iter, itmo, keir, kelp, kelt, kemp, kepi, kept, kerl, kero, keto, khet, khir, khor, khot, kiel, kier, kilo, kilp, kilt, kipe, kiri, kite, kith, klip, klom, klop, kmel, kmet, koel, kohl, koil, kolo, komi, koph, kopi, kore, kori, koto, kroo, lech, leck, lect, lehr, leir, lerp, leto, lice, lich, lick, lier, like, lime, limo, limp, lipe, lire, liri, lirk, lite, lith, liti, loci, lock, loco, loir, loke, loki, lome, look, loom, loop, loor, loot, lope, lore, lori, loro, lote, loti, loto, mech, meck, meio, melt, merc, meri, merk, merl, mero, meth, mice, mick, mico, mike, mile, milk, milo, milt, mire, miri, mirk, miro, mite, moch, mock, moco, moet, moho, mohr, moil, moio, moir, moit, moke, moki, moko, mole, molt, mooi, mook, mool, moop, moor, moot, mope, moph, more, moro, mort, mote, moth, oche, ocht, oeci, ohio, oime, okeh, oker, oket, okie, okro, oleo, olio, olpe, omer, omit, opec, orch, oreo, orle, orlo, orth, otic, otoe, pech, peck, peho, pelt, perh, peri, perk, perm, pert, peto, phil, phit, phoo, phot, pice, pich, pick, pico, pict, pier, piet, pike, piki, pile, pili, pilm, pirl, pith, plie, plim, plot, pock, poco, poem, poet, poil, poke, pole, polk, polo, polt, pome, pomo, pooh, pook, pool, poor, poot, porc, pore, pork, port, pote, poti, prec, prem, pret, prie, prim, prio, proc, prom, proo, rcpt, reck, rect, reik, reim, reit, repl, repo, rept, rheo, rhet, rice, rich, rick, riel, riem, rile, rime, riot, ripe, ript, rite, roch, rock, roil, roit, roke, role, rome, romp, rook, rool, room, roop, root, rope, rotc, rote, roti, rotl, roto, tche, tchr, tech, teck, tehr, teil, teli, temp, term, terp, them, thio, thir, thoo, thor, thro, tice, tich, tick, tier, tiki, tile, time, tipe, tire, tirl, toch, tock, toco, toho, toil, toke, toko, tole, tome, took, tool, toom, toop, tope, toph, topi, topo, torc, tore, tori, toro, tpke, trek, trie, trim, trio, trip, trop

3 Letter Words for Poikilothermic

cel, ceo, cep, cer, che, chi, chm, cho, cie, cir, cit, cli, clk, clo, clr, cml, col, com, coo, cop, cor, cot, cpi, cpl, cpm, cpo, cpr, cpt, crl, cro, crt, cte, cto, ctr, ech, ecm, eco, ect, eik, eir, eli, elk, elm, elt, emo, emp, eom, epi, erk, ert, etc, eth, hcl, hei, hel, hem, heo, hep, her, het, hic, hie, him, hip, hir, hit, hmo, hoc, hoe, hoi, hol, hom, hoo, hop, hor, hot, ice, ich, ick, ihi, ihp, iii, ike, ile, ilk, ilo, imi, imo, imp, iph, ipl, ipm, ipo, ipr, ire, irk, kep, ket, khi, kie, kil, kim, kip, kir, kit, koi, kop, kor, kpc, kph, lcm, lei, lek, lem, leo, lep, ler, let, lie, lim, lip, lir, lit, loc, loe, loo, lop, lor, lot, lpm, ltm, ltr, meh, mei, mel, mer, met, mho, mic, mil, mir, mit, mkt, moc, moe, moi, mol, moo, mop, mor, mot, mph, mri, och, ock, oct, oer, ohm, oho, oie, oii, oik, oil, oke, oki, ole, olm, olp, ooh, oom, oop, oor, oot, ope, opt, orc, ore, orl, ort, otc, oto, pci, pcm, pct, pec, peh, pel, per, pet, phi, pho, phr, pht, pic, pie, pik, pil, pir, pit, pkt, pli, pmk, pmt, poh, poi, pol, pom, poo, por, pot, prc, pre, pro, pte, rct, rec, reh, rei, rel, rem, rep, rhe, rho, rie, rim, rio, rip, rit, rle, roc, roe, roi, rok, rom, roo, rot, rpm, rpt, rte, rti, tch, tck, tcp, tec, tel, tem, ter, the, thm, tho, tic, tie, til, tim, tip, tko, tlc, tlo, tlr, tmh, toc, toe, toi, tol, tom, too, top, tor, tph, tpi, tpk, tpm, tri, trm, trp

Definitions for Poikilothermic

[1] cold-blooded(def 1) (opposed to homoiothermal).
[2] (of all animals except birds and mammals) having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of the surroundings Compare homoiothermic

Words nearby Poikilothermic

poikilocyte, poikilocytosis, poikiloderma, poikilotherm, poikilothermia, poikilothermic, poikilothermism, poil, poilu, poimenics, poincaré

Origin of Poikilothermic

1880–85; < Greek poikílo(s ) various + thermic

Other words from Poikilothermic

poi′ki•lo•ther′ mi•a null n.

Word origin for Poikilothermic

C19: from Greek poikilos various + thermal