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Showing words for POINTE using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Pointe

pieton, pointe, pontie

5 Letter Words for Pointe

inept, nepit, netop, opine, pinot, pinte, pinto, piton, point, potin, tenio

4 Letter Words for Pointe

ento, epit, eton, into, neti, nito, nope, note, oint, open, peni, pent, peon, peto, pien, piet, pine, pino, pint, pion, poet, pone, pont, pote, poti, tien, tine, tipe, tone, tope, topi

3 Letter Words for Pointe

eon, epi, int, ion, ipo, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nip, nit, not, oie, one, oni, ont, ope, opt, pen, pet, pie, pin, pit, poi, pon, pot, pte, ten, tie, tin, tip, toe, toi, ton, top, tpi

Definitions for Pointe

[1] the tip of the toe.
[2] a position on the extreme tips of the toes.
[3] on /en pointe , supporting one’s body weight on the extreme tips of the toes:dancing on pointe. Also on /en pointes .
[4] ballet the tip of the toe (esp in the phrase on pointes )

Words nearby Pointe

point-of-sale terminal, point-set, point-system test types, point-to-point, pointal, pointe, pointe claire, pointe-aux-trembles, pointe-noire, pointe-à-pitre, pointed

Origin of Pointe

1820–30; < French: pointe (du pied ) “tiptoe,” literally, “extremity of the foot”

Word origin for Pointe

from French: point