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Showing words for POINTER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Pointer
6 Letter Words for Pointer
5 Letter Words for Pointer
4 Letter Words for Pointer
3 Letter Words for Pointer
Definitions for Pointer
[1] a person or thing that points.
[2] a long, tapering stick used by teachers, lecturers, etc., in pointing things out on a map, blackboard, or the like.
[3] the hand on a watch dial, clock face, scale, etc.
[4] Military . the member of an artillery crew who aims the weapon.
[5] one of a breed of short-haired hunting dogs trained to point game.
[6] a piece of advice, especially on how to succeed in a specific area: The food expert gave some good pointers on making better salads.
[7] Computers . an identifier giving the location in storage of something of interest, as a data item, table, or subroutine. cursor(def 1) .
[8] Pointers, Astronomy . the two outer stars of the Big Dipper that lie on a line that passes very near Polaris and are used for finding it.
[9] a person or thing that points
[10] an indicator on a measuring instrument
[11] a long rod or cane used by a lecturer to point to parts of a map, blackboard, etc
[12] one of a breed of large swift smooth-coated dogs, usually white with black, liver, or lemon markings: when on shooting expeditions it points to the bird with its nose, body, and tail in a straight line
[13] a helpful piece of information or advice
Words related to Pointer
clue, index, dial, register, signal, needle, rod, mark, director, gauge, arrow, hand, guide, tip-off, information, advice, tip, warning, caution, recommendation
Words nearby Pointer
pointe-à-pitre, pointed, pointed arch, pointed wart, pointel, pointer, pointers, pointillage, pointillism, pointillistic, pointillé
Origin of Pointer
First recorded in 1490–1500; point + -er1
Synonyms for Pointer
arrow, dial, director, gauge, guide, hand, index, mark, needle, register, rod, signal