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Showing words for POON using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Poon
noop, poon
3 Letter Words for Poon
noo, ono, oon, oop, pon, poo
Definitions for Poon
[1] any of several East Indian trees of the genus Calophyllum, that yield a light, hard wood used for masts, spars, etc.
[2] the wood of these trees.
[3] any of several trees of the SE Asian genus Calophyllum having lightweight hard wood and shiny leathery leaves: family Clusiaceae
[4] the wood of any of these trees, used to make masts and spars
[5] Australian slang a stupid or ineffectual person
Words nearby Poon
poole, pooled serum, poolroom, pools, poolside, poon, poona, poonce, poontang, poop, poop cabin
Origin of Poon
1690–1700; compare Tamil punnai, pinnai, Malayalam punna names for Calophyllum inophyllum
Word origin for Poon
C20: from English dialect