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Showing words for POPULAR using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Popular
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3 Letter Words for Popular
Definitions for Popular
[1] regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general: a popular preacher.
[2] regarded with favor, approval, or affection by an acquaintance or acquaintances: He's not very popular with me just now.
[3] of, relating to, or representing the people, especially the common people: popular discontent.
[4] of the people as a whole, especially of all citizens of a nation or state qualified to participate in an election: popular suffrage; the popular vote; popular representation.
[5] prevailing among the people generally: a popular superstition.
[6] suited to or intended for the general masses of people: popular music.
[7] adapted to the ordinary intelligence or taste: popular lectures on science.
[8] suited to the means of ordinary people; not expensive: popular prices on all tickets.
[9] appealing to the general public; widely favoured or admired
[10] favoured by an individual or limited group I'm not very popular with her
[11] connected with, representing, or prevailing among the general public; common popular discontent
[12] appealing to or comprehensible to the layman a popular lecture on physics
[13] (usually plural) cheap newspapers with mass circulation; the popular press Also shortened to: pops
Words related to Popular
fashionable, favored, famous, attractive, beloved, trendy, suitable, prominent, accessible, ubiquitous, prevalent, familiar, universal, rampant, public, accepted, approved, celebrated, leading, likable
Words nearby Popular
popsicle, popster, popstrel, popsy, populace, popular, popular culture, popular etymology, popular front, popular music, popular singer
Origin of Popular
1375–1425; late Middle English populer < Latin populāris. See people, -ar1
Words that may be confused with Popular
Other words from Popular
an·ti·pop·u·lar , adjective
non·pop·u·lar , adjective
o·ver·pop·u·lar , adjective
pseu·do·pop·u·lar , adjective
qua·si-pop·u·lar , adjective
sem·i·pop·u·lar , adjective
sub·pop·u·lar , adjective
Word origin for Popular
C15: from Latin populāris belonging to the people, democratic, from populus people
Synonyms for Popular
attractive, beloved, famous, fashionable, favored, prominent, suitable, trendy, accepted, approved, caught on, celebrated, crowd-pleasing, faddish, in, in demand, in favor, in the mainstream, in vogue, leading, likable, liked, lovable, noted, notorious, now, okay, pleasing, praised, preferred, prevailing, promoted, right stuff, run-after, selling, social, societal, sought, sought-after, stylish, the rage, thing, well-liked, well-received