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Showing words for PORE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Pore
3 Letter Words for Pore
Definitions for Pore
[1] to read or study with steady attention or application: a scholar poring over a rare old manuscript.
[2] to gaze earnestly or steadily: to pore over a painting.
[3] to meditate or ponder intently (usually followed by over, on, or upon ): He pored over the strange events of the preceding evening.
[4] a minute opening or orifice, as in the skin or a leaf, for perspiration, absorption, etc.
[5] a minute interstice, as in a rock.
[6] (foll by over) to make a close intent examination or study (of a book, map, etc) he pored over the documents for several hours
[7] (foll by over, on, or upon ) to think deeply (about) he pored on the question of their future
[8] (foll by over, on, or upon ) rare to look earnestly or intently (at); gaze fixedly (upon)
[9] anatomy zoology any small opening in the skin or outer surface of an animal
[10] botany any small aperture, esp that of a stoma through which water vapour and gases pass
[11] any other small hole, such as a space in a rock, soil, etc
Words related to Pore
orifice, opening, vesicle, outlet, foramen, stoma, ponder, brood, scan, read, study, regard, peruse, scrutinize, muse, contemplate, examine
Words nearby Pore
porcupine fish, porcupine grass, porcupine provisions, porcupine river, porcupinefish, pore, pore fungus, porencephalia, porencephalitis, porencephaly, porgy
Origin of Pore
21350–1400; Middle English poore < Late Latin porus < Greek póros passage; see emporium, ford
Words that may be confused with Pore
Other words from Pore
pore·like , adjective
Word origin for Pore
C14: from Late Latin porus, from Greek poros passage, pore
Synonyms for Pore
foramen, opening, orifice, outlet, stoma, vesicle, sweat gland