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Showing words for PORN using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Porn
3 Letter Words for Porn
Definitions for Porn
[1] Sometimes por·no [pawr -noh] /ˈpɔr noʊ/ . pornography; sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, produced to elicit sexual arousal (often used attributively): arrested for selling porn; a porn star; porn films.
[2] television shows, articles, photographs, etc., thought to cater to an excessive, irresistible desire for or interest in something: a magazine filled with enticing food porn; an addiction to real-estate porn.
[3] Also called: porno pornography
[4] censorious publications or broadcasts that demonstrate an unhealthy or voyeuristic interest in a particular subject property porn ; food porn
[5] Also: porno pornographic porn movie ; porno mag
Words related to Porn
immoral, lewd, salacious, indecent, sexy, indecency, profanity, vulgarity, smut, pornography, obscenity, erotica, filth, impropriety, abomination, scatology, prurience, offense, dirtiness, curse
Words nearby Porn
porker, porkfish, porkpie, porkpie hat, porky, porn, pornification, pornocracy, pornographer, pornography, porny
Origin of Porn
First recorded in 1960–65; by shortening
Other words from Porn
an·ti·porn , adjective
Synonyms for Porn
immoral, indecent, lewd, salacious, sexy, X-rated, adult, off-color, offensive, porno, prurient, purple, raunchy, rough, smutty, steamy