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Showing words for POSTURAL using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Postural

postural, pulsator, sportula

7 Letter Words for Postural

asprout, parlous, pastour, patrols, portals, rotulas, torulas

6 Letter Words for Postural

arloup, asport, aspout, astrol, atrous, lustra, outrap, palour, parols, parous, pastor, patrol, ploats, polars, portal, portas, postal, poults, prosal, prouls, proust, pulsar, raptus, rosula, rotula, sortal, soutar, splurt, sporal, sproat, sprout, stroup, stupor, tolars, torula, tropal, ultras, upsoar

5 Letter Words for Postural

alout, altos, altus, aotus, aport, apout, artou, artus, arulo, aslop, astor, atour, aulos, autor, autos, larus, latro, latus, loast, lotas, lotus, loups, lours, louts, lutra, opals, orals, oulap, outas, outra, palus, parol, parto, parts, parus, pasto, pasul, pauls, plast, plato, plats, ploat, plots, plout, pluto, polar, polts, poral, porta, ports, porus, potus, poult, pours, pouts, praos, prats, praus, proal, proas, prost, proul, pruta, psora, pulas, purls, ratos, ratus, raupo, roast, rosal, rotal, rotas, rotls, rouls, roups, roust, routs, rusot, salop, salto, sapor, sarpo, sault, slart, sloat, slorp, slour, slurp, solar, sopra, soral, sorta, spalt, spart, spaul, splat, sport, spout, sprat, sprot, spurl, spurt, sputa, staup, stola, stopa, stoup, strap, strop, stupa, supra, sural, surat, sutor, sutra, talus, tapul, tapus, taros, tarps, taupo, tolar, tolas, tolus, topas, topau, topsl, toral, torus, tours, traps, tulsa, turps, ultra, urals, uraos, ursal

4 Letter Words for Postural

alop, alps, also, alto, alts, apsu, apts, apus, arts, asop, asor, astr, atop, auto, laos, laps, lars, last, lats, laur, laus, lops, lora, lors, lost, lota, lots, loup, lour, lout, lura, lurs, lust, oars, oast, oats, opal, opts, opus, oral, oras, orts, osar, otus, oups, ours, oust, outa, outr, outs, pals, palt, parl, pars, part, paso, past, pato, pats, patu, paul, paut, plat, plot, plur, plus, poas, pols, polt, port, post, pots, pour, pout, prao, prat, prau, proa, pros, prut, pula, puls, purl, purs, puts, rals, raps, rapt, rasp, rast, rato, rats, ratu, rosa, rost, rota, rotl, rots, roua, roul, roup, rous, rout, rupa, rusa, rust, ruta, ruts, salp, salt, sapo, sart, saul, saur, saut, slap, slat, slop, slot, slup, slur, slut, soap, soar, sola, sora, sort, soul, soup, sour, sout, spar, spat, spor, spot, spur, sput, stap, star, stoa, stop, stor, stra, sula, supa, supr, supt, sura, taos, taps, tapu, taro, tarp, tars, tasu, taur, taus, tola, tolu, tops, tors, toru, tosa, toup, tour, trap, trop, tula, tups, turp, ulta, ulto, upas, upla, ural, urao, urol, urps, ursa, usar, utas

3 Letter Words for Postural

alo, alp, als, alt, aor, apl, apr, apt, ars, art, aru, asl, asp, ast, atp, aul, lao, lap, lar, las, lat, loa, lop, lor, los, lot, lst, ltr, luo, lur, lut, oar, oas, oat, ola, olp, opa, ops, opt, ora, orl, ors, ort, oup, our, ous, out, pal, par, pas, pat, pau, plu, poa, pol, por, pos, pot, pro, prs, pst, pta, pts, pua, pul, pur, pus, put, rap, ras, rat, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rut, sal, sao, sap, sar, sat, sau, sla, slt, sol, sop, sot, sou, spa, spl, spt, sta, str, sup, sur, tal, tao, tap, tar, tas, tau, tlo, tlr, toa, tol, top, tor, tos, tou, tps, tra, trp, trs, tsp, tua, tup, tur, ula, ult, upo, ups, ura, urp, urs, usa, ust, uta, uts

Definitions for Postural

[1] the relative disposition of the parts of something.
[2] the position of the limbs or the carriage of the body as a whole: poor posture; a sitting posture.
[3] an affected or unnatural attitude: He struck a comic posture.
[4] a mental or spiritual attitude: His ideas reveal a defensive posture.
[5] one's image or policy as perceived by the public, other nations, etc.: The company wants to develop a more aggressive marketing posture.
[6] position, condition, or state, as of affairs.
[7] to place in a particular posture or attitude.
[8] to position, especially strategically: to posture troops along a border.
[9] to develop a policy or stance for (oneself, a company, government, etc.): The White House postured itself for dealing with the fuel crisis.
[10] to adopt an attitude or take an official position on (a matter): The company postured that the court's ruling could be interpreted as being in its favor.
[11] to assume a particular posture.
[12] to assume affected or unnatural postures, as by bending or contorting the body.
[13] to act in an affected or artificial manner, as to create a certain impression.
[14] a position or attitude of the limbs or body
[15] a characteristic manner of bearing the body; carriage to have good posture
[16] the disposition of the parts of a visible object
[17] a mental attitude or frame of mind
[18] a state, situation, or condition
[19] a false or affected attitude; pose
[20] to assume or cause to assume a bodily position or attitude
[21] (intr) to assume an affected or unnatural bodily or mental posture; pose

Words nearby Postural

posturepostural drainage, postural position, postural proteinuria, postural syncope, postural vertigo, posture, posture sense, posturize, postvaccinal encephalitis, postvalvar, postvertebral

Origin of Postural

e1595–1605; < French < Italian postura < Latin positūra. See posit, -ure

Other words from Postural

pos·tur·al , adjective
pos·tur·er , noun

Word origin for Postural

eC17: via French from Italian postura, from Latin positūra, from pōnere to place