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Showing words for PRAEFECT using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Praefect

perfecta, praefect

7 Letter Words for Praefect

perfect, preface, prefect

6 Letter Words for Praefect

afreet, afrete, carpet, cepter, cerate, cetera, create, ecarte, facete, feater, pearce, peract, perfet, peteca, preace, recept, reface, refect, repace, repeat, retape, terefa

5 Letter Words for Praefect

afret, after, apert, apter, arete, caper, caret, carpe, carte, cater, cerat, craft, crape, crate, creep, crepe, crept, creta, crete, eater, ecart, epact, erect, erept, etape, facer, facet, farce, feare, fract, frape, frate, freet, pacer, parte, patee, peace, peare, peart, peert, perca, perce, perea, petar, peter, petre, prate, preta, react, reate, recap, recpt, taper, terap, terce, terfe, trace, trape, trefa

4 Letter Words for Praefect

acer, acpt, acre, afer, aper, aret, arte, atef, cafe, cape, capt, care, carf, carp, cart, cate, cepa, cepe, cera, cere, cert, cete, crap, crpe, erat, face, fact, fare, fart, fate, fear, feat, feer, feet, feta, fete, frae, frap, frat, free, fret, pace, pact, parc, pare, part, pate, pear, peat, peer, pere, perf, pert, peta, pete, prat, prec, pree, pref, pret, race, raft, rape, rapt, rate, rcpt, reap, rect, reef, reet, reft, rept, rete, tace, tape, tare, tarp, teap, tear, teca, teer, tepa, tepe, tera, terf, terp, trac, trap, tree

3 Letter Words for Praefect

ace, act, aer, afp, aft, apc, ape, apr, apt, arc, are, arf, art, ate, atp, caf, cap, car, cat, cee, cep, cer, cpa, cpr, cpt, crt, cte, ctf, ctr, ear, eat, ect, eec, eer, eft, epa, era, ere, erf, ert, eta, etc, fac, fap, far, fat, fcp, fec, fee, fer, fet, fra, frt, ftp, pac, par, pat, pcf, pct, pea, pec, pee, per, pet, pfc, prc, pre, prf, pta, pte, raf, rap, rat, rct, rea, rec, ree, ref, rep, rpt, rte, tap, tar, tcp, tea, tec, tee, tef, ter, tfr, tra, trf, trp

Definitions for Praefect

[1] prefect.
[2] a person appointed to any of various positions of command, authority, or superintendence, as a chief magistrate in ancient Rome or the chief administrative official of a department of France or Italy.
[3] Roman Catholic Church . the dean of a Jesuit school or college. a cardinal in charge of a congregation in the Curia Romana.
[4] Chiefly British . a praeposter.
[5] a variant spelling of prefect (def. 4), prefect (def. 5), prefect (def. 6), prefect (def. 7)
[6] (in France, Italy, etc) the chief administrative officer in a department
[7] (in France, etc) the head of a police force
[8] British a schoolchild appointed to a position of limited power over his fellows
[9] (in ancient Rome) any of several magistrates or military commanders
[10] Also called: prefect apostolic RC Church an official having jurisdiction over a missionary district that has no ordinary
[11] RC Church one of two senior masters in a Jesuit school or college (the prefect of studies and the prefect of discipline or first prefect )
[12] RC Church a cardinal in charge of a congregation of the Curia

Words nearby Praefect

prado, museo del, prae-, praecipe, praecipitatio, praedial, praefect, praelect, praemunire, praeneste, praenestine, praenomen

Origin of Praefect

efect1300–50; Middle English < Latin praefectus overseer, director (noun use of past participle of praeficere to make prior, i.e., put in charge), equivalent to prae- pre- + -fectus (combining form of factus, past participle of facere to make, do1); see fact

Words that may be confused with Praefect

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, prefectperfect, prefect, (see, usage, note, at, perfect)

Other words from Praefect

sub·pre·fect , noun
un·der·pre·fect , noun

Word origin for Praefect

efectC14: from Latin praefectus one put in charge, from praeficere to place in authority over, from prae before + facere to do, make