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Showing words for PRANK using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Prank
4 Letter Words for Prank
3 Letter Words for Prank
Definitions for Prank
[1] a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature.
[2] to dress or adorn in an ostentatious manner: They were all pranked out in their fanciest clothes.
[3] to make an ostentatious show or display.
[4] a mischievous trick or joke, esp one in which something is done rather than said
[5] (tr) to dress or decorate showily or gaudily
[6] (intr) to make an ostentatious display
Words related to Prank
horseplay, trick, lark, antic, gag, spoof, rollick, fancy, whim, sport, rib, levity, caper, tomfoolery, frolic, play, hotfoot, lightness, shine, fooling
Words nearby Prank
prandial, prandtl, prandtl number, prang, pranidhana, prank, prankish, prankster, pranky, prao, prasad
Origin of Prank
21540–50; akin to Dutch pronken to show off, strut, pronk show, finery, Middle Low German prank pomp
Other words from Prank
un·pranked , adjective
Word origin for Prank
C16: from Middle Dutch pronken; related to German Prunk splendour, prangen to be in full splendour
Synonyms for Prank
antic, gag, high jinks, horseplay, lark, spoof, trick, caper, caprice, escapade, fancy, fooling, frolic, gambol, hotfoot, levity, lightness, play, put-on, rib, rollick, roughhouse, roughhousing, rowdiness, shenanigans, shine, skylarking, sport, tomfoolery, whim, monkeyshines