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Showing words for PRATING using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Prating
6 Letter Words for Prating
5 Letter Words for Prating
4 Letter Words for Prating
3 Letter Words for Prating
Definitions for Prating
[1] to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble: They prated on until I was ready to scream.
[2] to utter in empty or foolish talk: to prate absurdities with the greatest seriousness.
[3] act of prating.
[4] empty or foolish talk.
[5] (intr) to talk idly and at length; chatter
[6] (tr) to utter in an idle or empty way
[7] idle or trivial talk; prattle; chatter
Words related to Prating
prateclash, boast, jabber, gabble, clatter, drivel, brag, chat, utter, prattle, tongue, blab, chatter, gab, talk, yack
Words nearby Prating
prateprasad, prase, praseodymium, prat, pratchett, prate, pratfall, pratincole, pratincolous, pratique, prato
Origin of Prating
e1375–1425; late Middle English praten (v.) < Middle Dutch praeten. See prattle
Other words from Prating
prat·er , noun
prat·ing·ly , adverb
un·prat·ing , adjective
Word origin for Prating
eC15: of Germanic origin; compare Middle Dutch prāten, Icelandic and Norwegian prata, Danish prate
Synonyms for Prating
blab, boast, brag, chat, chatter, clash, clatter, drivel, gab, gabble, jabber, prattle, talk, tongue, utter, yack, prattle. talk, runon