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Showing words for PREEMPT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Preempt
6 Letter Words for Preempt
5 Letter Words for Preempt
4 Letter Words for Preempt
3 Letter Words for Preempt
Definitions for Preempt
[1] to occupy (land) in order to establish a prior right to buy.
[2] to acquire or appropriate before someone else; take for oneself; arrogate: a political issue preempted by the opposition party.
[3] to take the place of because of priorities, reconsideration, rescheduling, etc.; supplant: The special newscast preempted the usual television program.
[4] Bridge . to make a preemptive bid.
[5] to forestall or prevent (something anticipated) by acting first; preclude; head off: an effort to preempt inflation.
[6] Bridge . a preemptive bid.
Words related to Preempt
confiscate, acquire, expropriate, seize, assume, arrogate, anticipate, commandeer, appropriate, obtain, bump, sequester, take, usurp, annex, accroach
Words nearby Preempt
preemie, preeminence, preeminent, preemphasis, preemployment, preempt, preemption, preemptive, preemptive right, preemptive strike, preen
Origin of Preempt
1840–50, Americanism ; back formation from preemption
Other words from Preempt
pre·emp·ti·ble , adjective
pre·emp·tor [pree-emp -tawr, -ter] /priˈɛmp tɔr, -tər/ , noun
pre·emp·to·ry [pree-emp -tuh -ree] /priˈɛmp tə ri/ , adjective
un·pre·empt·ed , adjective
Synonyms for Preempt
acquire, annex, anticipate, appropriate, arrogate, assume, bump, commandeer, confiscate, expropriate, obtain, seize, sequester, take, usurp, accroach