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Showing words for PRESENTED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Presented

presented, pretensed, repetends, serpented

8 Letter Words for Presented

estreped, pestered, petersen, preteens, pretends, pretense, renested, repented, repetend, resented, terpenes

7 Letter Words for Presented

deepens, deepest, depeter, deprest, deseret, despert, ensteep, entered, entrees, estrepe, needers, penster, petered, preened, prented, preseen, present, prested, preteen, pretend, reested, repents, resteep, retenes, serened, serpent, sneered, speeder, speered, spender, steened, steeped, steepen, steeper, steered, sterned, strepen, teeners, tenders, tendres, terpene

6 Letter Words for Presented

deener, deepen, deeper, denets, denser, denter, dentes, desert, deters, endere, enders, ensete, enters, entree, entrep, ernest, eterne, needer, neesed, nepers, nested, nester, peened, peered, penest, pensee, perten, pester, peters, petres, preens, prents, presee, preset, reeden, reedes, rented, rentee, rentes, repent, reseed, reseen, resend, resene, resent, rested, restep, retene, sedent, seeder, seeped, sendee, sender, sented, serene, spreed, sprent, streen, streep, strene, teends, teened, teener, teenes, teered, tender, tendre, tensed, tenser, tepees, terned, ternes, terpen, treens, trends

5 Letter Words for Presented

deens, deeps, deere, deets, denes, denet, dense, dents, deres, derns, deter, dreep, drees, drent, drest, eeten, ender, enets, enter, entre, epees, erept, erned, ernes, esere, ester, estre, etens, needs, neeps, neese, neper, nerds, nerts, neter, netes, pedee, pedes, peens, peers, peert, pends, pened, pense, pents, peres, perns, perse, perst, perts, peste, peter, petre, preed, preen, prees, prent, psend, redes, reede, reeds, reens, reese, reest, rends, renet, rente, rents, repen, resee, reset, retes, seder, sente, sered, sneed, sneer, snerp, speed, speen, speer, spend, spent, spete, spred, spree, spret, stede, steed, steen, steep, steer, stend, stere, stern, strep, teend, teene, teens, teers, tends, tenes, tense, tepee, terne, terns, terse, treed, treen, trees, trend, tsere

4 Letter Words for Presented

deen, deep, deer, dees, deet, dene, dens, dent, depe, depr, dept, dere, dern, detn, dree, eden, ende, ends, ened, enes, ense, entr, epee, ered, eres, erne, erns, erse, erst, esne, eten, neds, need, neep, neer, neet, neps, nerd, nese, nest, nete, nets, peds, peed, peen, peer, pees, pend, pene, pens, pent, pere, pern, pers, pert, pest, pete, pets, pred, pree, pres, pret, ptsd, rede, reds, reed, reen, rees, reet, rend, rent, reps, rept, resp, rest, retd, rete, rets, seed, seen, seep, seer, send, sene, sent, sepd, sepn, sept, sere, sert, sned, snee, sped, spet, sted, sten, step, ster, stre, teds, teed, teen, teer, tees, tend, tene, tens, tepe, tern, terp, tree, tres

3 Letter Words for Presented

dee, den, dep, der, des, det, dpt, dsp, dsr, edp, eds, een, eer, end, ene, ens, erd, ere, ern, ers, ert, esd, ese, esp, esr, est, ned, nee, nep, net, pdn, ped, pee, pen, per, pes, pet, pre, prn, prs, pst, pte, pts, red, ree, rep, res, rnd, rps, rpt, rte, sed, see, sen, sep, ser, set, spt, std, str, tdr, ted, tee, ten, ter, tes, tpd, tps, trp, trs, tsp

Definitions for Presented

[1] to furnish or endow with a gift or the like, especially by formal act: to present someone with a gold watch.
[2] to bring, offer, or give, often in a formal or ceremonious way: to present one's card.
[3] afford or furnish (an opportunity, possibility, etc.).
[4] to hand over or submit, as a bill or a check, for payment: The waiter presented our bill for lunch.
[5] to introduce (a person) to another, especially in a formal manner: Mrs. Smith, may I present Mr. Jones?
[6] to bring before or introduce to the public: to present a new play.
[7] to come to show (oneself) before a person, at a place, etc.
[8] to show or exhibit: This theater will present films on a larger screen.
[9] to bring forth or render for or before another or others; offer for consideration: to present an alternative plan.
[10] to set forth in words; frame or articulate: to present arguments.
[11] to represent, impersonate, or act, as on the stage.
[12] to direct, point, or turn (something) to something or someone: He presented his back to the audience.
[13] to level or aim (a weapon, especially a firearm).
[14] Law . to bring against, as a formal charge against a person. to bring formally to the notice of the proper authority, as an offense.
[15] British Ecclesiastical . to offer or recommend (a member of the clergy) to the bishop for institution to a benefice.
[16] Medicine/Medical . (of a fetus) to be visible at the cervix during labor: In a normal delivery, the baby’s head presents first. (of a medical condition) to be evident from the presence of certain symptoms: Depression often presents with disturbed sleep or appetite. (of a patient) to have a certain symptom or medical condition, especially as reported during a medical examination: A 22-year-old man presents with shortness of breath.
[17] a thing presented as a gift; gift: Christmas presents.
[18] (prenominal) in existence at the moment in time at which an utterance is spoken or written
[19] (postpositive) being in a specified place, thing, etc the murderer is present in this room
[20] (prenominal) now in consideration or under discussion the present topic ; the present author
[21] grammar denoting a tense of verbs used when the action or event described is occurring at the time of utterance or when the speaker does not wish to make any explicit temporal reference
[22] archaic readily available; instant present help is at hand
[23] archaic mentally alert; attentive
[24] the present the time being; now
[25] grammar the present tense a verb in this tense
[26] at present at the moment; now
[27] for the present for the time being; temporarily
[28] to introduce (a person) to another, esp to someone of higher rank
[29] to introduce to the public to present a play
[30] to introduce and compere (a radio or television show)
[31] to show; exhibit he presented a brave face to the world
[32] to put forward; submit she presented a proposal for a new book
[33] to bring or suggest to the mind to present a problem
[34] to give or award to present a prize
[35] to endow with or as if with a gift or award to present a university with a foundation scholarship
[36] to offer formally to present one's compliments
[37] to offer or hand over for action or settlement to present a bill
[38] to represent or depict in a particular manner the actor presented Hamlet as a very young man
[39] to salute someone with (one's weapon) (usually in the phrase present arms )
[40] to aim or point (a weapon)
[41] to nominate (a clergyman) to a bishop for institution to a benefice in his diocese
[42] to lay (a charge, etc) before a court, magistrate, etc, for consideration or trial
[43] to bring a formal charge or accusation against (a person); indict
[44] mainly US (of a grand jury) to take notice of (an offence) from personal knowledge or observation, before any bill of indictment has been drawn up
[45] (intr) med to seek treatment for a particular symptom or problem she presented with postnatal depression
[46] (intr) informal to produce a favourable, etc impression she presents well in public ; he presents as harmless but has poisoned his family
[47] present oneself to appear, esp at a specific time and place
[48] anything that is presented; a gift
[49] make someone a present of something to give someone something I'll make you a present of a new car

Words related to Presented

presentgiven, granted, conferred

Words nearby Presented

presentpresence chamber, presence of mind, presenile, presenile dementia, presenility, present, present arms, present participle, present perfect, present progressive, present value

Origin of Presented

21175–1225; (noun) Middle English < Old French, orig. in phrase en present in presence (see present1); (v.) Middle English presenten < Old French presenter < Medieval Latin praesentāre to give, show, present for approval, Latin: to exhibit (to the mind or senses), derivative of praesēns present1

Other words from Presented

self-pre·sent·ed , adjective
un·pre·sent·ed , adjective

Word origin for Presented

C13: from Old French presenter, from Latin praesentāre to exhibit, offer, from praesens present 1

Synonyms for Presented

conferred, given, granted