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Showing words for PRIM using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Prim
3 Letter Words for Prim
Definitions for Prim
[1] formally precise or proper, as persons or behavior; stiffly neat.
[2] to draw up the mouth in an affectedly nice or precise way.
[3] to make prim, as in appearance.
[4] to draw (one's face, lips, etc.) into a prim expression.
[5] privet.
[6] primary.
[7] primitive.
[8] affectedly proper, precise, or formal
[9] (tr) to make prim
[10] to purse (the mouth) primly or (of the mouth) to be so pursed
Words related to Prim
demure, spruce, tidy, correct, uncluttered, Victorian, ceremonial, ceremonious, choosy, cleanly, conventional, dapper, decorous, fastidious, formal, genteel, good, goody-goody, nice, orderly
Words nearby Prim
priggery, priggism, prigogine, prill, prilosec, prim, prim., prima ballerina, prima donna, prima facie, prima facie case
Origin of Prim
2First recorded in 1565–75; shortening of earlier primprint privet < ?
Other words from Prim
prim·ly , adverb
prim·ness , noun
un·primmed , adjective
Word origin for Prim
C18: of unknown origin
Synonyms for Prim
demure, correct, spruce, stickling, tidy, uncluttered, Victorian, blue-nose, ceremonial, ceremonious, choosy, cleanly, conventional, dapper, decorous, fastidious, formal, genteel, good, goody-goody, nice, nit-picking, orderly, overmodest, polite, precise, priggish, prissy, proper, prudish, puritanical, rigid, shipshape, spic-and-span, stiff, straight, strait-laced, stuffy, upright, well-groomed, wooden