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Showing words for PRIVATE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Private
6 Letter Words for Private
5 Letter Words for Private
4 Letter Words for Private
3 Letter Words for Private
Definitions for Private
[1] belonging to some particular person: private property.
[2] pertaining to or affecting a particular person or a small group of persons; individual; personal: for your private satisfaction.
[3] confined to or intended only for the persons immediately concerned; confidential: a private meeting.
[4] personal and not publicly expressed: one's private feelings.
[5] not holding public office or employment: private citizens.
[6] not of an official or public character; unrelated to one's official job or position: a former senator who has returned to private life; a college president speaking in his private capacity as a legal expert.
[7] removed from or out of public view or knowledge; secret: private papers.
[8] not open or accessible to the general public: a private beach.
[9] undertaken individually or personally: private research.
[10] without the presence of others; alone: Let's go into another room where we can be private.
[11] solitary; secluded: He wants to meet us in a more private place.
[12] preferring privacy; retiring: a very private person.
[13] intimate; most personal: private behavior.
[14] of, having, or receiving special hospital facilities, privileges, and services, especially a room of one's own and liberal visiting hours: a private room; a private patient.
[15] of lowest military rank.
[16] of, relating to, or coming from nongovernmental sources: private funding.
[17] a soldier of one of the three lowest enlisted ranks.
[18] privates. private parts.
[19] in private , not publicly; secretly: The hearing will be conducted in private.
[20] not widely or publicly known they had private reasons for the decision
[21] confidential; secret a private conversation
[22] not for general or public use a private bathroom
[23] (prenominal) individual; special my own private recipe
[24] (prenominal) having no public office, rank, etc a private man
[25] (prenominal) denoting a soldier of the lowest military rank a private soldier
[26] of, relating to, or provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body the private sector ; private housing
[27] (of a place) retired; sequestered; not overlooked
[28] (of a person) reserved; uncommunicative
[29] in private in secret; confidentially
[30] a soldier of the lowest rank, sometimes separated into qualification grades, in many armies and marine corps private first class
Words related to Private
independent, confidential, separate, secret, individual, exclusive, special, secluded, quiet, soldier, inside, privy, closet, particular, solitary, sailor, infantry, GI, clandestine, discreet
Words nearby Private
priv., priv. pr., privacy, privacy, right of, privatdocent, private, private bar, private bill, private brand, private company, private detective
Origin of Private
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin prīvātus private, literally, taken away (from public affairs), special use of past participle of prīvāre to rob. See deprive, -ate1
Other words from Private
pri·vate·ly , adverb
pri·vate·ness , noun
qua·si-pri·vate , adjective
qua·si-pri·vate·ly , adverb
un·pri·vate , adjective
un·pri·vate·ly , adverb
un·pri·vate·ness , noun
Word origin for Private
C14: from Latin prīvātus belonging to one individual, withdrawn from public life, from prīvāre to deprive, bereave
Synonyms for Private
confidential, exclusive, independent, individual, secret, separate, special, closet, inside, particular, privy, behind the scenes, clandestine, close to one's chest, discreet, hush-hush, hushed, nonpublic, not open, off the record, own, reserved, under one's hat, unofficial