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Showing words for PRIZE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Prize
4 Letter Words for Prize
3 Letter Words for Prize
Definitions for Prize
[1] a reward for victory or superiority, as in a contest or competition.
[2] something that is won in a lottery or the like.
[3] anything striven for, worth striving for, or much valued.
[4] something seized or captured, especially an enemy's ship and cargo captured at sea in wartime.
[5] the act of taking or capturing, especially a ship at sea.
[6] Archaic . a contest or match.
[7] having won a prize: a prize bull; a prize play.
[8] worthy of a prize.
[9] given or awarded as a prize.
[10] to value or esteem highly.
[11] to estimate the worth or value of.
[12] pry2.
[13] leverage.
[14] a lever.
[15] a reward or honour for victory or for having won a contest, competition, etc (as modifier ) prize jockey ; prize essay
[16] something given to the winner of any game of chance, lottery, etc
[17] something striven for
[18] any valuable property captured in time of war, esp a vessel
[19] (tr) to esteem greatly; value highly
[20] a variant spelling of prise
Words related to Prize
topnotch, outstanding, trophy, jackpot, crown, championship, advantage, gold, title, bonus, payoff, citation, purse, windfall, accolade, bounty, dividend, reward, medal, honor
Words nearby Prize
privy council, privy purse, privy seal, prix fixe, prix goncourt, prize, prize court, prize flag, prize money, prize ring, prizefight
Origin of Prize
31350–1400; Middle English prise < Middle French: a hold, grasp < Latin pre(hē)nsa. See prize1
Word origin for Prize
C15 prise, from Old French preisier to praise
Synonyms for Prize
outstanding, topnotch, champion, choice, cream, elite, fat, pick, prime, top, winning, award-winning, first-class, first-rate