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Showing words for PROCTOR using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Proctor
6 Letter Words for Proctor
5 Letter Words for Proctor
4 Letter Words for Proctor
3 Letter Words for Proctor
Definitions for Proctor
[1] a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations.
[2] an official charged with various duties, especially with the maintenance of good order.
[3] to supervise or monitor.
[4] a member of the teaching staff of any of certain universities having the duties of enforcing discipline
[5] US (in a college or university) a supervisor or monitor who invigilates examinations, enforces discipline, etc
[6] (formerly) an agent, esp one engaged to conduct another's case in a court
[7] (formerly) an agent employed to collect tithes
[8] Church of England one of the elected representatives of the clergy in Convocation and the General Synod
[9] (tr) US to invigilate (an examination)
Words related to Proctor
delegate, supervisor, minister, agent, representative, supervise, monitor
Words nearby Proctor
proctoparalysis, proctopexy, proctoplasty, proctoplegia, proctoptosia, proctor, proctorrhaphy, proctorrhea, proctoscope, proctoscopy, proctosigmoidectomy
Origin of Proctor
1350–1400; Middle English; contracted variant of procurator
Other words from Proctor
proc·to·ri·al [prok-tawr -ee-uh l, -tohr -] /prɒkˈtɔr i əl, -ˈtoʊr-/ , adjective
proc·to·ri·al·ly , adverb
proc·tor·ship , noun
sub·proc·tor , noun
sub·proc·to·ri·al , adjective
sub·proc·tor·ship , noun
un·proc·tored , adjective
Word origin for Proctor
C14: syncopated variant of procurator