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Showing words for PROGRAMMED using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Programmed
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8 Letter Words for Programmed
7 Letter Words for Programmed
6 Letter Words for Programmed
5 Letter Words for Programmed
4 Letter Words for Programmed
3 Letter Words for Programmed
Definitions for Programmed
[1] a plan of action to accomplish a specified end: a school lunch program.
[2] a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed.
[3] a broadcasted television or radio production or similar Internet-based content produced for distribution.
[4] a list of items, pieces, performers, etc., in a musical, theatrical, or other entertainment.
[5] an entertainment with reference to its pieces or numbers: a program of American and French music.
[6] a planned, coordinated group of activities, procedures, etc., often for a specific purpose, or a facility offering such a series of activities: a drug rehabilitation program; a graduate program in linguistics.
[7] a prospectus or syllabus: a program of courses being offered.
[8] Also called computer program . Digital Technology . a precise sequence of instructions enabling a computer to perform a task; a piece of software.
[9] to schedule as part of a program.
[10] Digital Technology . to write code for (a computer program or application).
[11] to insert or encode specific operating instructions into (a machine or apparatus): We'll program the bells to ring at ten-minute intervals.
[12] to insert (instructions) into a machine or apparatus: An automatic release has been programmed into the lock as a safety feature.
[13] to cause to absorb or incorporate automatic responses, attitudes, or the like; condition: Our parents programmed us to respect our elders.
[14] to set, regulate, or modify so as to produce a specific response or reaction: Program your eating habits to eliminate sweets.
[15] to plan or write a program.
[16] Digital Technology . to write computer code.
[17] a sequence of coded instructions fed into a computer, enabling it to perform specified logical and arithmetical operations on data
[18] (tr) to feed a program into (a computer)
[19] (tr) to arrange (data) into a suitable form so that it can be processed by a computer
[20] (intr) to write a program
Words related to Programmed
programregister, compute, prioritize, feed, set, figure, process, design, poll, calculate, itemize, book, draft, schedule, slate, formulate, estimate, arrange, engage, edit
Words nearby Programmed
programprognostic chart, prognosticate, prognostication, progradation, prograde, program, program director, program generator, program music, program picture, program statement
Origin of Programmed
1625–35; < Late Latin programma < Greek prógramma “public notice in writing.” See pro-2, -gram1
Words that may be confused with Programmed
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, programpogrom, program
Other words from Programmed
re·pro·gram , verb (used with object), re·pro·grammed or re·pro·gramed, re·pro·gram·ming or re·pro·gram·ing.
un·pro·grammed , adjective
Synonyms for Programmed
compute, prioritize, register, set up, arrange, bill, book, budget, calculate, compile, design, draft, edit, engage, enter, estimate, feed, figure, formulate, itemize, list, poll, prearrange, process, schedule, set, slate, get on line, lay on, lay out, line up, map out, pencil in, work out