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Showing words for PROHIBITORY using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Prohibitory


10 Letter Words for Prohibitory


8 Letter Words for Prohibitory

biotroph, priority, prohibit

7 Letter Words for Prohibitory

biophor, bothroi, hyporit, probity, robotry

6 Letter Words for Prohibitory

birthy, borith, bority, brothy, orbity, piroot, pithoi, portio, potboy, priori, priory, probit, pyrobi, riotry, roopit, torpor, trophi, trophy

5 Letter Words for Prohibitory

bhoot, birri, birth, bohor, boort, booth, booty, borty, bothy, botry, brith, broth, byrri, hooty, horry, obiit, oobit, ophir, orbit, oribi, orpit, ortho, phoby, photo, pirot, pithy, poboy, poori, poort, pooty, porry, porto, porty, prior, proto, robot, rohob, roopy, rooti, rooty, rorty, rotor, thoro, thorp, thrip, throb, tophi, topoi, torii, trior, tripy, troop, yirth

4 Letter Words for Prohibitory

bhoy, biri, biro, birr, birt, biti, bito, boho, booh, boor, boot, borh, bori, boro, bort, both, boti, boto, boyo, brio, brit, broo, brot, btry, byth, hipt, hiro, hobo, hoit, hoop, hoot, hopi, hort, hory, hoti, hypo, hypt, obit, ohio, ohoy, oory, orby, orth, phit, phoo, phot, pioy, pirr, pith, pity, pooh, poor, poot, porr, port, pory, poti, prio, prob, proo, pyot, pyro, riot, ript, roit, roop, root, ropy, rort, rory, roti, roto, royt, ryot, thio, thir, thob, thoo, thor, thro, tirr, toby, toho, toop, toph, topi, topo, tori, toro, torr, toyo, trib, trio, trip, trop, troy, tryp, typo, tyro, tyrr, yirr, yobi, yobo, yoho, yoop

3 Letter Words for Prohibitory

bhp, bio, bit, boh, boo, bop, bor, bot, boy, bpi, bpt, bro, brr, byp, hip, hir, hit, hob, hoi, hoo, hop, hor, hot, hoy, hyp, ihi, ihp, iph, ipo, ipr, iyo, obi, obo, oho, oii, ooh, oop, oor, oot, opt, orb, ort, ory, oto, phi, pho, phr, pht, pir, pit, pob, poh, poi, poo, por, pot, poy, pro, pry, pty, pyr, rbi, rhb, rho, rhy, rib, rio, rip, rit, rob, roi, roo, rot, rpt, rti, thb, tho, thy, tib, tip, tob, toi, too, top, tor, toy, tph, tpi, tri, trp, try, typ, tyr, yip, yob, yoi, yor, yot

Definitions for Prohibitory

[1] prohibitive.

Words related to Prohibitory

antagonistic, confining, opposed, prohibitive

Words nearby Prohibitory

prohibit, prohibition, prohibition party, prohibitionist, prohibitive, prohibitory, prohormone, proinsulin, project, project note, projected window

Origin of Prohibitory

First recorded in 1585–95, prohibitory is from the Latin word prohibitōrius restraining. See prohibit, -tory1

Words that may be confused with Prohibitory

prohibitive, prohibitory

Other words from Prohibitory

pro·hib·i·to·ri·ly , adverb
non·pro·hib·i·to·ri·ly , adverb
non·pro·hib·i·to·ry , adjective

Synonyms for Prohibitory

antagonistic, confining, opposed, prohibitive